# Beta Release Procedure 1. update minor dependencies in package.json? 1. npmclean 1. npm audit 1. Update version in `package.json`, include `-beta.1` suffix 1. Run `npm run coverage` 1. Check it all in and commit 1. Tag new version 1. `npm publish --access=public --tag=beta` # Release Procedure 1. update minor dependencies in package.json? `npm outdated` `npm update --save` 1. npmclean first 1. npm audit 1. Update version in `package.json` 1. Run `npm run coverage` 1. Check it all in and commit 1. Tag new version 1. `npm publish --access=public` ## If branch docs do not exist 1. Check in a new `11ty.io` site with updated `package.json` version. 2. Add version to 11ty.io `versions.json` 3. Create a new branch for branched version 4. Go to https://app.netlify.com/sites/11ty/settings/domain and set up a subdomain for it. ### Always: 1. Check out the previous version git branch and add `outdated: true` to `_data/config.json` and commit/push. 2. Update `eleventy-base-blog`? ## If Branch docs already exist, 11ty.io (unlikely, I don’t do this any more) 1. Check to make sure `"prerelease": false` in `_data/config.json` 2. Check to make sure `"prerelease": true` does not exist in current version in `_data/versions.json` 3. Merge branch to master.