[![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/app-module-path.png?downloads=true)](https://nodei.co/npm/app-module-path/) app-module-path ===================== This simple module enables you to add additional directories to the Node.js module search path (for top-level app modules only). This allows application-level modules to be required as if they were installed into the `node_modules` directory. ## Installation `npm install app-module-path --save` ## Usage ```javascript // ***IMPORTANT**: The following line should be added to the very // beginning of your main script! require('app-module-path').addPath(baseDir); ``` __IMPORTANT:__ The search path should be modified before any modules are loaded! __Example:__ In your `my-app/index.js` (or `my-app/server.js`) file: ```javascript // Add the root project directory to the app module search path: require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname); ``` Given the following example directory structure: - **my-app/** - **src/** - Source code and application modules directory - **foo/** - A module directory - index.js - **bar/** - Another module directory - index.js - **node_modules/** - Installed modules - **installed-baz/** - An installed module - index.js - index.js - Main script The following will work for any modules under the `src` directory: ```javascript // All of the following lines will work in "src/foo/index.js" and "src/bar/index.js": var foo = require('src/foo'); // Works var bar = require('src/bar'); // Works var baz = require('installed-baz'); // Works ``` Lastly, by design, installed modules (i.e. modules under the `node_modules` directory) will not be able to require application-level modules so the following will ___not___ work: ```javascript // All of the following lines will *not* work in "node_modules/installed-baz/index.js"! var foo = require('src/foo'); // Fails var bar = require('src/bar'); // Fails ``` ## Alternate Usage (`app-module-path/register`) This module supports an alternate method of adding a path to the Node.js module search path that requires less code. Requiring or importing the `app-module-path/register` module will result in the directory of the calling module being added to the Node.js module search path as shown below: ## Explicitly enabling a directory/package By default, `app-module-path` will not attempt to resolve app modules from a directory that is found to be within a `node_modules` directory. This behavior can be changed by explicitly enabling `app-module-path` to work for descendent modules of a specific directory. For example: ```javascript var packageDir = path.dirname(require.resolve('installed-module-allowed')); require('../').enableForDir(packageDir); ``` ### ES5 ```javascript require('app-module-path/register'); // Is equivalent to: require('app-module-path').addPath(__dirname); ``` ### ES6 ```javascript import "app-module-path/register"; // Is equivalent to: import { addPath } from 'app-module-path'; addPath(__dirname); ``` ## Alternative Usage (`app-module-path/cwd`) Additionally, requiring or importing `app-module-path/cwd` will result in the current working directory of the Node.js process being added to the module search path as shown below: ### ES5 ```javascript require('app-module-path/cwd'); // Is equivalent to: require('app-module-path').addPath(process.cwd()); ``` ### ES6 ```javascript import "app-module-path/cwd"; // Is equivalent to: import { addPath } from 'app-module-path'; addPath(process.cwd()); ``` ## Additional Notes * __Search path order:__ * App module paths will be added to the end of the default module search path. That is, if a module with the same name exists in both a `node_modules` directory and an application module directory then the module in the `node_modules` directory will be loaded since it is found first. *This behavior is new in v2.x. In v1.x, this search order was reversed* * __Node.js compatibility:__ * This module depends on overriding/wrapping a built-in Node.js method, and it is possible (but unlikely) that this behavior could be broken in a future release of Node.js (at which point a workaround would need to be used) * This module will _not_ change or break modules installed into the `node_modules` directory. * __Recommendations:__ * Since this module changes the Node.js convention of how non-relative modules are resolved, it is recommended (but not required) to put all app modules in a common directory below the application root (such as `my-app/src` or `my-app/app_modules`) and then to add the application root to the search path. The require calls would then be something like `require('src/foo')` or `require('app_modules/foo')`. The common prefix makes it more clear that the module can be found in the application's modules directory and not in the `node_modules` directory. ## Contribute Pull requests, bug reports and feature requests welcome. ## License BSD-2-Clause