decomment ========= Removes comments from JSON/JavaScript, CSS/HTML, CPP/H, etc. [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Downloads Count](]( ## Installing ``` $ npm install decomment ``` ## Testing ``` $ npm test ``` Testing with coverage: ``` $ npm run coverage ``` ## Usage ```js var decomment = require('decomment'); var code = 'var t; // comments'; decomment(code); //=> var t; ``` For build systems / task runners see [gulp-decomment] and [grunt-decomment]. ## Features * Removes both single and multi-line comments from JSON, JavaScript and CSS/Text * Automatically recognizes HTML and removes all `` from it * Does not change layout / formatting of the original document * Removes lines that have only comments on them * Compatible with CSS3, JSON5 and ECMAScript 6 The library does not support mixed content - HTML with JavaScript or CSS in it. Once the input code is recognized as HTML, only the HTML comments will be removed from it. ## Performance For JSON and JavaScript this library uses [esprima] to guarantee correct processing for regular expressions. As an example, it can process [AngularJS 1.5 Core]( in under 100ms, which is 1.1MB ~ 30,000 lines of JavaScript. ## API ### decomment(code, [options]) ⇒ String This method first checks if the code starts with `<`, as an HTML, and if so, all `` entries are removed, according to the `options`. When the `code` is not recognized as HTML, it is assumed to be either JSON or JavaScript. It is then parsed through [esprima] for ECMAScript 6 compliance, and to extract details about regular expressions. If [esprima] fails to validate the code, it will throw a parsing error. When successful, this method will remove `//` and `/**/` comments according to the `options` (see below). ##### ⇒ Boolean * `false (default)` - remove all multi-line comments * `true` - keep special multi-line comments that begin with: - `` entries from it according to the `options`. ### decomment.getEOL(text) ⇒ String Returns End-of-Line string used within the `text`, based on the occurrence frequency: * `\n` - for Unix-encoded text * `\r\n` - for Windows-encoded text When impossible to conclude (the same or 0 occurrence), it returns the default End-of-Line for the current OS. ## License Copyright © 2017 [Vitaly Tomilov](; Released under the MIT license. [esprima]: [grunt-decomment]: [gulp-decomment]: