[ { "title": "Late Junction", "details": "BBC, 2019", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-21 08_Late Junction_2019 - Meredith Monk v2 BBC" }, { "title": "Speaking of Music", "details": "Meredith Monk, 1984 Part 1 of 2", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-22 02_Speaking of Music Meredith Monk 1984 Part 1 of 2" }, { "title": "Speaking of Music", "details": "Meredith Monk, 1984 Part 2 of 2", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-23 03_Speaking of Music_ Meredith Monk 1984 Part 2 of 2" }, { "title": "Interview with I Frechl-Bayn Rundfunk", "details": "1986", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-24 04 Meredith Monk Interview with I Ferchl_Bayn Rundfunk 1986" }, { "title": "Terry Gross Interview", "details": "1987", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-25 05 Terry Gross interview_1987" }, { "title": "Interview with David Garland", "details": "WNYC, Sacred Sundays, 2008", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-26 06 WNYC Interview w_ David Garland_SacredSundays_2008" }, { "title": "Frosty McNeil and Meredith Monk", "details": "Fireside Chat, Red Bull Radio", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-27 07_Red Bull Radio_Fireside Chat_M frosty McNeil and MM_41119" }, { "title": "Late Junction", "details": "BBC, 2019", "parent_dir": "documentaries_interviews_audio", "media": "-28 08_Late Junction_2019 - Meredith Monk v2 BBC" } ]