import detective = require('../src'); function assert(source: string, deps: string[], options?: detective.Options) { expect(detective(source, options)).toEqual(deps); } describe('node-detective-postcss', () => { describe('@import', () => { it('detects simple imports', () => { assert('@import "foo.css"', ['foo.css']); }); describe('url()', () => { it('works with url()', () => { assert('@import url("navigation.css");', ['navigation.css']); }); it('works with single quotes', () => { assert("@import url('navigation.css');", ['navigation.css']); }); it('works with no quotes', () => { assert('@import url(navigation.css);', ['navigation.css']); }); }); it('detects multiple imports', () => { assert('@import "1.css"; @import "2.css"; @import "3.css"', [ '1.css', '2.css', '3.css', ]); }); it('ignores media', () => { assert('@import "printstyle.css" print;', ['printstyle.css']); }); it('ignores media query', () => { assert('@import "bar.css" (min-width: 25em);', ['bar.css']); }); it('ignores both', () => { assert('@import "mobstyle.css" screen and (max-width: 768px);', [ 'mobstyle.css', ]); }); it('ignores URLs', () => { assert( "@import url(',400');", [] ); }); it('does not touch the paths', () => { assert('@import "../../././bla.css"', ['../../././bla.css']); }); }); describe('@value', () => { // see it('extracts from single values', () => { assert("@value primary from 'colors.css';", ['colors.css']); }); it('works with url()', () => { assert("@value primary from url('colors.css');", ['colors.css']); }); it('extracts from multiple values', () => { assert("@value primary, secondary from 'colors.css';", [ 'colors.css', ]); }); it('works with aliases', () => { assert( "@value small as bp-small, large as bp-large from 'breakpoints.css';", ['breakpoints.css'] ); }); it('works with grouped aliases', () => { assert( "@value (small as t-small, large as t-large) from 'typo.css';", ['typo.css'] ); }); it('leaves simple definitions alone', () => { assert('@value mine: #fff;', []); }); it('leaves calculated definitions alone', () => { assert('@value mine: calc(1px + 4px)', []); }); }); describe('declarations', () => { it('ignores url() by default', () => { assert('.x { background: url(bla.png) }', []); }); it('filters out url() for direct usages', () => { assert('.x { background: url(bla.png) }', ['bla.png'], { url: true, }); }); it('filters out url() for deeper nested ones', () => { assert( ".x { list-style: lower-roman url('../img/shape.png') outside; }", ['../img/shape.png'], { url: true } ); }); it('finds url() in cursor definitions', () => { assert( '.x { cursor: url(cursor1.png) 4 12, auto; }', ['cursor1.png'], { url: true } ); }); it('finds url() in @font-face', () => { assert( '@font-face { font-family: myFirstFont; src: url(sansation_light.woff); }', ['sansation_light.woff'], { url: true } ); }); it('finds url() in @value definitions', () => { assert('@value x: url(bummer.png)', ['bummer.png'], { url: true }); }); it('ignores base64 data: urls', () => { assert( '.x { background: url()}', [] ); }); it('ignores SVG data: urls', () => { const css = `svg { -webkit-mask-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'); }`; assert(css, []); }); }); describe('error handling', () => { it('works for broken CSS', () => { expect(() => detective('--')).toThrow(detective.MalformedCssError); }); }); });