# file-exists Check if filepath exists and is a file. Returns false for directories. _(Requires node >=6.0.0)_ ## Install ``` npm install file-exists --save ``` ## Usage ```js const fileExists = require('file-exists'); fileExists('/index.html', (err, exists) => console.log(exists)) // OUTPUTS: true or false fileExists('/index.html').then(exists => { console.log(exists) // OUTPUTS: true or false }) const exists = await fileExists('/index.html') console.log(fileExists.sync('/index.html')) // OUTPUTS: true or false ``` ### Options #### fileExists(filepath[, options, callback]) * `filepath` - the path to the file to check if it exists * `options` - an object of options * `root` - the root directory to look in (or cwd) * `callback(err, exists)` - gets called when checking is done #### fileExists.sync(filepath[, options]) * `filepath` - the path to the file to check if it exists * `options` - an object of options * `root` - the root directory to look in (or cwd) ## Run Tests ``` npm install npm test ```