#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () { __assign = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var startOpts = require("../cli-options/opts.start.json"); var reloadOpts = require("../cli-options/opts.reload.json"); var recipeOpts = require("../cli-options/opts.recipe.json"); var pkg = require("../package.json"); var utils = require("./utils"); var path_1 = require("path"); var fs_1 = require("fs"); var logger_1 = require("./logger"); var eazy_logger_1 = require("eazy-logger"); var cli_options_1 = require("./cli/cli-options"); var BsErrorLevels; (function (BsErrorLevels) { BsErrorLevels["Fatal"] = "Fatal"; })(BsErrorLevels = exports.BsErrorLevels || (exports.BsErrorLevels = {})); var BsErrorTypes; (function (BsErrorTypes) { BsErrorTypes["PathNotFound"] = "PathNotFound"; BsErrorTypes["HostAndListenIncompatible"] = "HostAndListenIncompatible"; })(BsErrorTypes = exports.BsErrorTypes || (exports.BsErrorTypes = {})); /** * Handle cli input */ if (!module.parent) { runFromCli(); } function runFromCli() { var yargs = require("yargs") .command("start", "Start the server") .command("init", "Create a configuration file") .command("reload", "Send a reload event over HTTP protocol") .command("recipe", "Generate the files for a recipe") .version(function () { return pkg.version; }) .epilogue([ "For help running a certain command, type --help", " $0 start --help", "", "You can run a static server by providing a path(s) directly", " $0 app/src app/tmp", "", "If the directory contains a 'index.html' file, you can omit any input", " $0", "", "You can run the proxy in this manner too", " $0 https://example.com", "", "To run a proxy, whilst also serving static files", eazy_logger_1.compile(" $0 https://example.com htdocs/themes/example") ].join("\n")); var argv = yargs.argv; var input = argv._; var command = input[0]; var valid = ["start", "init", "reload", "recipe"]; if (valid.indexOf(command) > -1) { return handleIncoming(command, yargs.reset()); } if (input.length) { return handleNoCommand(argv, input, yargs); } if (fs_1.existsSync("index.html")) { return handleNoCommand(argv, ["."], yargs); } yargs.showHelp(); } /** * Feature: If no command was specified, try to do the 'right thing' * * If paths were given, start the server * eg: browser-sync app/code app/design * is equal to: browser-sync start --server app/code app/design * * eg: browser-sync http://example.com * is equal to: browser-sync start --proxy http://example.com * * eg: browser-sync http://example.com themes/example * is equal to: browser-sync start --proxy http://example.com --ss themes/example * * @param argv * @param input * @returns {any} */ function handleNoCommand(argv, input, yargs) { var processed = processStart(yargs); var paths = input.map(function (path) { var resolved = path_1.resolve(path); var isUrl = /^https?:\/\//.test(path); return { isUrl: isUrl, userInput: path, resolved: resolved, errors: isUrl ? [] : pathErrors(path, resolved) }; }); var withErrors = paths.filter(function (item) { return item.errors.length; }); var withoutErrors = paths.filter(function (item) { return item.errors.length === 0; }); if (withErrors.length) { withErrors.forEach(function (item) { logger_1.logger.unprefixed("error", cli_options_1.printErrors(item.errors)); }); return process.exit(1); } var serveStaticPaths = withoutErrors .filter(function (item) { return item.isUrl === false; }) .map(function (item) { return item.resolved; }); var urls = withoutErrors .filter(function (item) { return item.isUrl === true; }) .map(function (item) { return item.userInput; }); /** * If a URL was given, switch to proxy mode and use * any other paths as serveStatic options */ if (urls.length) { var proxy = urls[0]; var config_1 = __assign({}, processed, { proxy: proxy, serveStatic: serveStaticPaths }); return handleCli({ cli: { flags: config_1, input: ["start"] } }); } /** * if NO urls were given switch directly to server mode * @type {{server: {baseDir: any}}} */ var config = __assign({}, processed, { server: { baseDir: serveStaticPaths } }); return handleCli({ cli: { flags: config, input: ["start"] } }); } /** * @param {{cli: object, [whitelist]: array, [cb]: function}} opts * @returns {*} */ function handleCli(opts) { opts.cb = opts.cb || utils.defaultCallback; var m = require("./cli/command." + opts.cli.input[0]); if (m.default) { return m.default(opts); } return m(opts); } exports.default = handleCli; function processStart(yargs) { return yargs .usage("Usage: $0 start [options]") .options(startOpts) .example("$0 start -s app", "- Use the App directory to serve files") .example("$0 start -p www.bbc.co.uk", "- Proxy an existing website") .default('cwd', function () { return process.cwd(); }) .help().argv; } /** * @param {string} command * @param {object} yargs * @param cwd */ function handleIncoming(command, yargs) { var out; if (command === "start") { out = processStart(yargs); } if (command === "init") { out = yargs .usage("Usage: $0 init") .example("$0 init") .default('cwd', function () { return process.cwd(); }) .help().argv; } if (command === "reload") { out = yargs .usage("Usage: $0 reload") .options(reloadOpts) .example("$0 reload") .example("$0 reload --port 4000") .default('cwd', function () { return process.cwd(); }) .help().argv; } if (command === "recipe") { out = yargs .usage("Usage: $0 recipe ") .option(recipeOpts) .example("$0 recipe ls", "list the recipes") .example("$0 recipe gulp.sass", "use the gulp.sass recipe") .default('cwd', function () { return process.cwd(); }) .help().argv; } if (out.help) { return yargs.showHelp(); } handleCli({ cli: { flags: out, input: out._ } }); } function pathErrors(input, resolved) { if (!fs_1.existsSync(resolved)) { return [ { type: BsErrorTypes.PathNotFound, level: BsErrorLevels.Fatal, errors: [ { error: new Error("Path not found: " + input), meta: function () { return [ "Your Input: {yellow:" + input + "}", "CWD: {yellow:" + process.cwd() + "}", "Resolved to: {yellow:" + resolved + "}" ]; } } ] } ]; } return []; } //# sourceMappingURL=bin.js.map