(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') module.exports = factory(); else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) define([], factory); else if(typeof exports === 'object') exports["gonzales"] = factory(); else root["gonzales"] = factory(); })(this, function() { return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var Node = __webpack_require__(1); var parse = __webpack_require__(7); module.exports = { createNode: function createNode(options) { return new Node(options); }, parse: parse }; /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; /** * @param {string} type * @param {array|string} content * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @constructor */ var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var Node = function () { function Node(options) { _classCallCheck(this, Node); this.type = options.type; this.content = options.content; this.syntax = options.syntax; if (options.start) this.start = options.start; if (options.end) this.end = options.end; } /** * @param {String} type Node type * @return {Boolean} Whether there is a child node of given type */ Node.prototype.contains = function contains(type) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) { return false; } return this.content.some(function (node) { return node.type === type; }); }; /** * @param {String} type Node type * @param {Function} callback Function to call for every found node */ Node.prototype.eachFor = function eachFor(type, callback) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return; if (typeof type !== 'string') { callback = type; type = null; } var l = this.content.length; var breakLoop; for (var i = l; i--;) { if (breakLoop === null) break; if (!type || this.content[i] && this.content[i].type === type) breakLoop = callback(this.content[i], i, this); } if (breakLoop === null) return null; }; /** * @param {String} type * @return {?Node} First child node or `null` if nothing's been found. */ Node.prototype.first = function first(type) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return null; if (!type) return this.content[0]; var i = 0; var l = this.content.length; for (; i < l; i++) { if (this.content[i].type === type) return this.content[i]; } return null; }; /** * @param {String} type Node type * @param {Function} callback Function to call for every found node */ Node.prototype.forEach = function forEach(type, callback) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return; if (typeof type !== 'string') { callback = type; type = null; } var i = 0; var l = this.content.length; var breakLoop; for (; i < l; i++) { if (breakLoop === null) break; if (!type || this.content[i] && this.content[i].type === type) breakLoop = callback(this.content[i], i, this); } if (breakLoop === null) return null; }; /** * @param {Number} index * @return {?Node} */ Node.prototype.get = function get(index) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return null; var node = this.content[index]; return node ? node : null; }; /** * @param {Number} index * @param {Node} node */ Node.prototype.insert = function insert(index, node) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return; this.content.splice(index, 0, node); }; /** * @param {String} type * @return {Boolean} Whether the node is of given type */ Node.prototype.is = function is(type) { return this.type === type; }; /** * @param {String} type * @return {?Node} Last child node or `null` if nothing's been found. */ Node.prototype.last = function last(type) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return null; var i = this.content.length; if (!type) return this.content[i - 1]; for (; i--;) { if (this.content[i].type === type) return this.content[i]; } return null; }; /** * Number of child nodes. * @type {number} */ /** * @param {Number} index * @return {Node} */ Node.prototype.removeChild = function removeChild(index) { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return; var removedChild = this.content.splice(index, 1); return removedChild; }; Node.prototype.toJson = function toJson() { return JSON.stringify(this, false, 2); }; Node.prototype.toString = function toString() { var stringify = void 0; try { stringify = __webpack_require__(2)("./" + this.syntax + '/stringify'); } catch (e) { var message = 'Syntax "' + this.syntax + '" is not supported yet, sorry'; return console.error(message); } return stringify(this); }; /** * @param {Function} callback */ Node.prototype.traverse = function traverse(callback, index) { var level = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0; var parent = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null; var breakLoop; var x; level++; callback(this, index, parent, level); if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return; for (var i = 0, l = this.content.length; i < l; i++) { breakLoop = this.content[i].traverse(callback, i, level, this); if (breakLoop === null) break; // If some nodes were removed or added: if (x = this.content.length - l) { l += x; i += x; } } if (breakLoop === null) return null; }; Node.prototype.traverseByType = function traverseByType(type, callback) { this.traverse(function (node) { if (node.type === type) callback.apply(node, arguments); }); }; Node.prototype.traverseByTypes = function traverseByTypes(types, callback) { this.traverse(function (node) { if (types.indexOf(node.type) !== -1) callback.apply(node, arguments); }); }; _createClass(Node, [{ key: 'length', get: function get() { if (!Array.isArray(this.content)) return 0; return this.content.length; } }]); return Node; }(); module.exports = Node; /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var map = { "./css/stringify": 3, "./less/stringify": 4, "./sass/stringify": 5, "./scss/stringify": 6 }; function webpackContext(req) { return __webpack_require__(webpackContextResolve(req)); }; function webpackContextResolve(req) { return map[req] || (function() { throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + req + "'.") }()); }; webpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() { return Object.keys(map); }; webpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve; module.exports = webpackContext; webpackContext.id = 2; /***/ }), /* 3 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function stringify(tree) { // TODO: Better error message if (!tree) throw new Error('We need tree to translate'); function _t(tree) { var type = tree.type; if (_unique[type]) return _unique[type](tree); if (typeof tree.content === 'string') return tree.content; if (Array.isArray(tree.content)) return _composite(tree.content); return ''; } function _composite(t, i) { if (!t) return ''; var s = ''; i = i || 0; for (; i < t.length; i++) { s += _t(t[i]); }return s; } var _unique = { 'arguments': function _arguments(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'atkeyword': function atkeyword(t) { return '@' + _composite(t.content); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'block': function block(t) { return '{' + _composite(t.content) + '}'; }, 'brackets': function brackets(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'class': function _class(t) { return '.' + _composite(t.content); }, 'color': function color(t) { return '#' + t.content; }, 'customProperty': function customProperty(t) { return '--' + t.content; }, 'expression': function expression(t) { return 'expression(' + t.content + ')'; }, 'id': function id(t) { return '#' + _composite(t.content); }, 'multilineComment': function multilineComment(t) { return '/*' + t.content + '*/'; }, 'nthSelector': function nthSelector(t) { return ':' + _t(t.content[0]) + '(' + _composite(t.content.slice(1)) + ')'; }, 'parentheses': function parentheses(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'percentage': function percentage(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '%'; }, 'pseudoClass': function pseudoClass(t) { return ':' + _composite(t.content); }, 'pseudoElement': function pseudoElement(t) { return '::' + _composite(t.content); }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '*'; }, 'uri': function uri(t) { return 'url(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; } }; return _t(tree); }; /***/ }), /* 4 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function stringify(tree) { // TODO: Better error message if (!tree) throw new Error('We need tree to translate'); function _t(tree) { var type = tree.type; if (_unique[type]) return _unique[type](tree); if (typeof tree.content === 'string') return tree.content; if (Array.isArray(tree.content)) return _composite(tree.content); return ''; } function _composite(t, i) { if (!t) return ''; var s = ''; i = i || 0; for (; i < t.length; i++) { s += _t(t[i]); }return s; } var _unique = { 'arguments': function _arguments(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'atkeyword': function atkeyword(t) { return '@' + _composite(t.content); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'block': function block(t) { return '{' + _composite(t.content) + '}'; }, 'brackets': function brackets(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'class': function _class(t) { return '.' + _composite(t.content); }, 'color': function color(t) { return '#' + t.content; }, 'escapedString': function escapedString(t) { return '~' + t.content; }, 'expression': function expression(t) { return 'expression(' + t.content + ')'; }, 'id': function id(t) { return '#' + _composite(t.content); }, 'interpolatedVariable': function interpolatedVariable(t) { return '@{' + _composite(t.content) + '}'; }, 'multilineComment': function multilineComment(t) { return '/*' + t.content + '*/'; }, 'nthSelector': function nthSelector(t) { return ':' + _t(t.content[0]) + '(' + _composite(t.content.slice(1)) + ')'; }, 'parentheses': function parentheses(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'percentage': function percentage(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '%'; }, 'pseudoClass': function pseudoClass(t) { return ':' + _composite(t.content); }, 'pseudoElement': function pseudoElement(t) { return '::' + _composite(t.content); }, 'singlelineComment': function singlelineComment(t) { return '/' + '/' + t.content; }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '*'; }, 'uri': function uri(t) { return 'url(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'variable': function variable(t) { return '@' + _composite(t.content); }, 'variablesList': function variablesList(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '...'; } }; return _t(tree); }; /***/ }), /* 5 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function stringify(tree) { // TODO: Better error message if (!tree) throw new Error('We need tree to translate'); function _t(tree) { var type = tree.type; if (_unique[type]) return _unique[type](tree); if (typeof tree.content === 'string') return tree.content; if (Array.isArray(tree.content)) return _composite(tree.content); return ''; } function _composite(t, i) { if (!t) return ''; var s = ''; i = i || 0; for (; i < t.length; i++) { s += _t(t[i]); }return s; } var _unique = { 'arguments': function _arguments(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'atkeyword': function atkeyword(t) { return '@' + _composite(t.content); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'block': function block(t) { return _composite(t.content); }, 'brackets': function brackets(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'class': function _class(t) { return '.' + _composite(t.content); }, 'color': function color(t) { return '#' + t.content; }, 'customProperty': function customProperty(t) { return '--' + t.content; }, 'expression': function expression(t) { return 'expression(' + t.content + ')'; }, 'functionsList': function functionsList(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '...'; }, 'id': function id(t) { return '#' + _composite(t.content); }, 'interpolation': function interpolation(t) { return '#{' + _composite(t.content) + '}'; }, 'multilineComment': function multilineComment(t) { var lines = t.content.split('\n'); var close = ''; if (lines.length > 1) { var lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; if (lastLine.length < t.end.column) { close = '*/'; } } else if (t.content.length + 4 === t.end.column - t.start.column + 1) { close = '*/'; } return '/*' + t.content + close; }, 'nthSelector': function nthSelector(t) { return ':' + _t(t.content[0]) + '(' + _composite(t.content.slice(1)) + ')'; }, 'parentheses': function parentheses(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'percentage': function percentage(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '%'; }, 'placeholder': function placeholder(t) { return '%' + _composite(t.content); }, 'pseudoClass': function pseudoClass(t) { return ':' + _composite(t.content); }, 'pseudoElement': function pseudoElement(t) { return '::' + _composite(t.content); }, 'singlelineComment': function singlelineComment(t) { return '/' + '/' + t.content; }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '*'; }, 'uri': function uri(t) { return 'url(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'variable': function variable(t) { return '$' + _composite(t.content); }, 'variablesList': function variablesList(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '...'; } }; return _t(tree); }; /***/ }), /* 6 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function stringify(tree) { // TODO: Better error message if (!tree) throw new Error('We need tree to translate'); function _t(tree) { var type = tree.type; if (_unique[type]) return _unique[type](tree); if (typeof tree.content === 'string') return tree.content; if (Array.isArray(tree.content)) return _composite(tree.content); return ''; } function _composite(t, i) { if (!t) return ''; var s = ''; i = i || 0; for (; i < t.length; i++) { s += _t(t[i]); }return s; } var _unique = { 'arguments': function _arguments(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'atkeyword': function atkeyword(t) { return '@' + _composite(t.content); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'block': function block(t) { return '{' + _composite(t.content) + '}'; }, 'brackets': function brackets(t) { return '[' + _composite(t.content) + ']'; }, 'class': function _class(t) { return '.' + _composite(t.content); }, 'color': function color(t) { return '#' + t.content; }, 'customProperty': function customProperty(t) { return '--' + t.content; }, 'expression': function expression(t) { return 'expression(' + t.content + ')'; }, 'functionsList': function functionsList(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '...'; }, 'id': function id(t) { return '#' + _composite(t.content); }, 'interpolation': function interpolation(t) { return '#{' + _composite(t.content) + '}'; }, 'multilineComment': function multilineComment(t) { return '/*' + t.content + '*/'; }, 'nthSelector': function nthSelector(t) { return ':' + _t(t.content[0]) + '(' + _composite(t.content.slice(1)) + ')'; }, 'parentheses': function parentheses(t) { return '(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'percentage': function percentage(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '%'; }, 'placeholder': function placeholder(t) { return '%' + _composite(t.content); }, 'pseudoClass': function pseudoClass(t) { return ':' + _composite(t.content); }, 'pseudoElement': function pseudoElement(t) { return '::' + _composite(t.content); }, 'singlelineComment': function singlelineComment(t) { return '/' + '/' + t.content; }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '*'; }, 'uri': function uri(t) { return 'url(' + _composite(t.content) + ')'; }, 'variable': function variable(t) { return '$' + _composite(t.content); }, 'variablesList': function variablesList(t) { return _composite(t.content) + '...'; } }; return _t(tree); }; /***/ }), /* 7 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var ParsingError = __webpack_require__(8); var syntaxes = __webpack_require__(10); var isInteger = Number.isInteger || function (value) { return typeof value === 'number' && Math.floor(value) === value; }; /** * @param {String} css * @param {Object} options * @return {Object} AST */ function parser(css, options) { if (typeof css !== 'string') throw new Error('Please, pass a string to parse');else if (!css) return __webpack_require__(29)(); var syntax = options && options.syntax || 'css'; var context = options && options.context || 'stylesheet'; var tabSize = options && options.tabSize; if (!isInteger(tabSize) || tabSize < 1) tabSize = 1; var syntaxParser = syntaxes[syntax]; if (!syntaxParser) { var message = 'Syntax "' + syntax + '" is not supported yet, sorry'; return console.error(message); } var getTokens = syntaxParser.tokenizer; var mark = syntaxParser.mark; var parse = syntaxParser.parse; var tokens = getTokens(css, tabSize); mark(tokens); var ast; try { ast = parse(tokens, context); } catch (e) { if (!e.syntax) throw e; throw new ParsingError(e, css); } return ast; } module.exports = parser; /***/ }), /* 8 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var parserPackage = __webpack_require__(9); /** * @param {Error} e * @param {String} css */ function ParsingError(e, css) { this.line = e.line; this.syntax = e.syntax; this.css_ = css; } ParsingError.prototype = { /** * @type {String} * @private */ customMessage_: '', /** * @type {Number} */ line: null, /** * @type {String} */ name: 'Parsing error', /** * @type {String} */ syntax: null, /** * @type {String} */ version: parserPackage.version, /** * @type {String} */ get context() { var LINES_AROUND = 2; var result = []; var currentLineNumber = this.line; var start = currentLineNumber - 1 - LINES_AROUND; var end = currentLineNumber + LINES_AROUND; var lines = this.css_.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (!line) continue; var ln = i + 1; var mark = ln === currentLineNumber ? '*' : ' '; result.push(ln + mark + '| ' + line); } return result.join('\n'); }, /** * @type {String} */ get message() { if (this.customMessage_) { return this.customMessage_; } else { var message = 'Please check validity of the block'; if (typeof this.line === 'number') message += ' starting from line #' + this.line; return message; } }, set message(message) { this.customMessage_ = message; }, /** * @return {String} */ toString: function toString() { return [this.name + ': ' + this.message, '', this.context, '', 'Syntax: ' + this.syntax, 'Gonzales PE version: ' + this.version].join('\n'); } }; module.exports = ParsingError; /***/ }), /* 9 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = {"name":"gonzales-pe","description":"Gonzales Preprocessor Edition (fast CSS parser)","version":"4.2.4","homepage":"http://github.com/tonyganch/gonzales-pe","bugs":"http://github.com/tonyganch/gonzales-pe/issues","license":"MIT","author":{"name":"Tony Ganch","email":"tonyganch+github@gmail.com","url":"http://tonyganch.com"},"main":"./lib/gonzales","repository":{"type":"git","url":"http://github.com/tonyganch/gonzales-pe.git"},"scripts":{"autofix-tests":"bash ./scripts/build.sh && bash ./scripts/autofix-tests.sh","build":"bash ./scripts/build.sh","init":"bash ./scripts/init.sh","lint":"bash ./scripts/lint.sh","log":"bash ./scripts/log.sh","prepublishOnly":"bash ./scripts/build.sh","test":"bash ./scripts/test.sh","watch":"bash ./scripts/watch.sh"},"bin":{"gonzales":"./bin/gonzales.js"},"dependencies":{"minimist":"1.1.x"},"devDependencies":{"babel-core":"^6.18.2","babel-loader":"^6.2.7","babel-plugin-add-module-exports":"^0.2.1","babel-preset-es2015":"^6.18.0","coffee-script":"~1.7.1","eslint":"^3.0.0","jscs":"2.1.0","jshint":"2.10.2","json-loader":"^0.5.3","mocha":"2.2.x","webpack":"^1.12.2","webpack-closure-compiler":"^2.0.2"},"engines":{"node":">=0.6.0"},"files":["MIT-LICENSE.txt","bin/gonzales.js","lib/gonzales.js"]} /***/ }), /* 10 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; module.exports = { css: __webpack_require__(11), less: __webpack_require__(17), sass: __webpack_require__(21), scss: __webpack_require__(25) }; /***/ }), /* 11 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = { mark: __webpack_require__(12), parse: __webpack_require__(14), stringify: __webpack_require__(3), tokenizer: __webpack_require__(16) }; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }), /* 12 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); /** * Mark whitespaces and comments * @param {Array} tokens */ function markSpacesAndComments(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var spaces = [-1, -1]; var type; // Current token's type // For every token in the token list, mark spaces and line breaks // as spaces (set both `ws` and `sc` flags). Mark multiline comments // with `sc` flag. // If there are several spaces or tabs or line breaks or multiline // comments in a row, group them: take the last one's index number // and save it to the first token in the group as a reference: // e.g., `ws_last = 7` for a group of whitespaces or `sc_last = 9` // for a group of whitespaces and comments. for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.Space || type === TokenType.Tab || type === TokenType.Newline) { markSpace(tokens, i, spaces); } else if (type === TokenType.CommentML) { markComment(tokens, i, spaces); } else { markEndOfSpacesAndComments(tokens, i, spaces); } } markEndOfSpacesAndComments(tokens, i, spaces); } function markSpace(tokens, i, spaces) { var token = tokens[i]; token.ws = true; token.sc = true; if (spaces[0] === -1) spaces[0] = i; if (spaces[1] === -1) spaces[1] = i; } function markComment(tokens, i, spaces) { var ws = spaces[0]; tokens[i].sc = true; if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; spaces[0] = -1; } } function markEndOfSpacesAndComments(tokens, i, spaces) { var ws = spaces[0]; var sc = spaces[1]; if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; spaces[0] = -1; } if (sc !== -1) { tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; spaces[1] = -1; } } /** * Pair brackets * @param {Array} tokens */ function markBrackets(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var ps = []; // Parentheses var sbs = []; // Square brackets var cbs = []; // Curly brackets var t = void 0; // Current token // For every token in the token list, if we meet an opening (left) // bracket, push its index number to a corresponding array. // If we then meet a closing (right) bracket, look at the corresponding // array. If there are any elements (records about previously met // left brackets), take a token of the last left bracket (take // the last index number from the array and find a token with // this index number) and save right bracket's index as a reference: for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { t = tokens[i]; var type = t.type; if (type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { ps.push(i); } else if (type === TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (ps.length) { t.left = ps.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } } else if (type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) { sbs.push(i); } else if (type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) { if (sbs.length) { t.left = sbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } } else if (type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) { cbs.push(i); } else if (type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { if (cbs.length) { t.left = cbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } } } } /** * @param {Array} tokens */ function markTokens(tokens) { // Mark paired brackets: markBrackets(tokens); // Mark whitespaces and comments: markSpacesAndComments(tokens); } module.exports = markTokens; /***/ }), /* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // jscs:disable 'use strict'; module.exports = { StringSQ: 'StringSQ', StringDQ: 'StringDQ', CommentML: 'CommentML', CommentSL: 'CommentSL', Newline: 'Newline', Space: 'Space', Tab: 'Tab', ExclamationMark: 'ExclamationMark', // ! QuotationMark: 'QuotationMark', // " NumberSign: 'NumberSign', // # DollarSign: 'DollarSign', // $ PercentSign: 'PercentSign', // % Ampersand: 'Ampersand', // & Apostrophe: 'Apostrophe', // ' LeftParenthesis: 'LeftParenthesis', // ( RightParenthesis: 'RightParenthesis', // ) Asterisk: 'Asterisk', // * PlusSign: 'PlusSign', // + Comma: 'Comma', // , HyphenMinus: 'HyphenMinus', // - FullStop: 'FullStop', // . Solidus: 'Solidus', // / Colon: 'Colon', // : Semicolon: 'Semicolon', // ; LessThanSign: 'LessThanSign', // < EqualsSign: 'EqualsSign', // = EqualitySign: 'EqualitySign', // == InequalitySign: 'InequalitySign', // != GreaterThanSign: 'GreaterThanSign', // > QuestionMark: 'QuestionMark', // ? CommercialAt: 'CommercialAt', // @ LeftSquareBracket: 'LeftSquareBracket', // [ ReverseSolidus: 'ReverseSolidus', // \ RightSquareBracket: 'RightSquareBracket', // ] CircumflexAccent: 'CircumflexAccent', // ^ LowLine: 'LowLine', // _ LeftCurlyBracket: 'LeftCurlyBracket', // { VerticalLine: 'VerticalLine', // | RightCurlyBracket: 'RightCurlyBracket', // } Tilde: 'Tilde', // ~ Identifier: 'Identifier', DecimalNumber: 'DecimalNumber' }; /***/ }), /* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var Node = __webpack_require__(1); var NodeType = __webpack_require__(15); var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); /** * @type {Array} */ var tokens = void 0; /** * @type {Number} */ var tokensLength = void 0; /** * @type {Number} */ var pos = void 0; var contexts = { 'atkeyword': function atkeyword() { return checkAtkeyword(pos) && getAtkeyword(); }, 'atrule': function atrule() { return checkAtrule(pos) && getAtrule(); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector() { return checkAttributeSelector(pos) && getAttributeSelector(); }, 'block': function block() { return checkBlock(pos) && getBlock(); }, 'brackets': function brackets() { return checkBrackets(pos) && getBrackets(); }, 'class': function _class() { return checkClass(pos) && getClass(); }, 'combinator': function combinator() { return checkCombinator(pos) && getCombinator(); }, 'commentML': function commentML() { return checkCommentML(pos) && getCommentML(); }, 'declaration': function declaration() { return checkDeclaration(pos) && getDeclaration(); }, 'declDelim': function declDelim() { return checkDeclDelim(pos) && getDeclDelim(); }, 'delim': function delim() { return checkDelim(pos) && getDelim(); }, 'dimension': function dimension() { return checkDimension(pos) && getDimension(); }, 'expression': function expression() { return checkExpression(pos) && getExpression(); }, 'function': function _function() { return checkFunction(pos) && getFunction(); }, 'ident': function ident() { return checkIdent(pos) && getIdent(); }, 'important': function important() { return checkImportant(pos) && getImportant(); }, 'namespace': function namespace() { return checkNamespace(pos) && getNamespace(); }, 'number': function number() { return checkNumber(pos) && getNumber(); }, 'operator': function operator() { return checkOperator(pos) && getOperator(); }, 'parentheses': function parentheses() { return checkParentheses(pos) && getParentheses(); }, 'percentage': function percentage() { return checkPercentage(pos) && getPercentage(); }, 'progid': function progid() { return checkProgid(pos) && getProgid(); }, 'property': function property() { return checkProperty(pos) && getProperty(); }, 'propertyDelim': function propertyDelim() { return checkPropertyDelim(pos) && getPropertyDelim(); }, 'pseudoc': function pseudoc() { return checkPseudoc(pos) && getPseudoc(); }, 'pseudoe': function pseudoe() { return checkPseudoe(pos) && getPseudoe(); }, 'ruleset': function ruleset() { return checkRuleset(pos) && getRuleset(); }, 's': function s() { return checkS(pos) && getS(); }, 'selector': function selector() { return checkSelector(pos) && getSelector(); }, 'shash': function shash() { return checkShash(pos) && getShash(); }, 'string': function string() { return checkString(pos) && getString(); }, 'stylesheet': function stylesheet() { return checkStylesheet(pos) && getStylesheet(); }, 'unary': function unary() { return checkUnary(pos) && getUnary(); }, 'unicodeRange': function unicodeRange() { return checkUnicodeRange(pos) && getUnicodeRange(); }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector() { return checkUniversalSelector(pos) && getUniversalSelector(); }, 'urange': function urange() { return checkUrange(pos) && getUrange(); }, 'uri': function uri() { return checkUri(pos) && getUri(); }, 'value': function value() { return checkValue(pos) && getValue(); }, 'vhash': function vhash() { return checkVhash(pos) && getVhash(); } }; /** * Stop parsing and display error * @param {Number=} i Token's index number */ function throwError(i) { var ln = tokens[i].ln; throw { line: ln, syntax: 'css' }; } /** * @param {Object} exclude * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkExcluding(exclude, i) { var start = i; while (i < tokensLength) { if (exclude[tokens[i++].type]) break; } return i - start - 2; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} finish * @return {String} */ function joinValues(start, finish) { var s = ''; for (var i = start; i < finish + 1; i++) { s += tokens[i].value; } return s; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} num * @return {String} */ function joinValues2(start, num) { if (start + num - 1 >= tokensLength) return; var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { s += tokens[start + i].value; } return s; } function getLastPosition(content, line, column, colOffset) { return typeof content === 'string' ? getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) : getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset); } function getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = []; if (!content) { position = [line, column]; if (colOffset) position[1] += colOffset - 1; return position; } var lastLinebreak = content.lastIndexOf('\n'); var endsWithLinebreak = lastLinebreak === content.length - 1; var splitContent = content.split('\n'); var linebreaksCount = splitContent.length - 1; var prevLinebreak = linebreaksCount === 0 || linebreaksCount === 1 ? -1 : content.length - splitContent[linebreaksCount - 1].length - 2; // Line: var offset = endsWithLinebreak ? linebreaksCount - 1 : linebreaksCount; position[0] = line + offset; // Column: if (endsWithLinebreak) { offset = prevLinebreak !== -1 ? content.length - prevLinebreak : content.length - 1; } else { offset = linebreaksCount !== 0 ? content.length - lastLinebreak - column - 1 : content.length - 1; } position[1] = column + offset; if (!colOffset) return position; if (endsWithLinebreak) { position[0]++; position[1] = colOffset; } else { position[1] += colOffset; } return position; } function getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = void 0; if (content.length === 0) { position = [line, column]; } else { var c = content[content.length - 1]; if (c.hasOwnProperty('end')) { position = [c.end.line, c.end.column]; } else { position = getLastPosition(c.content, line, column); } } if (!colOffset) return position; if (tokens[pos - 1] && tokens[pos - 1].type !== 'Newline') { position[1] += colOffset; } else { position[0]++; position[1] = 1; } return position; } function newNode(type, content, line, column, end) { if (!end) end = getLastPosition(content, line, column); return new Node({ type: type, content: content, start: { line: line, column: column }, end: { line: end[0], column: end[1] }, syntax: 'css' }); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkAny(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkBrackets(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 1;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 2;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 3;else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 4;else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 5;else if (l = checkUnicodeRange(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 13;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 6;else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 7;else if (l = checkExpression(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 8;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 9;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 10;else if (l = checkClass(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 11;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 12; return l; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getAny() { var childType = tokens[pos].any_child; if (childType === 1) return getBrackets(); if (childType === 2) return getParentheses(); if (childType === 3) return getString(); if (childType === 4) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 5) return getDimension(); if (childType === 13) return getUnicodeRange(); if (childType === 6) return getNumber(); if (childType === 7) return getUri(); if (childType === 8) return getExpression(); if (childType === 9) return getFunction(); if (childType === 10) return getIdent(); if (childType === 11) return getClass(); if (childType === 12) return getUnary(); } /** * @return {Node} */ function getArguments() { var type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var body = void 0; // Skip `(`. pos++; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (checkDeclaration(pos)) content.push(getDeclaration());else if (checkArgument(pos)) { body = getArgument(); if (typeof body.content === 'string') content.push(body);else content = content.concat(body); } else if (checkClass(pos)) content.push(getClass());else throwError(pos); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkArgument(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 1;else if (l = checkCustomProperty(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 2;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 3;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 4;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 5; return l; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getArgument() { var childType = tokens[pos].argument_child; if (childType === 1) return getVhash(); if (childType === 2) return getCustomProperty(); if (childType === 3) return getAny(); if (childType === 4) return getSC(); if (childType === 5) return getOperator(); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-word (e.g. `@import`, `@include`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkAtkeyword(i) { var l = void 0; // Check that token is `@`: if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; return (l = checkIdent(i)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with @-word * @return {Node} */ function getAtkeyword() { var type = NodeType.AtkeywordType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `@`. pos++; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a part of an @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of @-rule */ function checkAtrule(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // If token already has a record of being part of an @-rule, // return the @-rule's length: if (tokens[i].atrule_l !== undefined) return tokens[i].atrule_l; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's type to token. // @keyframes: if (l = checkKeyframesRule(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 4; // @-rule with ruleset: else if (l = checkAtruler(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 1; // Block @-rule: else if (l = checkAtruleb(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 2; // Single-line @-rule: else if (l = checkAtrules(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 3;else return 0; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's length to token: tokens[i].atrule_l = l; return l; } /** * Get node with @-rule * @return {Node} */ function getAtrule() { var childType = tokens[pos].atrule_type; if (childType === 1) return getAtruler(); // @-rule with ruleset if (childType === 2) return getAtruleb(); // Block @-rule if (childType === 3) return getAtrules(); // Single-line @-rule if (childType === 4) return getKeyframesRule(); } /** * Check if token is part of a block @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruleb(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a block @-rule * @return {Node} */ function getAtruleb() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-rule with ruleset * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruler(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkAtrulers(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an @-rule with ruleset * @return {Node} */ function getAtruler() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getAtrulers()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkAtrulers(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 1;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 2;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 3;else break; i += l; } if (i < tokensLength) tokens[i].atrulers_end = 1; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getAtrulers() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC()); while (pos < tokensLength && !tokens[pos].atrulers_end) { var childType = tokens[pos].atrulers_child; if (childType === 1) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (childType === 2) content.push(getAtrule());else if (childType === 3) content.push(getRuleset());else break; } content = content.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkAtrules(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getAtrules() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a block (e.g. `{...}`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the block */ function checkBlock(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket ? tokens[i].right - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a block * @return {Node} */ function getBlock() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = tokens[pos].right; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; while (pos < end) { if (checkBlockdecl(pos)) content = content.concat(getBlockdecl());else throwError(pos); } var end_ = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); pos = end + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end_); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkBlockdecl(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkBlockdecl1(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 1;else if (l = checkBlockdecl2(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 2;else if (l = checkBlockdecl3(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 3;else if (l = checkBlockdecl4(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 4;else return 0; return l; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getBlockdecl() { var childType = tokens[pos].bd_type; if (childType === 1) return getBlockdecl1(); if (childType === 2) return getBlockdecl2(); if (childType === 3) return getBlockdecl3(); if (childType === 4) return getBlockdecl4(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else return 0; i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkDeclDelim(i))) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getBlockdecl1() { var sc = getSC(); var content = void 0; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content = getDeclaration(); break; case 2: content = getAtrule(); break; } return sc.concat(content, getSC(), getDeclDelim(), getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else return 0; i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getBlockdecl2() { var sc = getSC(); var content = void 0; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content = getDeclaration(); break; case 2: content = getAtrule(); break; } return sc.concat(content, getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getBlockdecl3() { return [].concat(getSC(), getDeclDelim(), getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl4(i) { return checkSC(i); } /** * @return {Array} */ function getBlockdecl4() { return getSC(); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside square brackets, e.g. `[1]` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkBrackets(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; // Skip `[`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; if (i < tokens[start].right) { var l = checkTsets(i); if (l) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `]`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get node with text inside square brackets, e.g. `[1]` * @return {Node} */ function getBrackets() { var type = NodeType.BracketsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `]`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a class selector (e.g. `.abc`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the class selector */ function checkClass(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].class_l) return tokens[i].class_l; // Skip `.`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) { tokens[start].class_l = l + 1; i += l; } else return 0; tokens[start].classEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a class selector * @return {Node} */ function getClass() { var type = NodeType.ClassType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `.