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2019-12-02 12:22:45 +00:00
# liquidjs
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This is a liquid implementation for both Node.js and browsers. Website: <>, Live Demo: <>
* Fully compatible to [shopify][shopify/liquid], with all [tags][tags] and [filters][filters] implemented
* Support layout(extend) and include syntax
* In pure JavaScript with Promise-based API
Though being compatible with [Ruby Liquid]( is one of our priorities, there're still certain differences. You may need some configuration to get it compatible in these senarios:
* Dynamic file locating (enabled by default), which means layout/partial name can be an variable in liquidjs. See [#51](
* Truthy and Falsy. All values except `undefined`, `null`, `false` are truthy, whereas in Ruby Liquid all except `nil` and `false` are truthy. See [#26](
* Number Rendering. Since JavaScript do not distinguish `float` and `integer`, we cannot either convert between them nor render regarding to their type. See [#59](
* [.to_liquid()]( has a `.toLiquid()` alias and and the JavaScript `.toString()` is aliased to `.to_s()`.
* [.to_s()]( uses `JSON.prototype.stringify` as default, rather than Ruby's inspect.
## TOC
* Usage
* [Render from String](#render-from-string)
* [Render from File](#render-from-file)
* [Use with Express.js](#use-with-expressjs)
* [Use in Browser](#use-in-browser)
* [Include Partials](#include-partials)
* [Layout Templates (Extends)](#layout-templates-extends)
* API Spec
* [Constructor Options](#options)
* [Register Filters](#register-filters), [Builtin Filters](
* [Register Tags](#register-tags), [Builtin Tags](
* [Operators](
* [Whitespace Control](
* [Contribute Guidelines](#contribute-guidelines)
## Render from String
Install as Node.js dependency:
# You'll need a promise-polyfill for Node.js < 4
npm install --save liquidjs
Parse and Render:
var Liquid = require('liquidjs');
var engine = Liquid();
.parseAndRender('{{name | capitalize}}', {name: 'alice'})
// outputs 'Alice'
Caching templates:
var tpl = engine.parse('{{name | capitalize}}');
.render(tpl, {name: 'alice'})
// outputs 'Alice'
## Render from File
var engine = Liquid({
root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'views/'), // dirs to lookup layouts/includes
extname: '.liquid' // the extname used for layouts/includes, defaults ""
engine.renderFile("hello.liquid", {name: 'alice'})
.then(console.log) // outputs "Alice"
// which is equivalent to:
.renderFile("hello", {name: 'alice'})
.then(console.log) // outputs "Alice"
## Use with Express.js
// register liquid engine
app.set('views', './views'); // specify the views directory
app.set('view engine', 'liquid'); // set to default
[Here](demo/express/)'s an Express demo. When used with Express.js,
Express [`views`][express-views] will be included when looking up
partials(includes and layouts).
## Use in Browser
You can get a dist file for browsers from
* [Releases][releases] page for liquidjs, or
* <>
Here's the demo:
* JSFiddle: <>
* Demo directory: [/demo/browser/](demo/browser/).
Note: For [IE and Android UC][caniuse-promises] browser, you will need a [Promise polyfill][pp].
## Include Partials
// file: color.liquid
color: '{{ color }}' shape: '{{ shape }}'
// file: theme.liquid
{% assign shape = 'circle' %}
{% include 'color' %}
{% include 'color' with 'red' %}
{% include 'color', color: 'yellow', shape: 'square' %}
The output will be:
color: '' shape: 'circle'
color: 'red' shape: 'circle'
color: 'yellow' shape: 'square'
## Layout Templates (Extends)
// file: default-layout.liquid
{% block content %}My default content{% endblock %}
// file: page.liquid
{% layout "default-layout" %}
{% block content %}My page content{% endblock %}
The output of `page.liquid`:
My page content
* It's possible to define multiple blocks.
* block name is optional when there's only one block.
## Options
The full list of options for `Liquid()` is listed as following:
* `root` is a directory or an array of directories to resolve layouts and includes, as well as the filename passed in when calling `.renderFile()`.
If an array, the files are looked up in the order they occur in the array.
Defaults to `["."]`
* `extname` is used to lookup the template file when filepath doesn't include an extension name. Eg: setting to `".html"` will allow including file by basename. Defaults to `""`.
* `cache` indicates whether or not to cache resolved templates. Defaults to `false`.
* `dynamicPartials`: if set, treat `<filepath>` parameter in `{%include filepath %}`, `{%layout filepath%}` as a variable, otherwise as a literal value. Defaults to `true`.
* `strict_filters` is used to enable strict filter existence. If set to `false`, undefined filters will be rendered as empty string. Otherwise, undefined filters will cause an exception. Defaults to `false`.
* `strict_variables` is used to enable strict variable derivation.
If set to `false`, undefined variables will be rendered as empty string.
Otherwise, undefined variables will cause an exception. Defaults to `false`.
* `trim_tag_right` is used to strip blank characters (including ` `, `\t`, and `\r`) from the right of tags (`{% %}`) until `\n` (inclusive). Defaults to `false`.
* `trim_tag_left` is similiar to `trim_tag_right`, whereas the `\n` is exclusive. Defaults to `false`. See [Whitespace Control][whitespace control] for details.
* `trim_value_right` is used to strip blank characters (including ` `, `\t`, and `\r`) from the right of values (`{{ }}`) until `\n` (inclusive). Defaults to `false`.
* `trim_value_left` is similiar to `trim_value_right`, whereas the `\n` is exclusive. Defaults to `false`. See [Whitespace Control][whitespace control] for details.
* `greedy` is used to specify whether `trim_left`/`trim_right` is greedy. When set to `true`, all consecutive blank characters including `\n` will be trimed regardless of line breaks. Defaults to `true`.
## Register Filters
// Usage: {{ name | uppper }}
engine.registerFilter('upper', v => v.toUpperCase())
Filter arguments will be passed to the registered filter function, for example:
// Usage: {{ 1 | add: 2, 3 }}
engine.registerFilter('add', (initial, arg1, arg2) => initial + arg1 + arg2)
See existing filter implementations here: <>
## Register Tags
// Usage: {% upper name%}
engine.registerTag('upper', {
parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) {
this.str = tagToken.args; // name
render: function(scope, hash) {
var str = Liquid.evalValue(this.str, scope); // 'alice'
return Promise.resolve(str.toUpperCase()); // 'Alice'
* `parse`: Read tokens from `remainTokens` until your end token.
* `render`: Combine scope data with your parsed tokens into HTML string.
See existing tag implementations here: <>
## Plugin API
A pack of tags or filters can be encapsulated into a **plugin**, which will be typically installed via npm.
// some-plugin.js
module.exports = function (Liquid) {
// here `this` refers to the engine instance
// `Liquid` provides facilities to implement tags and filters
this.registerFilter('foo', x => x);
Plugin List:
* To add your plugin, contact me or simply send a PR.
## Contribute Guidelines
This repo uses [eslint]( to check code style, [semantic-release]( to generate changelog and publish to npm and Github Releases.
* Code Style: <>, `npm run lint` to check locally.
* Commit Message: <>
[whitespace control]: