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2019-12-02 12:22:45 +00:00
Removes comments from JSON/JavaScript, CSS/HTML, CPP/H, etc.
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## Installing
$ npm install decomment
## Testing
$ npm test
Testing with coverage:
$ npm run coverage
## Usage
var decomment = require('decomment');
var code = 'var t; // comments';
decomment(code); //=> var t;
For build systems / task runners see [gulp-decomment] and [grunt-decomment].
## Features
* Removes both single and multi-line comments from JSON, JavaScript and CSS/Text
* Automatically recognizes HTML and removes all `<!-- comments -->` from it
* Does not change layout / formatting of the original document
* Removes lines that have only comments on them
* Compatible with CSS3, JSON5 and ECMAScript 6
The library does not support mixed content - HTML with JavaScript or CSS in it.
Once the input code is recognized as HTML, only the HTML comments will be removed from it.
## Performance
For JSON and JavaScript this library uses [esprima] to guarantee correct processing for regular expressions.
As an example, it can process [AngularJS 1.5 Core](
in under 100ms, which is 1.1MB ~ 30,000 lines of JavaScript.
## API
### decomment(code, [options]) ⇒ String
This method first checks if the code starts with `<`, as an HTML, and if so, all `<!-- comment -->` entries
are removed, according to the `options`.
When the `code` is not recognized as HTML, it is assumed to be either JSON or JavaScript. It is then parsed
through [esprima] for ECMAScript 6 compliance, and to extract details about regular expressions.
If [esprima] fails to validate the code, it will throw a parsing error. When successful, this method will remove
`//` and `/**/` comments according to the `options` (see below).
##### ⇒ Boolean
* `false (default)` - remove all multi-line comments
* `true` - keep special multi-line comments that begin with:
- `<!--[if` - for conditional comments in HTML
- `/*!` - for everything else (other than HTML)
var decomment = require('decomment');
var code = '/*! special */ var a; /* normal */';
decomment(code); //=> var a;
decomment(code, {safe: true}); //=> /*! special */ var a;
##### options.ignore ⇒ RegExp | [RegExp,...]
Takes either a single or an array of regular expressions to match against.
All matching blocks are then skipped, as well as any comment-like content inside them.
* CSS may contain Base64-encoded strings with comment-like symbols:
src: url(data:font/woff;base64,d09GRg//ABAAAAAAZ)
You can isolate all `url(*)` blocks by using:
{ignore: /url\([\w\s:\/=\-\+;,]*\)/g}
* If you want to isolate jsDoc blocks (start with `/**`, followed by a line break, end with `*/`),
you can use the following:
{ignore: /\/\*\*\s*\n([^\*]|(\*(?!\/)))*\*\//g}
##### ⇒ Boolean
* `false (default)` - remove comment blocks entirely
* `true` - replace comment blocks with white spaces where needed, in order to preserve
the original line + column position of every code element.
var decomment = require('decomment');
var code = 'var a/*text*/, b';
decomment(code); //=> var a, b
decomment(code, {space: true}); //=> var a , b
NOTE: When this option is enabled, option `trim` is ignored.
##### options.trim ⇒ Boolean
* `false (default)` - do not trim comments
* `true` - remove empty lines that follow removed full-line comments
var decomment = require('decomment');
var code = '/* comment */\r\n\r\n var test = 123';
decomment(code); //=> \r\n var test = 123
decomment(code, {trim: true}); //=> var test = 123
NOTE: This option has no effect when option `space` is enabled.
### decomment.text(text, [options]) ⇒ String
Unlike the default **decomment**, it instructs the library that `text` is not a JSON,
JavaScript or HTML, rather a plain text that needs no parsing or validation,
only to remove `//` and `/**/` comments from it according to the `options`.
This method is good for any text file that uses syntax `//` and `/**/` for comments,
such as: `.CSS`, `.CPP`, `.H`, etc.
var decomment = require('decomment');
var text = '.my-class{color:Red;}// comments';
decomment.text(text); //=> .my-class{color:Red;}
Please note that while the same rules apply for the text blocks (`''`, `""` and \`\`),
you should not use this method for JSON or JavaScript, as it can break your regular expressions.
### decomment.html(html, [options]) ⇒ String
Unlike the default **decomment** method, it instructs the library not to parse
or validate the input in any way, rather assume it to be HTML, and remove all
`<!-- comment -->` entries from it according to the `options`.
### decomment.getEOL(text) ⇒ String
Returns End-of-Line string used within the `text`, based on the occurrence frequency:
* `\n` - for Unix-encoded text
* `\r\n` - for Windows-encoded text
When impossible to conclude (the same or 0 occurrence), it returns the default End-of-Line
for the current OS.
## License
Copyright © 2017 [Vitaly Tomilov](;
Released under the MIT license.