` pos++; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkCombinator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCombinator1(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 1;else if (l = checkCombinator2(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 2;else if (l = checkCombinator3(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 3;else if (l = checkCombinator4(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 4; return l; } function getCombinator() { var type = tokens[pos].combinatorType; if (type === 1) return getCombinator1(); if (type === 2) return getCombinator2(); if (type === 3) return getCombinator3(); if (type === 4) return getCombinator4(); } /** * (1) `>>>` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator1(i) { if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 3; return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator1() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '>>>'; // Skip combinator pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `||` * (2) `>>` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator2(i) { if (i + 1 >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.VerticalLine) return 2; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 2; return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator2() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '' + token.value + tokens[pos + 1].value; // Skip combinator pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `>` * (2) `+` * (3) `~` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator3(i) { var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.PlusSign || type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign || type === TokenType.Tilde) return 1;else return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator3() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; // Skip combinator pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `/panda/` */ function checkCombinator4(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator4() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `/`. pos++; var ident = getIdent(); // Skip `/`. pos++; var content = '/' + ident.content + '/'; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a multiline comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is a multiline comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentML(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentML ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a multiline comment * @return {Node} */ function getCommentML() { var type = NodeType.CommentMLType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value.substring(2); var l = content.length; if (content.charAt(l - 2) === '*' && content.charAt(l - 1) === '/') content = content.substring(0, l - 2); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 2); if (end[0] === line) end[1] += 2; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkDeclaration(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @return {Node} */ function getDeclaration() { var type = NodeType.DeclarationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getProperty(), getSC(), getPropertyDelim(), getSC(), getValue()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a semicolon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is a semicolon, otherwise `0` */ function checkDeclDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Semicolon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a semicolon * @return {Node} */ function getDeclDelim() { var type = NodeType.DeclDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ';'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a comma * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is a comma, otherwise `0` */ function checkDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Comma ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a comma * @return {Node} */ function getDelim() { var type = NodeType.DelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ','; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a number with dimension unit (e.g. `10px`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkDimension(i) { var ln = checkNumber(i); var li = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || !ln || i + ln >= tokensLength) return 0; return (li = checkUnit(i + ln)) ? ln + li : 0; } /** * Get node of a number with dimension unit * @return {Node} */ function getDimension() { var type = NodeType.DimensionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNumber(), getUnit()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkExpression(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].value !== 'expression' || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { return 0; } return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getExpression() { var type = NodeType.ExpressionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; pos++; var content = joinValues(pos + 1, tokens[pos].right - 1); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); if (end[0] === line) end[1] += 11; pos = tokens[pos].right + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkFunction(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis ? tokens[i].right - start + 1 : 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getFunction() { var type = NodeType.FunctionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getIdent(), getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an identifierю * Grammar from CSS spec: * h [0-9a-f] * nonascii [\240-\377] * unicode \\{h}{1,6}(\r\n|[ \t\r\n\f])? * escape {unicode}|\\[^\r\n\f0-9a-f] * nmstart [_a-z]|{nonascii}|{escape} * nmchar [_a-z0-9-]|{nonascii}|{escape} * ident -?{nmstart}{nmchar}* * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the identifier */ function checkIdent(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus) i++; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LowLine || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) i++;else return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an identifier * @return {Node} */ function getIdent() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ident_last); pos = tokens[pos].ident_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of `!important` word * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkImportant(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'important') { tokens[start].importantEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!important` word * @return {Node} */ function getImportant() { var type = NodeType.ImportantType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.importantEnd); pos = token.importantEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check a single keyframe block - `5% {}` * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesBlock(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkKeyframesSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get a single keyframe block - `5% {}` * @returns {Node} */ function getKeyframesBlock() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getKeyframesSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check all keyframe blocks - `5% {} 100% {}` * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesBlocks(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l;else break; } if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get all keyframe blocks - `5% {} 100% {}` * @returns {Node} */ function getKeyframesBlocks() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var keyframesBlocksEnd = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; while (pos < keyframesBlocksEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkKeyframesBlock(pos)) content.push(getKeyframesBlock()); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a @keyframes rule. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the @keyframes rule */ function checkKeyframesRule(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; var atruleName = joinValues2(i - l, l); if (atruleName.toLowerCase().indexOf('keyframes') === -1) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlocks(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getKeyframesRule() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdent(), getSC(), getKeyframesBlocks()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check a single keyframe selector - `5%`, `from` etc * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesSelector(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) { // Valid selectors are only `from` and `to`. var selector = joinValues2(i, l); if (selector !== 'from' && selector !== 'to') return 0; i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 2; } else { return 0; } return i - start; } /** * Get a single keyframe selector * @returns {Node} */ function getKeyframesSelector() { var keyframesSelectorType = NodeType.KeyframesSelectorType; var selectorType = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 1) { content.push(getIdent()); } else { content.push(getPercentage()); } var keyframesSelector = newNode(keyframesSelectorType, content, line, column); return newNode(selectorType, [keyframesSelector], line, column); } /** * Check the keyframe's selector groups * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesSelectorsGroup(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkKeyframesSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkKeyframesSelector(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } tokens[start].selectorsGroupEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Get the keyframe's selector groups * @returns {Array} An array of keyframe selectors */ function getKeyframesSelectorsGroup() { var selectorsGroup = []; var selectorsGroupEnd = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupEnd; selectorsGroup.push(getKeyframesSelector()); while (pos < selectorsGroupEnd) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC(), getDelim(), getSC(), getKeyframesSelector()); } return selectorsGroup; } /** * Check if token is a namespace sign (`|`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is `|`, `0` if not */ function checkNamespace(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a namespace sign * @return {Node} */ function getNamespace() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkNmName2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) return 1;else if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) return 0; i++; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier ? 2 : 1; } /** * @return {String} */ function getNmName2() { var s = tokens[pos].value; if (tokens[pos++].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type === TokenType.Identifier) s += tokens[pos++].value; return s; } /** * Check if token is part of a number * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of number */ function checkNumber(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].number_l) return tokens[i].number_l; // `10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && (!tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.FullStop)) { tokens[i].number_l = 1; return 1; } // `10.`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && (!tokens[i + 2] || tokens[i + 2].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber)) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `10.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 2] && tokens[i + 2].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 3; return 3; } return 0; } /** * Get node with number * @return {Node} */ function getNumber() { var type = NodeType.NumberType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var l = tokens[pos].number_l; var content = ''; for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) { content += tokens[pos + j].value; } pos += l; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is an operator (`/`, `,`, `:`, `=`, `*`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is an operator, otherwise `0` */ function checkOperator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; switch (tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.Solidus: case TokenType.Comma: case TokenType.Colon: case TokenType.EqualsSign: case TokenType.Asterisk: return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an operator * @return {Node} */ function getOperator() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkParentheses(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) i++;else return 0; if (i < right) { var l = checkTsets(i); if (l) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get node with text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @return {Node} */ function getParentheses() { var type = NodeType.ParenthesesType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a number with percent sign (e.g. `10%`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkPercentage(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `%`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PercentSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node of number with percent sign * @return {Node} */ function getPercentage() { var type = NodeType.PercentageType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNumber()]; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `%`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkProgid(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (joinValues2(i, 6) === 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.') i += 6;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { tokens[start].progid_end = tokens[i].right; i = tokens[i].right + 1; } else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getProgid() { var type = NodeType.ProgidType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var progid_end = token.progid_end; var content = joinValues(pos, progid_end); pos = progid_end + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkProperty1(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 1;else if (l = checkProperty2(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 2; return l; } /** * Get node with a property * @return {Node} */ function getProperty() { var type = tokens[pos].propertyType; if (type === 1) return getProperty1(); if (type === 2) return getProperty2(); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a property * @return {Node} */ function getProperty1() { var type = NodeType.PropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a custom property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty2(i) { return checkCustomProperty(i); } /** * Get node with a custom property * @return {Node} */ function getProperty2() { return getCustomProperty(); } /** * Check if token is part of a custom property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkCustomProperty(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus) return 0; // Skip `--` i += 2; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a custom property * @return {Node} */ function getCustomProperty() { var type = NodeType.CustomPropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `--` pos += 2; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a colon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is a colon, otherwise `0` */ function checkPropertyDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Colon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a colon * @return {Node} */ function getPropertyDelim() { var type = NodeType.PropertyDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ':'; // Skip `:`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkPseudo(i) { return checkPseudoe(i) || checkPseudoc(i); } /** * @return {Node} */ function getPseudo() { if (checkPseudoe(pos)) return getPseudoe(); if (checkPseudoc(pos)) return getPseudoc(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkPseudoe(i) { var l = void 0; // Check `::` if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoElement1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoElement2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 2;else return 0; return l; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getPseudoe() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoElementType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoElement1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoElement2(); } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function checkPseudoElement1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function getPseudoElement1() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; content.push(getIdent()); { var _type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token = tokens[pos]; var _line = _token.ln; var _column = _token.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line, _column, 1); var args = newNode(_type, selectorContent, _line, _column, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkPseudoElement2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getPseudoElement2() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkPseudoc(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoClass1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoClass2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 2;else if (l = checkPseudoClass3(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 3;else if (l = checkPseudoClass4(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 4;else if (l = checkPseudoClass5(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 5;else if (l = checkPseudoClass6(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 6;else return 0; return l; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getPseudoc() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoClassType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoClass1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoClass2(); if (childType === 3) return getPseudoClass3(); if (childType === 4) return getPseudoClass4(); if (childType === 5) return getPseudoClass5(); if (childType === 6) return getPseudoClass6(); } /** * (1) `:panda(selector)` * (2) `:panda(selector, selector)` */ function checkPseudoClass1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (-) `:not(panda)` */ function getPseudoClass1() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); { var _type2 = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token2 = tokens[pos]; var _line2 = _token2.ln; var _column2 = _token2.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line2, _column2, 1); var args = newNode(_type2, selectorContent, _line2, _column2, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `:nth-child(odd)` * (2) `:nth-child(even)` * (3) `:lang(de-DE)` */ function checkPseudoClass2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass2() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); // Skip `(`. pos++; var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = [].concat(getSC(), getIdent(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n + 2)` */ function checkPseudoClass3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign || tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass3() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); { var _l = tokens[pos].ln; var _c = tokens[pos].col; var _content = tokens[pos].value; var ident = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, _content, _l, _c); value.push(ident); pos++; } value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n)` */ function checkPseudoClass4(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass4() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); if (checkIdent(pos)) value.push(getIdent()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(+8)` */ function checkPseudoClass5(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass5() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:checked` */ function checkPseudoClass6(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass6() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `:`. pos++; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkRuleset(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getRuleset() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is marked as a space (if it's a space or a tab * or a line break). * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} Number of spaces in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkS(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].ws ? tokens[i].ws_last - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with spaces * @return {Node} */ function getS() { var type = NodeType.SType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ws_last); pos = tokens[pos].ws_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a space or a comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Number of similar (space or comment) tokens * in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkSC(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; var lsc = 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkS(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 1;else if (l = checkCommentML(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 2;else break; i += l; lsc += l; } return lsc || 0; } /** * Get node with spaces and comments * @return {Array} */ function getSC() { var sc = []; if (pos >= tokensLength) return sc; while (pos < tokensLength) { var childType = tokens[pos].sc_child; if (childType === 1) sc.push(getS());else if (childType === 2) sc.push(getCommentML());else break; } return sc; } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * a simple selector * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkShash(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.NumberSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside a simple * selector * @return {Node} */ function getShash() { var type = NodeType.ShashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `#`. pos++; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a string (text wrapped in quotes) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is part of a string, `0` if not */ function checkString(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringSQ || tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringDQ) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get string's node * @return {Array} `['string', x]` where `x` is a string (including * quotes). */ function getString() { var type = NodeType.StringType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Validate stylesheet: it should consist of any number (0 or more) of * rulesets (sets of rules with selectors), @-rules, whitespaces or * comments. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkStylesheet(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 1;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 2;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 3;else if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 4;else throwError(i); i += l; } return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} `['stylesheet', x]` where `x` is all stylesheet's * nodes. */ function getStylesheet() { var type = NodeType.StylesheetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { var childType = tokens[pos].stylesheet_child; if (childType === 1) content = content.concat(getSC()); if (childType === 2) content.push(getRuleset()); if (childType === 3) content.push(getAtrule()); if (childType === 4) content.push(getDeclDelim()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkTset(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 1;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 2;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 3;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 4; return l; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getTset() { var childType = tokens[pos].tset_child; if (childType === 1) return getVhash(); if (childType === 2) return getAny(); if (childType === 3) return getSC(); if (childType === 4) return getOperator(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkTsets(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (l = checkTset(i)) { i += l; } tokens[start].tsets_end = i; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getTsets() { var content = []; var t = void 0; if (pos >= tokensLength) return content; var end = tokens[pos].tsets_end; while (pos < end) { t = getTset(); if (typeof t.content === 'string') content.push(t);else content = content.concat(t); } return content; } /** * Check if token is an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} `1` if token is an unary sign, `0` if not */ function checkUnary(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @return {Array} `['unary', x]` where `x` is an unary sign * converted to string. */ function getUnary() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a unicode range (single or multiple nodes) * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Unicode range node's length */ function checkUnicodeRange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkUrange(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkUrange(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get a unicode range node * @return {Node} */ function getUnicodeRange() { var type = NodeType.UnicodeRangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkDelim(pos)) content.push(getDelim());else if (checkUrange(pos)) content.push(getUrange());else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is unit * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkUnit(i) { var units = ['em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem', 'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'px', 'mm', 'q', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', 's', 'ms', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'dpi', 'dpcm', 'dppx']; return units.indexOf(tokens[i].value) !== -1 ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get unit node of type ident * @return {Node} An ident node containing the unit value */ function getUnit() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a u-range (part of a unicode-range) * (1) `U+416` * (2) `U+400-4ff` * (3) `U+4??` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Urange node's length */ function checkUrange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Check for unicode prefix (u+ or U+) if (tokens[i].value === 'U' || tokens[i].value === 'u') i += 1;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === '+') i += 1;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l;else if (l = _checkUnicodeWildcard(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].urangeEnd = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get a u-range node (part of a unicode-range) * @return {Node} */ function getUrange() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.UrangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content = joinValues(startPos, tokens[startPos].urangeEnd); pos = tokens[startPos].urangeEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check for unicode wildcard characters `?` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Wildcard length */ function _checkUnicodeWildcard(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.QuestionMark) i += 1;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of URI (e.g. `url('/css/styles.css')`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of URI */ function checkUri(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].value !== 'url') return 0; // Skip `url`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * Get node with URI * @return {Array} `['uri', x]` where `x` is URI's nodes (without `url` * and braces, e.g. `['string', ''/css/styles.css'']`). */ function getUri() { var startPos = pos; var uriExcluding = {}; var uri = void 0; var l = void 0; var raw = void 0; var rawContent = void 0; var t = void 0; pos += 2; uriExcluding[TokenType.Space] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.Tab] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.Newline] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.LeftParenthesis] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.RightParenthesis] = 1; if (checkUri1(pos)) { uri = [].concat(getSC(), getString(), getSC()); } else { uri = checkSC(pos) ? getSC() : []; l = checkExcluding(uriExcluding, pos); rawContent = joinValues(pos, pos + l); t = tokens[pos]; raw = newNode(NodeType.RawType, rawContent, t.ln, t.col); uri.push(raw); pos += l + 1; if (checkSC(pos)) uri = uri.concat(getSC()); } t = tokens[startPos]; var line = t.ln; var column = t.col; var end = getLastPosition(uri, line, column, 1); pos++; return newNode(NodeType.UriType, uri, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkUri1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.StringDQ && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.StringSQ) return 0; i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of a value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the value */ function checkValue(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var s = void 0; var _i = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkValue(_i)) i += l + s;else break; } tokens[start].value_end = i; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getValue() { var type = NodeType.ValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = tokens[pos].value_end; var content = []; while (pos < end) { if (tokens[pos].value_child) content.push(_getValue());else content = content.concat(getSC()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function _checkValue(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkProgid(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 1;else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 2;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 3;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 4;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 5; return l; } /** * @return {Array} */ function _getValue() { var childType = tokens[pos].value_child; if (childType === 1) return getProgid(); if (childType === 2) return getVhash(); if (childType === 3) return getAny(); if (childType === 4) return getOperator(); if (childType === 5) return getImportant(); } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * some value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkVhash(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `#`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.NumberSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkNmName2(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside some value * @return {Array} `['vhash', x]` where `x` is a hexadecimal number * converted to string (without `#`, e.g. `'fff'`). */ function getVhash() { var type = NodeType.VhashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `#`. pos++; var content = getNmName2(); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkSelectorsGroup(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; var selectorCounter = 0; var delimCounter = 0; if (l = checkSelector(i)) { i += l; selectorCounter++; } else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var tempStart = i; var tempIndex = i; var tempLength = void 0; var spaceBefore = checkSC(tempIndex); if (tempLength = checkDelim(tempIndex + spaceBefore)) { tempIndex += spaceBefore + tempLength; delimCounter++; if (tempLength = checkSC(tempIndex)) tempIndex += tempLength; if (tempLength = checkSelector(tempIndex)) { tempIndex += tempLength; selectorCounter++; } } else break; i += tempIndex - tempStart; } tokens[start].selectorsGroupEnd = i; tokens[start].selectorsGroupSelectorCount = selectorCounter; tokens[start].selectorsGroupDelimCount = delimCounter; return i - start; } function getSelectorsGroup() { var selectorsGroup = []; var selectorCounter = 0; var delimCounter = 0; var selectorsGroupEnd = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupEnd; var selectorCount = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupSelectorCount; var delimCount = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupDelimCount; selectorsGroup.push(getSelector()); selectorCounter++; while (pos < selectorsGroupEnd) { if (delimCounter < delimCount) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC()); selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getDelim()); delimCounter++; selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC()); if (selectorCounter < selectorCount) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSelector()); selectorCounter++; } } } return selectorsGroup; } function checkSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkCombinator(i + spaceBefore); if (!spaceBefore && !comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } tokens[start].selectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelector() { var type = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var selectorEnd = token.selectorEnd; var content = getCompoundSelector(); while (pos < selectorEnd) { content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator()); content = content.concat(getSC(), getCompoundSelector()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkCompoundSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector1(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkCompoundSelector2(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 2; } return l; } function getCompoundSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getCompoundSelector1(); if (type === 2) return getCompoundSelector2(); } function checkCompoundSelector1(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkUniversalSelector(i) || checkTypeSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var _l2 = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i); if (_l2) i += _l2;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getCompoundSelector1() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; if (checkUniversalSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getUniversalSelector());else sequence.push(getTypeSelector()); while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo()); } return sequence; } function checkCompoundSelector2(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; while (i < tokensLength) { var l = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i); if (l) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getCompoundSelector2() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo());else break; } return sequence; } function checkUniversalSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getUniversalSelector() { var type = NodeType.UniversalSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var end = void 0; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) { content.push(getNamePrefix()); end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); } pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkTypeSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getTypeSelector() { var type = NodeType.TypeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeSelector1(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeSelector2(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeSelector1();else return getAttributeSelector2(); } /** * (1) `[panda=nani]` * (2) `[panda='nani']` * (3) `[panda='nani' i]` * */ function checkAttributeSelector1(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeMatch(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeFlags(i)) { i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; } if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC(), getAttributeMatch(), getSC(), getAttributeValue(), getSC()); if (checkAttributeFlags(pos)) { content.push(getAttributeFlags()); content = content.concat(getSC()); } // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * (1) `[panda]` */ function checkAttributeSelector2(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC()); // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkAttributeName(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeName() { var type = NodeType.AttributeNameType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeMatch1(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeMatch2(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeMatch() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeMatchType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeMatch1();else return getAttributeMatch2(); } function checkAttributeMatch1(i) { var start = i; var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.Tilde || type === TokenType.VerticalLine || type === TokenType.CircumflexAccent || type === TokenType.DollarSign || type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeMatch1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value + tokens[pos + 1].value; pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 1;else return 0; } function getAttributeMatch2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '='; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeValue(i) { return checkString(i) || checkIdent(i); } function getAttributeValue() { var type = NodeType.AttributeValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkString(pos)) content.push(getString());else content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeFlags(i) { return checkIdent(i); } function getAttributeFlags() { var type = NodeType.AttributeFlagsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkNamePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix1(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 1;else if (l = checkNamePrefix2(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 2; return l; } function getNamePrefix() { var type = tokens[pos].namePrefixType; if (type === 1) return getNamePrefix1();else return getNamePrefix2(); } /** * (1) `panda|` * (2) `panda|` */ function checkNamePrefix1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamespacePrefix(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkCommentML(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNamespaceSeparator(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getNamePrefix1() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getNamespacePrefix()); if (checkCommentML(pos)) content.push(getCommentML()); content.push(getNamespaceSeparator()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamePrefix2(i) { return checkNamespaceSeparator(i); } function getNamePrefix2() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNamespaceSeparator()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `*` * (2) `panda` */ function checkNamespacePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) return 1;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) return l;else return 0; } function getNamespacePrefix() { var type = NodeType.NamespacePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.type === TokenType.Asterisk) { var asteriskNode = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, '*', line, column); content.push(asteriskNode); pos++; } else if (checkIdent(pos)) content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamespaceSeparator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.VerticalLine) return 0; // Return false if `|=` - [attr|=value] if (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 0; return 1; } function getNamespaceSeparator() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceSeparatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } module.exports = function (_tokens, context) { tokens = _tokens; tokensLength = tokens.length; pos = 0; return contexts[context](); }; /***/ }), /* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; module.exports = { ArgumentsType: 'arguments', AtkeywordType: 'atkeyword', AtruleType: 'atrule', AttributeSelectorType: 'attributeSelector', AttributeNameType: 'attributeName', AttributeFlagsType: 'attributeFlags', AttributeMatchType: 'attributeMatch', AttributeValueType: 'attributeValue', BlockType: 'block', BracketsType: 'brackets', ClassType: 'class', CombinatorType: 'combinator', CommentMLType: 'multilineComment', CommentSLType: 'singlelineComment', ConditionType: 'condition', ConditionalStatementType: 'conditionalStatement', CustomPropertyType: 'customProperty', DeclarationType: 'declaration', DeclDelimType: 'declarationDelimiter', DefaultType: 'default', DelimType: 'delimiter', DimensionType: 'dimension', EscapedStringType: 'escapedString', ExtendType: 'extend', ExpressionType: 'expression', FunctionType: 'function', FunctionsListType: 'functionsList', GlobalType: 'global', IdentType: 'ident', ImportantType: 'important', IncludeType: 'include', InterpolationType: 'interpolation', InterpolatedVariableType: 'interpolatedVariable', KeyframesSelectorType: 'keyframesSelector', LoopType: 'loop', MixinType: 'mixin', NamePrefixType: 'namePrefix', NamespacePrefixType: 'namespacePrefix', NamespaceSeparatorType: 'namespaceSeparator', NumberType: 'number', OperatorType: 'operator', OptionalType: 'optional', ParenthesesType: 'parentheses', ParentSelectorType: 'parentSelector', ParentSelectorExtensionType: 'parentSelectorExtension', PercentageType: 'percentage', PlaceholderType: 'placeholder', ProgidType: 'progid', PropertyType: 'property', PropertyDelimType: 'propertyDelimiter', PseudocType: 'pseudoClass', PseudoeType: 'pseudoElement', RawType: 'raw', RulesetType: 'ruleset', SType: 'space', SelectorType: 'selector', ShashType: 'id', StringType: 'string', StylesheetType: 'stylesheet', TypeSelectorType: 'typeSelector', UnicodeRangeType: 'unicodeRange', UniversalSelectorType: 'universalSelector', UriType: 'uri', UrangeType: 'urange', ValueType: 'value', VariableType: 'variable', VariablesListType: 'variablesList', VhashType: 'color' }; /***/ }), /* 16 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function (css, tabSize) { var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); var tokens = []; var urlMode = false; var blockMode = 0; var pos = 0; var tn = 0; var ln = 1; var col = 1; var cssLength = 0; var Punctuation = { ' ': TokenType.Space, '\n': TokenType.Newline, '\r': TokenType.Newline, '\t': TokenType.Tab, '!': TokenType.ExclamationMark, '"': TokenType.QuotationMark, '#': TokenType.NumberSign, '$': TokenType.DollarSign, '%': TokenType.PercentSign, '&': TokenType.Ampersand, '\'': TokenType.Apostrophe, '(': TokenType.LeftParenthesis, ')': TokenType.RightParenthesis, '*': TokenType.Asterisk, '+': TokenType.PlusSign, ',': TokenType.Comma, '-': TokenType.HyphenMinus, '.': TokenType.FullStop, '/': TokenType.Solidus, ':': TokenType.Colon, ';': TokenType.Semicolon, '<': TokenType.LessThanSign, '=': TokenType.EqualsSign, '>': TokenType.GreaterThanSign, '?': TokenType.QuestionMark, '@': TokenType.CommercialAt, '[': TokenType.LeftSquareBracket, ']': TokenType.RightSquareBracket, '^': TokenType.CircumflexAccent, '_': TokenType.LowLine, '{': TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket, '|': TokenType.VerticalLine, '}': TokenType.RightCurlyBracket, '~': TokenType.Tilde }; /** * Add a token to the token list * @param {string} type * @param {string} value */ function pushToken(type, value, column) { tokens.push({ tn: tn++, ln: ln, col: column, type: type, value: value }); } /** * Check if a character is a decimal digit * @param {string} c Character * @returns {boolean} */ function isDecimalDigit(c) { return '0123456789'.indexOf(c) >= 0; } /** * Parse spaces * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseSpaces(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a non-space character: for (; pos < cssLength; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) !== ' ') break; } // Add a substring containing only spaces to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Space, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse a string within quotes * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string * @param {string} q Quote (either `'` or `"`) */ function parseString(css, q) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a matching quote: for (pos++; pos < cssLength; pos++) { // Skip escaped quotes: if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (css.charAt(pos) === q) break; } // Add the string (including quotes) to tokens: pushToken(q === '"' ? TokenType.StringDQ : TokenType.StringSQ, css.substring(start, pos + 1), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse numbers * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseDecimalNumber(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a character that's not a digit: for (; pos < cssLength; pos++) { if (!isDecimalDigit(css.charAt(pos))) break; } // Add the number to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.DecimalNumber, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse identifier * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseIdentifier(css) { var start = pos; // Skip all opening slashes: while (css.charAt(pos) === '/') { pos++; } // Read the string until we meet a punctuation mark: for (; pos < cssLength; pos++) { // Skip all '\': if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (Punctuation[css.charAt(pos)]) break; } var ident = css.substring(start, pos--); // Enter url mode if parsed substring is `url`: urlMode = urlMode || ident === 'url'; // Add identifier to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Identifier, ident, col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse a multiline comment * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseMLComment(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet `*/`. // Since we already know first 2 characters (`/*`), start reading // from `pos + 2`: for (pos = pos + 2; pos < cssLength; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) === '*' && css.charAt(pos + 1) === '/') { pos++; break; } } // Add full comment (including `/*` and `*/`) to the list of tokens: var comment = css.substring(start, pos + 1); pushToken(TokenType.CommentML, comment, col); var newlines = comment.split('\n'); if (newlines.length > 1) { ln += newlines.length - 1; col = newlines[newlines.length - 1].length; } else { col += pos - start; } } function parseSLComment(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet line break. // Since we already know first 2 characters (`//`), start reading // from `pos + 2`: for (pos += 2; pos < cssLength; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) === '\n' || css.charAt(pos) === '\r') { break; } } // Add comment (including `//` and line break) to the list of tokens: pushToken(TokenType.CommentSL, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Convert a CSS string to a list of tokens * @param {string} css CSS string * @returns {Array} List of tokens * @private */ function getTokens(css) { var c; // Current character var cn; // Next character cssLength = css.length; // Parse string, character by character: for (pos = 0; pos < cssLength; col++, pos++) { c = css.charAt(pos); cn = css.charAt(pos + 1); // If we meet `/*`, it's a start of a multiline comment. // Parse following characters as a multiline comment: if (c === '/' && cn === '*') { parseMLComment(css); } // If we meet `//` and it is not a part of url: else if (!urlMode && c === '/' && cn === '/') { // If we're currently inside a block, treat `//` as a start // of identifier. Else treat `//` as a start of a single-line // comment: if (blockMode > 0) parseIdentifier(css);else parseSLComment(css); } // If current character is a double or single quote, it's a start // of a string: else if (c === '"' || c === "'") { parseString(css, c); } // If current character is a space: else if (c === ' ') { parseSpaces(css); } // If current character is a punctuation mark: else if (Punctuation[c]) { // Add it to the list of tokens: pushToken(Punctuation[c], c, col); if (c === '\n' || c === '\r') { ln++; col = 0; } // Go to next line else if (c === ')') urlMode = false; // Exit url mode else if (c === '{') blockMode++; // Enter a block else if (c === '}') blockMode--; // Exit a block else if (c === '\t' && tabSize > 1) col += tabSize - 1; } // If current character is a decimal digit: else if (isDecimalDigit(c)) { parseDecimalNumber(css); } // If current character is anything else: else { parseIdentifier(css); } } return tokens; } return getTokens(css); }; /***/ }), /* 17 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = { mark: __webpack_require__(18), parse: __webpack_require__(19), stringify: __webpack_require__(4), tokenizer: __webpack_require__(20) }; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }), /* 18 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); module.exports = function () { /** * Mark whitespaces and comments */ function markSC(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var ws = -1; // Flag for whitespaces var sc = -1; // Flag for whitespaces and comments var t = void 0; // Current token // For every token in the token list, mark spaces and line breaks // as spaces (set both `ws` and `sc` flags). Mark multiline comments // with `sc` flag. // If there are several spaces or tabs or line breaks or multiline // comments in a row, group them: take the last one's index number // and save it to the first token in the group as a reference: // e.g., `ws_last = 7` for a group of whitespaces or `sc_last = 9` // for a group of whitespaces and comments. for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { t = tokens[i]; switch (t.type) { case TokenType.Space: case TokenType.Tab: case TokenType.Newline: t.ws = true; t.sc = true; if (ws === -1) ws = i; if (sc === -1) sc = i; break; case TokenType.CommentML: case TokenType.CommentSL: if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; ws = -1; } t.sc = true; break; default: if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; ws = -1; } if (sc !== -1) { tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; sc = -1; } } } if (ws !== -1) tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; if (sc !== -1) tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; } /** * Pair brackets */ function markBrackets(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var ps = []; // Parentheses var sbs = []; // Square brackets var cbs = []; // Curly brackets var t = void 0; // Current token // For every token in the token list, if we meet an opening (left) // bracket, push its index number to a corresponding array. // If we then meet a closing (right) bracket, look at the corresponding // array. If there are any elements (records about previously met // left brackets), take a token of the last left bracket (take // the last index number from the array and find a token with // this index number) and save right bracket's index as a reference: for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { t = tokens[i]; switch (t.type) { case TokenType.LeftParenthesis: ps.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightParenthesis: if (ps.length) { t.left = ps.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; case TokenType.LeftSquareBracket: sbs.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightSquareBracket: if (sbs.length) { t.left = sbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; case TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket: cbs.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightCurlyBracket: if (cbs.length) { t.left = cbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; } } } return function (tokens) { markBrackets(tokens); markSC(tokens); }; }(); /***/ }), /* 19 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var Node = __webpack_require__(1); var NodeType = __webpack_require__(15); var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); var tokens = void 0; var tokensLength = void 0; var pos = void 0; var contexts = { 'arguments': function _arguments() { return checkArguments(pos) && getArguments(); }, 'atkeyword': function atkeyword() { return checkAtkeyword(pos) && getAtkeyword(); }, 'atrule': function atrule() { return checkAtrule(pos) && getAtrule(); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector() { return checkAttributeSelector(pos) && getAttributeSelector(); }, 'block': function block() { return checkBlock(pos) && getBlock(); }, 'brackets': function brackets() { return checkBrackets(pos) && getBrackets(); }, 'class': function _class() { return checkClass(pos) && getClass(); }, 'combinator': function combinator() { return checkCombinator(pos) && getCombinator(); }, 'commentML': function commentML() { return checkCommentML(pos) && getCommentML(); }, 'commentSL': function commentSL() { return checkCommentSL(pos) && getCommentSL(); }, 'condition': function condition() { return checkCondition(pos) && getCondition(); }, 'declaration': function declaration() { return checkDeclaration(pos) && getDeclaration(); }, 'declDelim': function declDelim() { return checkDeclDelim(pos) && getDeclDelim(); }, 'delim': function delim() { return checkDelim(pos) && getDelim(); }, 'dimension': function dimension() { return checkDimension(pos) && getDimension(); }, 'escapedString': function escapedString() { return checkEscapedString(pos) && getEscapedString(); }, 'expression': function expression() { return checkExpression(pos) && getExpression(); }, 'extend': function extend() { return checkExtend(pos) && getExtend(); }, 'function': function _function() { return checkFunction(pos) && getFunction(); }, 'ident': function ident() { return checkIdent(pos) && getIdent(); }, 'important': function important() { return checkImportant(pos) && getImportant(); }, 'include': function include() { return checkInclude(pos) && getInclude(); }, 'interpolatedVariable': function interpolatedVariable() { return checkInterpolatedVariable(pos) && getInterpolatedVariable(); }, 'mixin': function mixin() { return checkMixin(pos) && getMixin(); }, 'namespace': function namespace() { return checkNamespace(pos) && getNamespace(); }, 'number': function number() { return checkNumber(pos) && getNumber(); }, 'operator': function operator() { return checkOperator(pos) && getOperator(); }, 'parentheses': function parentheses() { return checkParentheses(pos) && getParentheses(); }, 'parentselector': function parentselector() { return checkParentSelector(pos) && getParentSelector(); }, 'percentage': function percentage() { return checkPercentage(pos) && getPercentage(); }, 'progid': function progid() { return checkProgid(pos) && getProgid(); }, 'property': function property() { return checkProperty(pos) && getProperty(); }, 'propertyDelim': function propertyDelim() { return checkPropertyDelim(pos) && getPropertyDelim(); }, 'pseudoc': function pseudoc() { return checkPseudoc(pos) && getPseudoc(); }, 'pseudoe': function pseudoe() { return checkPseudoe(pos) && getPseudoe(); }, 'ruleset': function ruleset() { return checkRuleset(pos) && getRuleset(); }, 's': function s() { return checkS(pos) && getS(); }, 'selector': function selector() { return checkSelector(pos) && getSelector(); }, 'shash': function shash() { return checkShash(pos) && getShash(); }, 'string': function string() { return checkString(pos) && getString(); }, 'stylesheet': function stylesheet() { return checkStylesheet(pos) && getStylesheet(); }, 'unary': function unary() { return checkUnary(pos) && getUnary(); }, 'unicodeRange': function unicodeRange() { return checkUnicodeRange(pos) && getUnicodeRange(); }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector() { return checkUniversalSelector(pos) && getUniversalSelector(); }, 'urange': function urange() { return checkUrange(pos) && getUrange(); }, 'uri': function uri() { return checkUri(pos) && getUri(); }, 'value': function value() { return checkValue(pos) && getValue(); }, 'variable': function variable() { return checkVariable(pos) && getVariable(); }, 'variableslist': function variableslist() { return checkVariablesList(pos) && getVariablesList(); }, 'vhash': function vhash() { return checkVhash(pos) && getVhash(); } }; /** * Stop parsing and display error * @param {Number=} i Token's index number */ function throwError(i) { var ln = tokens[i].ln; throw { line: ln, syntax: 'less' }; } /** * @param {Object} exclude * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkExcluding(exclude, i) { var start = i; while (i < tokensLength) { if (exclude[tokens[i++].type]) break; } return i - start - 2; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} finish * @returns {String} */ function joinValues(start, finish) { var s = ''; for (var i = start; i < finish + 1; i++) { s += tokens[i].value; } return s; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} num * @returns {String} */ function joinValues2(start, num) { if (start + num - 1 >= tokensLength) return; var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { s += tokens[start + i].value; } return s; } function getLastPosition(content, line, column, colOffset) { return typeof content === 'string' ? getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) : getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset); } function getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = []; if (!content) { position = [line, column]; if (colOffset) position[1] += colOffset - 1; return position; } var lastLinebreak = content.lastIndexOf('\n'); var endsWithLinebreak = lastLinebreak === content.length - 1; var splitContent = content.split('\n'); var linebreaksCount = splitContent.length - 1; var prevLinebreak = linebreaksCount === 0 || linebreaksCount === 1 ? -1 : content.length - splitContent[linebreaksCount - 1].length - 2; // Line: var offset = endsWithLinebreak ? linebreaksCount - 1 : linebreaksCount; position[0] = line + offset; // Column: if (endsWithLinebreak) { offset = prevLinebreak !== -1 ? content.length - prevLinebreak : content.length - 1; } else { offset = linebreaksCount !== 0 ? content.length - lastLinebreak - column - 1 : content.length - 1; } position[1] = column + offset; if (!colOffset) return position; if (endsWithLinebreak) { position[0]++; position[1] = colOffset; } else { position[1] += colOffset; } return position; } function getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = void 0; if (content.length === 0) { position = [line, column]; } else { var c = content[content.length - 1]; if (c.hasOwnProperty('end')) { position = [c.end.line, c.end.column]; } else { position = getLastPosition(c.content, line, column); } } if (!colOffset) return position; if (tokens[pos - 1] && tokens[pos - 1].type !== 'Newline') { position[1] += colOffset; } else { position[0]++; position[1] = 1; } return position; } function newNode(type, content, line, column, end) { if (!end) end = getLastPosition(content, line, column); return new Node({ type: type, content: content, start: { line: line, column: column }, end: { line: end[0], column: end[1] }, syntax: 'less' }); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAny(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkBrackets(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 1;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 2;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 3;else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 4;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 5;else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 6;else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 7;else if (l = checkUnicodeRange(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 15;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 8;else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 9;else if (l = checkExpression(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 10;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 11;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 12;else if (l = checkClass(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 13;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 14; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getAny() { var childType = tokens[pos].any_child; if (childType === 1) return getBrackets(); if (childType === 2) return getParentheses(); if (childType === 3) return getString(); if (childType === 4) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 5) return getVariable(); if (childType === 6) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 7) return getDimension(); if (childType === 15) return getUnicodeRange(); if (childType === 8) return getNumber(); if (childType === 9) return getUri(); if (childType === 10) return getExpression(); if (childType === 11) return getFunction(); if (childType === 12) return getIdent(); if (childType === 13) return getClass(); if (childType === 14) return getUnary(); } /** * Check if token is part of mixin's arguments. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkArguments(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; // Skip `(`. i++; while (i < tokens[start].right) { if (l = checkArgument(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return tokens[start].right - start + 1; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getArguments() { var type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var body = void 0; // Skip `(`. pos++; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (checkDeclaration(pos)) content.push(getDeclaration());else if (checkArgument(pos)) { body = getArgument(); if (typeof body.content === 'string') content.push(body);else content = content.concat(body); } else if (checkClass(pos)) content.push(getClass());else throwError(pos); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is valid to be part of arguments list. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkArgument(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkEscapedString(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 1;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 2;else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 3;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 4;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 5;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 6;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 7;else if (l = checkDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 8;else if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 9;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 10;else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 11;else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 12;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 13;else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 14;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 15;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 16;else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 17;else if (l = checkBlock(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 18;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 19; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} Node that is part of arguments list. */ function getArgument() { var childType = tokens[pos].argument_child; if (childType === 1) return getEscapedString(); if (childType === 2) return getDeclaration(); if (childType === 3) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 4) return getVariable(); if (childType === 5) return getSC(); if (childType === 6) return getUnary(); if (childType === 7) return getOperator(); if (childType === 8) return getDelim(); if (childType === 9) return getDeclDelim(); if (childType === 10) return getString(); if (childType === 11) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 12) return getDimension(); if (childType === 13) return getNumber(); if (childType === 14) return getUri(); if (childType === 15) return getFunction(); if (childType === 16) return getIdent(); if (childType === 17) return getVhash(); if (childType === 18) return getBlock(); if (childType === 19) return getParentheses(); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-word (e.g. `@import`, `@include`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtkeyword(i) { var l = void 0; // Check that token is `@`: if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; return (l = checkIdent(i)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with @-word * @returns {Array} `['atkeyword', ['ident', x]]` where `x` is * an identifier without * `@` (e.g. `import`, `include`) */ function getAtkeyword() { var type = NodeType.AtkeywordType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `@`. pos++; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a part of an @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of @-rule */ function checkAtrule(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // If token already has a record of being part of an @-rule, // return the @-rule's length: if (tokens[i].atrule_l !== undefined) return tokens[i].atrule_l; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's type to token. if (l = checkKeyframesRule(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 4; // @-rule with ruleset: else if (l = checkAtruler(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 1; // Block @-rule: else if (l = checkAtruleb(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 2; // Single-line @-rule: else if (l = checkAtrules(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 3;else return 0; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's length to token: tokens[i].atrule_l = l; return l; } /** * Get node with @-rule * @returns {Array} */ function getAtrule() { var childType = tokens[pos].atrule_type; if (childType === 1) return getAtruler(); // @-rule with ruleset if (childType === 2) return getAtruleb(); // Block @-rule if (childType === 3) return getAtrules(); // Single-line @-rule if (childType === 4) return getKeyframesRule(); } /** * Check if token is part of a block @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruleb(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a block @-rule * @returns {Array} `['atruleb', ['atkeyword', x], y, ['block', z]]` */ function getAtruleb() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-rule with ruleset * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruler(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkAtrulers(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an @-rule with ruleset * @returns {Array} ['atruler', ['atkeyword', x], y, z] */ function getAtruler() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getAtrulers()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtrulers(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 1;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 2;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 3;else break; i += l; } if (i < tokensLength) tokens[i].atrulers_end = 1; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['atrulers', x]` */ function getAtrulers() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC()); while (pos < tokensLength && !tokens[pos].atrulers_end) { var childType = tokens[pos].atrulers_child; if (childType === 1) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (childType === 2) content.push(getAtrule());else if (childType === 3) content.push(getRuleset());else break; } content = content.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtrules(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['atrules', ['atkeyword', x], y]` */ function getAtrules() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a block (e.g. `{...}`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the block */ function checkBlock(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket ? tokens[i].right - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a block * @returns {Array} `['block', x]` */ function getBlock() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = tokens[pos].right; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; while (pos < end) { if (checkBlockdecl(pos)) content = content.concat(getBlockdecl());else throwError(pos); } var end_ = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); pos = end + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end_); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkBlockdecl(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkBlockdecl1(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 1;else if (l = checkBlockdecl2(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 2;else if (l = checkBlockdecl3(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 3;else if (l = checkBlockdecl4(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 4;else return 0; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl() { var childType = tokens[pos].bd_type; if (childType === 1) return getBlockdecl1(); if (childType === 2) return getBlockdecl2(); if (childType === 3) return getBlockdecl3(); if (childType === 4) return getBlockdecl4(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkCondition(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkExtend(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4;else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5;else return 0; i += l; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkDeclDelim(i))) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl1() { var sc = getSC(); var content = void 0; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content = getCondition(); break; case 2: content = getRuleset(); break; case 3: content = getDeclaration(); break; case 4: content = getAtrule(); break; case 5: content = getInclude(); break; case 6: content = getExtend(); break; } return sc.concat(content, getDeclDelim(), getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkCondition(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkExtend(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5;else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else return 0; i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl2() { var sc = getSC(); var content = void 0; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content = getCondition(); break; case 2: content = getInclude(); break; case 3: content = getExtend(); break; case 4: content = getDeclaration(); break; case 5: content = getAtrule(); break; case 6: content = getRuleset(); break; } return sc.concat(content, getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `[s0, ['declDelim'], s1]` where `s0` and `s1` are * are optional whitespaces. */ function getBlockdecl3() { return [].concat(getSC(), getDeclDelim(), getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl4(i) { return checkSC(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl4() { return getSC(); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside square brackets, e.g. `[1]` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBrackets(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; // Skip `[`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; if (i < tokens[start].right) { var l = checkTsets(i); if (l) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `]`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get node with text inside square brackets, e.g. `[1]` * @returns {Node} */ function getBrackets() { var type = NodeType.BracketsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `]`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a class selector (e.g. `.abc`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the class selector */ function checkClass(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].class_l) return tokens[i].class_l; if (tokens[i++].type === TokenType.FullStop) { if (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i)) tokens[i].class_child = 1;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].class_child = 2;else return 0; tokens[i].class_l = l + 1; return l + 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with a class selector * @returns {Array} `['class', ['ident', x]]` where x is a class's * identifier (without `.`, e.g. `abc`). */ function getClass() { var type = NodeType.ClassType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `.` pos++; var childType = tokens[pos].class_child; if (childType === 1) content.push(getInterpolatedVariable());else content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkCombinator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCombinator1(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 1;else if (l = checkCombinator2(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 2;else if (l = checkCombinator3(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 3;else if (l = checkCombinator4(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 4; return l; } function getCombinator() { var type = tokens[pos].combinatorType; if (type === 1) return getCombinator1(); if (type === 2) return getCombinator2(); if (type === 3) return getCombinator3(); if (type === 4) return getCombinator4(); } /** * (1) `>>>` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator1(i) { if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 3; return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator1() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '>>>'; // Skip combinator pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `||` * (2) `>>` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator2(i) { if (i + 1 >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.VerticalLine) return 2; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 2; return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator2() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '' + token.value + tokens[pos + 1].value; // Skip combinator pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `>` * (2) `+` * (3) `~` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator3(i) { var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.PlusSign || type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign || type === TokenType.Tilde) return 1;else return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator3() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; // Skip combinator pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `/panda/` */ function checkCombinator4(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator4() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `/`. pos++; var ident = getIdent(); // Skip `/`. pos++; var content = '/' + ident.content + '/'; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a multiline comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a multiline comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentML(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentML ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a multiline comment * @returns {Array} `['commentML', x]` where `x` * is the comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getCommentML() { var type = NodeType.CommentMLType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value.substring(2); var l = content.length; if (content.charAt(l - 2) === '*' && content.charAt(l - 1) === '/') content = content.substring(0, l - 2); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 2); if (end[0] === line) end[1] += 2; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a single-line comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a single-line comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentSL(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentSL ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a single-line comment. * @returns {Array} */ function getCommentSL() { var type = NodeType.CommentSLType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos++].value.substring(2); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 2); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a condition. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the condition */ function checkCondition(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if ((l = checkIdent(i)) && tokens[i].value === 'when') i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkBlock(i)) { tokens[i].condition_child = 0; break; } else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 1;else if (l = checkBrackets(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 2;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 3;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 4;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 5;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 6;else if (l = checkDelim(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 7;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 8;else if (l = checkCombinator(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 9;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 10;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].condition_child = 11;else return 0; i += l; } return i - start; } /** * Get node with a condition. * @returns {Array} `['condition', x]` */ function getCondition() { var type = NodeType.ConditionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getIdent()); while (pos < tokensLength) { var childType = tokens[pos].condition_child; if (childType === 0) break;else if (childType === 1) content.push(getFunction());else if (childType === 2) content.push(getBrackets());else if (childType === 3) content.push(getParentheses());else if (childType === 4) content.push(getVariable());else if (childType === 5) content.push(getIdent());else if (childType === 6) content.push(getNumber());else if (childType === 7) content.push(getDelim());else if (childType === 8) content.push(getOperator());else if (childType === 9) content.push(getCombinator());else if (childType === 10) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (childType === 11) content.push(getString()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkDeclaration(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @returns {Array} `['declaration', ['property', x], ['propertyDelim'], * ['value', y]]` */ function getDeclaration() { var type = NodeType.DeclarationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getProperty(), getSC(), getPropertyDelim(), getSC(), getValue()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a semicolon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a semicolon, otherwise `0` */ function checkDeclDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Semicolon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a semicolon * @returns {Array} `['declDelim']` */ function getDeclDelim() { var type = NodeType.DeclDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ';'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a comma * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a comma, otherwise `0` */ function checkDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Comma ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a comma * @returns {Array} `['delim']` */ function getDelim() { var type = NodeType.DelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ','; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a number with dimension unit (e.g. `10px`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkDimension(i) { var ln = checkNumber(i); var li = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || !ln || i + ln >= tokensLength) return 0; return (li = checkUnit(i + ln)) ? ln + li : 0; } /** * Get node of a number with dimension unit * @return {Node} */ function getDimension() { var type = NodeType.DimensionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNumber(), getUnit()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an escaped string (e.g. `~"ms:something"`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the string (including `~` and quotes) */ function checkEscapedString(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Tilde && (l = checkString(i + 1))) return i + l - start;else return 0; } /** * Get node with an escaped string * @returns {Array} `['escapedString', ['string', x]]` where `x` is a string * without `~` but with quotes */ function getEscapedString() { var type = NodeType.EscapedStringType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; pos++; var content = tokens[pos].value; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 1); pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkExpression(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].value !== 'expression' || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { return 0; } return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getExpression() { var type = NodeType.ExpressionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; pos++; var content = joinValues(pos + 1, tokens[pos].right - 1); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); if (end[0] === line) end[1] += 11; pos = tokens[pos].right + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkExtend(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkExtend1(i)) tokens[i].extendType = 1;else if (l = checkExtend2(i)) tokens[i].extendType = 2;else return 0; return l; } function getExtend() { var childType = tokens[pos].extendType; if (childType === 1) return getExtend1(); if (childType === 2) return getExtend2(); } /** * (1) `selector:extend(selector) {...}` */ function checkExtend1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkExtendSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].value === 'extend' && (l = checkPseudoc(i))) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getExtend1() { var type = NodeType.ExtendType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getExtendSelector(), getPseudoc(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `selector:extend(selector)` */ function checkExtend2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkExtendSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].value === 'extend' && (l = checkPseudoc(i))) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getExtend2() { var type = NodeType.ExtendType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getExtendSelector(), getPseudoc()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkExtendSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkParentSelectorWithExtension(i)) tokens[i].extend_type = 1;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].extend_type = 2;else if (l = checkClass(i)) tokens[i].extend_type = 3;else if (l = checkShash(i)) tokens[i].extend_type = 4; return l; } function getExtendSelector() { var childType = tokens[pos].extend_type; if (childType === 1) return getParentSelectorWithExtension(); if (childType === 2) return [getIdent()]; if (childType === 3) return [getClass()]; if (childType === 4) return [getShash()]; } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFunction(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis ? tokens[i].right - start + 1 : 0; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getFunction() { var type = NodeType.FunctionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getIdent(), getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an identifier * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the identifier */ function checkIdent(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus) i++; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LowLine || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) i++;else return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an identifier * @returns {Array} `['ident', x]` where `x` is identifier's name */ function getIdent() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ident_last); pos = tokens[pos].ident_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the identifier */ function checkPartialIdent(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of `!important` word * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkImportant(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'important') { tokens[start].importantEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!important` word * @returns {Array} `['important', sc]` where `sc` is optional whitespace */ function getImportant() { var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.importantEnd); pos = token.importantEnd + 1; return newNode(NodeType.ImportantType, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an include (`@include` or `@extend` directive). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInclude(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkInclude1(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 1;else if (l = checkInclude2(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 2; return l; } /** * Get node with included mixin * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude() { var type = tokens[pos].include_type; if (type === 1) return getInclude1(); if (type === 2) return getInclude2(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInclude1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i) || checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) i++;else break; } if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkSC(i))) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkImportant(i))) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude1() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(checkClass(pos) ? getClass() : getShash()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkClass(pos)) content.push(getClass());else if (checkShash(pos)) content.push(getShash());else if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkOperator(pos)) content.push(getOperator());else break; } content.push(getArguments()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkImportant(pos)) content.push(getImportant()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInclude2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i) || checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) i++;else break; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude2() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(checkClass(pos) ? getClass() : getShash()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkClass(pos)) content.push(getClass());else if (checkShash(pos)) content.push(getShash());else if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkOperator(pos)) content.push(getOperator());else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of LESS interpolated variable * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInterpolatedVariable(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt || !tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) { return 0; } i += 2; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket ? i - start + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with LESS interpolated variable * @returns {Array} `['interpolatedVariable', x]` */ function getInterpolatedVariable() { var type = NodeType.InterpolatedVariableType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `@{`: pos += 2; content.push(getIdent()); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`: pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkKeyframesBlock(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkKeyframesSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getKeyframesBlock() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getKeyframesSelector(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkKeyframesBlocks(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l;else break; } if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getKeyframesBlocks() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var keyframesBlocksEnd = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; while (pos < keyframesBlocksEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkKeyframesBlock(pos)) content.push(getKeyframesBlock()); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a @keyframes rule. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the @keyframes rule */ function checkKeyframesRule(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; var atruleName = joinValues2(i - l, l); if (atruleName.toLowerCase().indexOf('keyframes') === -1) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlocks(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getKeyframesRule() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdent(), getSC(), getKeyframesBlocks()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkKeyframesSelector(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) { // Valid selectors are only `from` and `to`. var selector = joinValues2(i, l); if (selector !== 'from' && selector !== 'to') return 0; i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 2; } else { return 0; } return i - start; } function getKeyframesSelector() { var keyframesSelectorType = NodeType.KeyframesSelectorType; var selectorType = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 1) { content.push(getIdent()); } else { content.push(getPercentage()); } var keyframesSelector = newNode(keyframesSelectorType, content, line, column); return newNode(selectorType, [keyframesSelector], line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a LESS mixin * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the mixin */ function checkMixin(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkMixin1(i)) tokens[i].mixin_type = 1;else if (l = checkMixin2(i)) tokens[i].mixin_type = 2;else return 0; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getMixin() { var type = tokens[pos].mixin_type; if (type === 1) return getMixin1(); if (type === 2) return getMixin2(); } function checkMixin1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a mixin * @returns {Array} `['mixin', x]` */ function getMixin1() { var type = NodeType.MixinType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(checkClass(pos) ? getClass() : getShash()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkArguments(pos)) content.push(getArguments()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkBlock(pos)) content.push(getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a LESS mixin * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the mixin */ function checkMixin2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkClass(i) || checkShash(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a mixin * @returns {Array} `['mixin', x]` */ function getMixin2() { var type = NodeType.MixinType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(checkClass(pos) ? getClass() : getShash()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkArguments(pos)) content.push(getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a namespace sign (`|`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is `|`, `0` if not */ function checkNamespace(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a namespace sign * @returns {Array} `['namespace']` */ function getNamespace() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNmName2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) return 1;else if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) return 0; i++; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier ? 2 : 1; } /** * @returns {String} */ function getNmName2() { var s = tokens[pos].value; if (tokens[pos++].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type === TokenType.Identifier) s += tokens[pos++].value; return s; } /** * Check if token is part of a number * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of number */ function checkNumber(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].number_l) return tokens[i].number_l; // `10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && (!tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.FullStop)) { tokens[i].number_l = 1; return 1; } // `10.`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && (!tokens[i + 2] || tokens[i + 2].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber)) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `10.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 2] && tokens[i + 2].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 3; return 3; } return 0; } /** * Get node with number * @returns {Array} `['number', x]` where `x` is a number converted * to string. */ function getNumber() { var type = NodeType.NumberType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var l = tokens[pos].number_l; var content = ''; for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) { content += tokens[pos + j].value; } pos += l; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is an operator (`/`, `,`, `:`, `=`, `>`, `<` or `*`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is an operator, otherwise `0` */ function checkOperator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; switch (tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.Solidus: case TokenType.Comma: case TokenType.Colon: case TokenType.EqualsSign: case TokenType.LessThanSign: case TokenType.GreaterThanSign: case TokenType.Asterisk: return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an operator * @returns {Array} `['operator', x]` where `x` is an operator converted * to string. */ function getOperator() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkParentheses(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) i++;else return 0; if (i < right) { var l = checkTsets(i); if (l) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get node with text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @return {Node} */ function getParentheses() { var type = NodeType.ParenthesesType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector (`&`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkParentSelector(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Ampersand ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a parent selector * @returns {Array} `['parentSelector']` */ function getParentSelector() { var type = NodeType.ParentSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '&'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkParentSelectorExtension(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkNumber(i) || checkPartialIdent(i)) i += l;else break; } return i - start; } function getParentSelectorExtension() { var type = NodeType.ParentSelectorExtensionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkNumber(pos)) { content.push(getNumber()); } else if (checkPartialIdent(pos)) { content.push(getIdent()); } else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkParentSelectorWithExtension(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkParentSelectorExtension(i)) i += l; return i - start; } function getParentSelectorWithExtension() { var content = [getParentSelector()]; if (checkParentSelectorExtension(pos)) content.push(getParentSelectorExtension()); return content; } /** * Check if token is part of a number with percent sign (e.g. `10%`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPercentage(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `%`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PercentSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node of number with percent sign * @returns {Array} `['percentage', ['number', x]]` where `x` is a number * (without percent sign) converted to string. */ function getPercentage() { var type = NodeType.PercentageType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNumber()]; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `%`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkProgid(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (joinValues2(i, 6) === 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.') i += 6;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { tokens[start].progid_end = tokens[i].right; i = tokens[i].right + 1; } else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getProgid() { var type = NodeType.ProgidType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var progid_end = token.progid_end; var content = joinValues(pos, progid_end); pos = progid_end + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i) || checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a property * @returns {Array} `['property', x]` */ function getProperty() { var type = NodeType.PropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkVariable(pos)) { content.push(getVariable()); } else { content.push(getIdent()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a colon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a colon, otherwise `0` */ function checkPropertyDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Colon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a colon * @returns {Array} `['propertyDelim']` */ function getPropertyDelim() { var type = NodeType.PropertyDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ':'; // Skip `:`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudo(i) { return checkPseudoe(i) || checkPseudoc(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getPseudo() { if (checkPseudoe(pos)) return getPseudoe(); if (checkPseudoc(pos)) return getPseudoc(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudoe(i) { var l = void 0; // Check `::` if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon || i + 1 >= tokensLength || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoElement1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoElement2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 2;else return 0; return l; } /** * @returns {Node} */ function getPseudoe() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoElementType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoElement1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoElement2(); } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function checkPseudoElement1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function getPseudoElement1() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; content.push(getIdent()); { var _type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token = tokens[pos]; var _line = _token.ln; var _column = _token.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line, _column, 1); var args = newNode(_type, selectorContent, _line, _column, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkPseudoElement2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i) || checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getPseudoElement2() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; var content = []; if (checkInterpolatedVariable(pos)) { content.push(getInterpolatedVariable()); } else { content.push(getIdent()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudoc(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoClass3(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 3;else if (l = checkPseudoClass4(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 4;else if (l = checkPseudoClass5(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 5;else if (l = checkPseudoClass1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoClass2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 2;else if (l = checkPseudoClass6(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 6;else return 0; return l; } function getPseudoc() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoClassType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoClass1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoClass2(); if (childType === 3) return getPseudoClass3(); if (childType === 4) return getPseudoClass4(); if (childType === 5) return getPseudoClass5(); if (childType === 6) return getPseudoClass6(); } /** * (1) `:not(selector)` * (2) `:extend(selector, selector)` */ function checkPseudoClass1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (-) `:not(panda)` */ function getPseudoClass1() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); { var _type2 = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token2 = tokens[pos]; var _line2 = _token2.ln; var _column2 = _token2.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line2, _column2, 1); var args = newNode(_type2, selectorContent, _line2, _column2, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `:nth-child(odd)` * (2) `:nth-child(even)` * (3) `:lang(de-DE)` */ function checkPseudoClass2(i) { var start = i; var l = 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass2() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); { // Skip `(`. pos++; var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = [].concat(getSC(), getIdent(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n + 2)` */ function checkPseudoClass3(i) { var start = i; var l = 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === '+' || tokens[i].value === '-') i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass3() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); { var _l = tokens[pos].ln; var _c = tokens[pos].col; var _content = tokens[pos].value; var ident = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, _content, _l, _c); value.push(ident); pos++; } value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n)` */ function checkPseudoClass4(i) { var start = i; var l = 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass4() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); if (checkIdent(pos)) value.push(getIdent()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(+8)` */ function checkPseudoClass5(i) { var start = i; var l = 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass5() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content.push(getIdent()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:checked` */ function checkPseudoClass6(i) { var start = i; var l = 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass6() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; var ident = checkInterpolatedVariable(pos) ? getInterpolatedVariable() : getIdent(); content.push(ident); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkRuleset(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getRuleset() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is marked as a space (if it's a space or a tab * or a line break). * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} Number of spaces in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkS(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].ws ? tokens[i].ws_last - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with spaces * @returns {Array} `['s', x]` where `x` is a string containing spaces */ function getS() { var type = NodeType.SType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ws_last); pos = tokens[pos].ws_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a space or a comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Number of similar (space or comment) tokens * in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkSC(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; var lsc = 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (!(l = checkS(i)) && !(l = checkCommentML(i)) && !(l = checkCommentSL(i))) break; i += l; lsc += l; } return lsc || 0; } /** * Get node with spaces and comments * @returns {Array} Array containing nodes with spaces (if there are any) * and nodes with comments (if there are any): * `[['s', x]*, ['comment', y]*]` where `x` is a string of spaces * and `y` is a comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getSC() { var sc = []; if (pos >= tokensLength) return sc; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkS(pos)) sc.push(getS());else if (checkCommentML(pos)) sc.push(getCommentML());else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) sc.push(getCommentSL());else break; } return sc; } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * a simple selector * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkShash(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.NumberSign) return 0; if (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i + 1) || checkIdent(i + 1)) return l + 1;else return 0; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside a simple * selector * @returns {Array} `['shash', x]` where `x` is a hexadecimal number * converted to string (without `#`, e.g. `fff`) */ function getShash() { var type = NodeType.ShashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `#`. pos++; if (checkInterpolatedVariable(pos)) content.push(getInterpolatedVariable());else content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a string (text wrapped in quotes) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is part of a string, `0` if not */ function checkString(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) { return 0; } if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringSQ || tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringDQ) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get string's node * @returns {Array} `['string', x]` where `x` is a string (including * quotes). */ function getString() { var type = NodeType.StringType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Validate stylesheet: it should consist of any number (0 or more) of * rulesets (sets of rules with selectors), @-rules, whitespaces or * comments. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkStylesheet(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Check every token: while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i) || checkRuleset(i) || checkDeclaration(i) || checkDeclDelim(i) || checkAtrule(i) || checkMixin(i)) i += l;else throwError(i); } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['stylesheet', x]` where `x` is all stylesheet's * nodes. */ function getStylesheet() { var type = NodeType.StylesheetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkRuleset(pos)) content.push(getRuleset());else if (checkDeclaration(pos)) content.push(getDeclaration());else if (checkDeclDelim(pos)) content.push(getDeclDelim());else if (checkAtrule(pos)) content.push(getAtrule());else if (checkMixin(pos)) content.push(getMixin());else throwError(pos); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkTset(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 1;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 2;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 3;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 4; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getTset() { var childType = tokens[pos].tset_child; if (childType === 1) return getVhash(); if (childType === 2) return getAny(); if (childType === 3) return getSC(); if (childType === 4) return getOperator(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkTsets(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (l = checkTset(i)) { i += l; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getTsets() { var content = []; var t = void 0; while (checkTset(pos)) { t = getTset(); if (typeof t.content === 'string') content.push(t);else content = content.concat(t); } return content; } /** * Check if token is an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is an unary sign, `0` if not */ function checkUnary(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @returns {Array} `['unary', x]` where `x` is an unary sign * converted to string. */ function getUnary() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a unicode range (single or multiple nodes) * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Unicode range node's length */ function checkUnicodeRange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkUrange(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkUrange(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get a unicode range node * @return {Node} */ function getUnicodeRange() { var type = NodeType.UnicodeRangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkDelim(pos)) content.push(getDelim());else if (checkUrange(pos)) content.push(getUrange());else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is unit * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkUnit(i) { var units = ['em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem', 'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'px', 'mm', 'q', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', 's', 'ms', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'dpi', 'dpcm', 'dppx']; return units.indexOf(tokens[i].value) !