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2019-12-02 12:22:45 +00:00
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const detective = require('../');
describe('detective-es6', function() {
const ast = {
type: 'Program',
body: [{
type: 'VariableDeclaration',
declarations: [{
type: 'VariableDeclarator',
id: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'x'
init: {
type: 'Literal',
value: 4,
raw: '4'
kind: 'let'
it('accepts an ast', function() {
const deps = detective(ast);
it('retrieves the dependencies of es6 modules', function() {
const deps = detective('import {foo, bar} from "mylib";');
assert(deps.length === 1);
assert(deps[0] === 'mylib');
it('retrieves the re-export dependencies of es6 modules', function() {
const deps = detective('export {foo, bar} from "mylib";');
assert(deps.length === 1);
assert(deps[0] === 'mylib');
it('retrieves the re-export * dependencies of es6 modules', function() {
const deps = detective('export * from "mylib";');
assert(deps.length === 1);
assert(deps[0] === 'mylib');
it('handles multiple imports', function() {
const deps = detective('import {foo, bar} from "mylib";\nimport "mylib2"');
assert(deps.length === 2);
assert(deps[0] === 'mylib');
assert(deps[1] === 'mylib2');
it('handles default imports', function() {
const deps = detective('import foo from "foo";');
assert(deps.length === 1);
assert(deps[0] === 'foo');
it('handles dynamic imports', function() {
const deps = detective('import("foo").then(foo => foo());');
assert(deps.length === 1);
assert(deps[0] === 'foo');
it('returns an empty list for non-es6 modules', function() {
const deps = detective('var foo = require("foo");');
it('returns an empty list for empty files', function() {
const deps = detective('');
assert.equal(deps.length, 0);
it('throws when content is not provided', function() {
assert.throws(function() {
}, Error, 'src not given');
it('does not throw with jsx in a module', function() {
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
detective('import foo from \'foo\'; var templ = <jsx />;');
it('does not throw on an async ES7 function', function() {
assert.doesNotThrow(function() {
detective('import foo from \'foo\'; export default async function foo() {}');
it('respects settings for type imports', function() {
const source = 'import type {foo} from "mylib";';
const depsWithTypes = detective(source);
const depsWithoutTypes = detective(source, {skipTypeImports: true});
assert.deepEqual(depsWithTypes, ['mylib']);
assert.deepEqual(depsWithoutTypes, []);