<p>Post Toast is an electronic duo currently playing a live meld of hypnotic improvised electronica, techno, hip-hop neo-classical music and down-tempo dystopian futurism. Meeting during our Master's studies Ryan Cherewaty and I found intersecting interests in musical tastes and instrumentation and decided to join forces in our living room.</p>
<p>This side project extends my methodology of improvisation in and with software, forcing me further to break from my musical academic training and aesthetics. Post Toast is a moment where I experiment with my ideologies outside of an art music/performance realm. It has since developed from a casual hobby to a formative part of my improvised, software performance practice.</p>
<iframestyle="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 621px;"src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=2317484970/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=333333/transparent=true/"seamless><ahref="http://posttoast.bandcamp.com/album/fomo-radio-live-set-021318">fomo radio live set 02.13.18 by PostToast</a></iframe>
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