import test from "ava"; import TemplateRender from "../src/TemplateRender"; // ES6 test("ES6 Template Literal", t => { TemplateRender("jstl").getEngineName(), "jstl"); }); test("ES6 Template Literal Render (Backticks)", async t => { // pass in a string here, we don’t want to compile the template in the test :O let fn = await new TemplateRender("jstl").getCompiledTemplate( "`


`" ); fn({ name: "Tim" }), "


"); }); test("ES6 Template Literal Render (No backticks)", async t => { // pass in a string here, we don’t want to compile the template in the test :O let fn = await new TemplateRender("jstl").getCompiledTemplate( "


" ); fn({ name: "Tim" }), "


"); }); test("ES6 Template Literal with newlines", async t => { // pass in a string here, we don’t want to compile the template in the test :O let fn = await new TemplateRender("jstl").getCompiledTemplate( "Test\n\nMarkdown Syntax ${name}\n" ); fn({ name: "Tim" }), "Test\n\nMarkdown Syntax Tim\n"); }); test("ES6 Template Literal with markdown", async t => { // pass in a string here, we don’t want to compile the template in the test :O let fn = await new TemplateRender("jstl").getCompiledTemplate( "Test\n```\nMarkdown Syntax ${name}\n```" ); // TODO this has an extra newline at the end because the input string ends in a `! fn({ name: "Tim" }), "Test\n```\nMarkdown Syntax Tim\n```\n"); });