Max Franklin

Currently based in the Netherlands making experimental publications at the Piet Zwart Institute.


Piet Zwart Institute
2016 (current) // The Netherlands
Master's in Media Design : Experimental Publishing

Conservatorium of Sydney (University of Sydney)
2009 // Australia
Bachelor Jazz Performance (Saxophone) & Creative Sound Engineering


Thresholds of the Algorithmic
Algorithms that Matter
2018 (upcoming) // Bergen
Workshop-in-Exposition is a hybrid format that places the workshop inside an exhibition context, where the exposed works and artefacts form the basis of the workshop’s activity.

Autonomous Archive
Het Nieuw Instituut
2017 // The Netherlands
Archival machine, installation and research project centred around autonomous living and archival practices. Presented alongside the Architecture of Apropriation exhibition.

TGC#3 : Euclid
De Player
2017 // The Netherlands
Experimental sound publication object and performative instrument. Collaborative project between De Player and the Piet Zwart Experimental Publishing unit.

Saatchi Gallery
2016 // England
International art lab organised by Raul Marroquin around the theme of Low Tech.

Festival de Projets Scolaires
La Gaîté lyrique
2016 // France
Partnership workshop show with Paris College of Art students and faculty.

*Mi Gallery
Paris Digital Week
2015 // France
Collaborative piece prestented at *Mi Gallery as part of Paris Digital Week.

Barcu Art Fair
2015 // Columbia
Presentation via Skype on Collaborative Art, Interactivity and Improvisation.


Shaolin Afronauts
2012 – 2014 // Australia
Sideman on “Quest under Capricorn” and “Follow the Path”

Debonair Gentlemen
2009 – 2012 // Australia
Leftwing jazz trio

Professional Experience

Paris College of Art
2014 - 2016 // France
Faculty Member in Foundation and Communication Design Departments

Freelance Graphic Designer
2009 – 2014 // Australia
Web-design, poster and album design

Linear Recording
2009 – 2010 // Australia
Assistant Sound Engineer