== -1 ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get unit node of type ident * @return {Node} An ident node containing the unit value */ function getUnit() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a u-range (part of a unicode-range) * (1) `U+416` * (2) `U+400-4ff` * (3) `U+4??` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Urange node's length */ function checkUrange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Check for unicode prefix (u+ or U+) if (tokens[i].value === 'U' || tokens[i].value === 'u') i += 1;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === '+') i += 1;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l;else if (l = _checkUnicodeWildcard(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].urangeEnd = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get a u-range node (part of a unicode-range) * @return {Node} */ function getUrange() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.UrangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content = joinValues(startPos, tokens[startPos].urangeEnd); pos = tokens[startPos].urangeEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check for unicode wildcard characters `?` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Wildcard length */ function _checkUnicodeWildcard(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.QuestionMark) i += 1;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of URI (e.g. `url('/css/styles.css')`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of URI */ function checkUri(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].value !== 'url' || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * Get node with URI * @returns {Array} `['uri', x]` where `x` is URI's nodes (without `url` * and braces, e.g. `['string', ''/css/styles.css'']`). */ function getUri() { var startPos = pos; var uriExcluding = {}; var uri = void 0; var token = void 0; var l = void 0; var raw = void 0; pos += 2; uriExcluding[TokenType.Space] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.Tab] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.Newline] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.LeftParenthesis] = 1; uriExcluding[TokenType.RightParenthesis] = 1; if (checkUri1(pos)) { uri = [].concat(getSC()).concat([getString()]).concat(getSC()); } else { uri = getSC(); l = checkExcluding(uriExcluding, pos); token = tokens[pos]; raw = newNode(NodeType.RawType, joinValues(pos, pos + l), token.ln, token.col); uri.push(raw); pos += l + 1; uri = uri.concat(getSC()); } token = tokens[startPos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = getLastPosition(uri, line, column, 1); pos++; return newNode(NodeType.UriType, uri, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkUri1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.StringDQ && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.StringSQ) { return 0; } i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of a value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the value */ function checkValue(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var s = void 0; var _i = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkValue(_i)) i += l + s; if (!l || checkBlock(_i)) break; } tokens[start].value_end = i; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getValue() { var type = NodeType.ValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = tokens[pos].value_end; var content = []; var _pos = void 0; var s = void 0; while (pos < end) { s = checkSC(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (!_checkValue(_pos)) break; if (s) content = content.concat(getSC()); content.push(_getValue()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function _checkValue(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkEscapedString(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 1;else if (l = checkInterpolatedVariable(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 2;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 3;else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 4;else if (l = checkBlock(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 5;else if (l = checkProgid(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 6;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 7;else if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 8;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 9;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 10; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function _getValue() { var childType = tokens[pos].value_child; if (childType === 1) return getEscapedString(); if (childType === 2) return getInterpolatedVariable(); if (childType === 3) return getVariable(); if (childType === 4) return getVhash(); if (childType === 5) return getBlock(); if (childType === 6) return getProgid(); if (childType === 7) return getAny(); if (childType === 8) return getAtkeyword(); if (childType === 9) return getOperator(); if (childType === 10) return getImportant(); } /** * Check if token is part of LESS variable * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the variable */ function checkVariable(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; if (tokens[i - 1] && tokens[i - 1].type === TokenType.CommercialAt && tokens[i - 2] && tokens[i - 2].type === TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; return (l = checkVariable(i + 1) || checkIdent(i + 1)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a variable * @returns {Array} `['variable', ['ident', x]]` where `x` is * a variable name. */ function getVariable() { var type = NodeType.VariableType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `$`. pos++; if (checkVariable(pos)) content.push(getVariable());else content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a variables list (e.g. `@rest...`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkVariablesList(i) { var d = 0; // Number of dots var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (tokens[i] && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) { d++; i++; } return d === 3 ? l + d : 0; } /** * Get node with a variables list * @returns {Array} `['variableslist', ['variable', ['ident', x]]]` where * `x` is a variable name. */ function getVariablesList() { var type = NodeType.VariablesListType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getVariable()]; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 3); // Skip `...`. pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * some value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkVhash(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `#`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.NumberSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkNmName2(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside some value * @returns {Array} `['vhash', x]` where `x` is a hexadecimal number * converted to string (without `#`, e.g. `'fff'`). */ function getVhash() { var type = NodeType.VhashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `#`. pos++; var content = getNmName2(); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkSelectorsGroup(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkSelector(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } tokens[start].selectorsGroupEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelectorsGroup() { var selectorsGroup = []; var selectorsGroupEnd = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupEnd; selectorsGroup.push(getSelector()); while (pos < selectorsGroupEnd) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC(), getDelim(), getSC(), getSelector()); } return selectorsGroup; } function checkSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkSelector1(i)) tokens[i].selectorType = 1;else if (l = checkSelector2(i)) tokens[i].selectorType = 2; return l; } function getSelector() { var selectorType = tokens[pos].selectorType; if (selectorType === 1) return getSelector1();else return getSelector2(); } /** * Checks for selector which starts with a compound selector. */ function checkSelector1(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var space = checkSC(i); var comma = checkCombinator(i + space); if (!space && !comma) break; if (comma) { i += space + comma; space = checkSC(i); } if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i + space)) i += space + l;else break; } tokens[start].selectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelector1() { var type = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var selectorEnd = token.selectorEnd; var content = getCompoundSelector(); while (pos < selectorEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkCompoundSelector(pos)) content = content.concat(getCompoundSelector()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks for a selector that starts with a combinator. */ function checkSelector2(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCombinator(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i + spaceBefore)) i += spaceBefore + l;else break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i); var comma = checkCombinator(i + spaceAfter); if (!spaceAfter && !comma) break; if (comma) { i += spaceAfter + comma; } } tokens[start].selectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelector2() { var type = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var selectorEnd = token.selectorEnd; var content = [getCombinator()]; while (pos < selectorEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkCompoundSelector(pos)) content = content.concat(getCompoundSelector()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkCompoundSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector1(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkCompoundSelector2(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 2; } return l; } function getCompoundSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getCompoundSelector1(); if (type === 2) return getCompoundSelector2(); } function checkCompoundSelector1(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkUniversalSelector(i) || checkTypeSelector(i) || checkParentSelectorWithExtension(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var _l2 = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i); if (_l2) i += _l2;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getCompoundSelector1() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; if (checkUniversalSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getUniversalSelector());else if (checkTypeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getTypeSelector());else if (checkParentSelectorWithExtension(pos)) sequence = sequence.concat(getParentSelectorWithExtension()); while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo()); } return sequence; } function checkCompoundSelector2(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; while (i < tokensLength) { var l = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i); if (l) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getCompoundSelector2() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo()); } return sequence; } function checkUniversalSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getUniversalSelector() { var type = NodeType.UniversalSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var end = void 0; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) { content.push(getNamePrefix()); end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); } pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkTypeSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getTypeSelector() { var type = NodeType.TypeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeSelector1(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeSelector2(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeSelector1();else return getAttributeSelector2(); } /** * (1) `[panda=nani]` * (2) `[panda='nani']` * (3) `[panda='nani' i]` * */ function checkAttributeSelector1(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeMatch(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeFlags(i)) { i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; } if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC(), getAttributeMatch(), getSC(), getAttributeValue(), getSC()); if (checkAttributeFlags(pos)) { content.push(getAttributeFlags()); content = content.concat(getSC()); } // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * (1) `[panda]` */ function checkAttributeSelector2(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC()); // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkAttributeName(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeName() { var type = NodeType.AttributeNameType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeMatch1(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeMatch2(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeMatch() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeMatchType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeMatch1();else return getAttributeMatch2(); } function checkAttributeMatch1(i) { var start = i; var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.Tilde || type === TokenType.VerticalLine || type === TokenType.CircumflexAccent || type === TokenType.DollarSign || type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeMatch1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value + tokens[pos + 1].value; pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 1;else return 0; } function getAttributeMatch2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '='; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeValue(i) { return checkString(i) || checkIdent(i); } function getAttributeValue() { var type = NodeType.AttributeValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkString(pos)) content.push(getString());else content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeFlags(i) { return checkIdent(i); } function getAttributeFlags() { var type = NodeType.AttributeFlagsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkNamePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix1(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 1;else if (l = checkNamePrefix2(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 2; return l; } function getNamePrefix() { var type = tokens[pos].namePrefixType; if (type === 1) return getNamePrefix1();else return getNamePrefix2(); } /** * (1) `panda|` * (2) `panda|` */ function checkNamePrefix1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamespacePrefix(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkCommentML(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNamespaceSeparator(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getNamePrefix1() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getNamespacePrefix()); if (checkCommentML(pos)) content.push(getCommentML()); content.push(getNamespaceSeparator()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamePrefix2(i) { return checkNamespaceSeparator(i); } function getNamePrefix2() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNamespaceSeparator()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `*` * (2) `panda` */ function checkNamespacePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) return 1;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) return l;else return 0; } function getNamespacePrefix() { var type = NodeType.NamespacePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.type === TokenType.Asterisk) { var asteriskNode = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, '*', line, column); content.push(asteriskNode); pos++; } else if (checkIdent(pos)) content.push(getIdent()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamespaceSeparator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.VerticalLine) return 0; // Return false if `|=` - [attr|=value] if (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 0; return 1; } function getNamespaceSeparator() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceSeparatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } module.exports = function (_tokens, context) { tokens = _tokens; tokensLength = tokens.length; pos = 0; return contexts[context](); }; /***/ }), /* 20 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function (css, tabSize) { var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); var tokens = []; var urlMode = false; var c = void 0; // Current character var cn = void 0; // Next character var pos = 0; var tn = 0; var ln = 1; var col = 1; var Punctuation = { ' ': TokenType.Space, '\n': TokenType.Newline, '\r': TokenType.Newline, '\t': TokenType.Tab, '!': TokenType.ExclamationMark, '"': TokenType.QuotationMark, '#': TokenType.NumberSign, '$': TokenType.DollarSign, '%': TokenType.PercentSign, '&': TokenType.Ampersand, '\'': TokenType.Apostrophe, '(': TokenType.LeftParenthesis, ')': TokenType.RightParenthesis, '*': TokenType.Asterisk, '+': TokenType.PlusSign, ',': TokenType.Comma, '-': TokenType.HyphenMinus, '.': TokenType.FullStop, '/': TokenType.Solidus, ':': TokenType.Colon, ';': TokenType.Semicolon, '<': TokenType.LessThanSign, '=': TokenType.EqualsSign, '>': TokenType.GreaterThanSign, '?': TokenType.QuestionMark, '@': TokenType.CommercialAt, '[': TokenType.LeftSquareBracket, ']': TokenType.RightSquareBracket, '^': TokenType.CircumflexAccent, '_': TokenType.LowLine, '{': TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket, '|': TokenType.VerticalLine, '}': TokenType.RightCurlyBracket, '~': TokenType.Tilde }; /** * Add a token to the token list * @param {string} type * @param {string} value */ function pushToken(type, value, column) { tokens.push({ tn: tn++, ln: ln, col: column, type: type, value: value }); } /** * Check if a character is a decimal digit * @param {string} c Character * @returns {boolean} */ function isDecimalDigit(c) { return '0123456789'.indexOf(c) >= 0; } /** * Parse spaces * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseSpaces(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a non-space character: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) !== ' ') break; } // Add a substring containing only spaces to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Space, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse a string within quotes * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string * @param {string} q Quote (either `'` or `"`) */ function parseString(css, q) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a matching quote: for (pos++; pos < css.length; pos++) { // Skip escaped quotes: if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (css.charAt(pos) === q) break; } // Add the string (including quotes) to tokens: var type = q === '"' ? TokenType.StringDQ : TokenType.StringSQ; pushToken(type, css.substring(start, pos + 1), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse numbers * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseDecimalNumber(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a character that's not a digit: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (!isDecimalDigit(css.charAt(pos))) break; } // Add the number to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.DecimalNumber, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse identifier * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseIdentifier(css) { var start = pos; // Skip all opening slashes: while (css.charAt(pos) === '/') { pos++; } // Read the string until we meet a punctuation mark: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { // Skip all '\': if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (css.charAt(pos) in Punctuation) break; } var ident = css.substring(start, pos--); // Enter url mode if parsed substring is `url`: if (!urlMode && ident === 'url' && css.charAt(pos + 1) === '(') { urlMode = true; } // Add identifier to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Identifier, ident, col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse a multiline comment * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseMLComment(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet `*/`. // Since we already know first 2 characters (`/*`), start reading // from `pos + 2`: for (pos = pos + 2; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) === '*' && css.charAt(pos + 1) === '/') { pos++; break; } } // Add full comment (including `/*` and `*/`) to the list of tokens: var comment = css.substring(start, pos + 1); pushToken(TokenType.CommentML, comment, col); var newlines = comment.split('\n'); if (newlines.length > 1) { ln += newlines.length - 1; col = newlines[newlines.length - 1].length; } else { col += pos - start; } } /** * Parse a single line comment * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseSLComment(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet line break. // Since we already know first 2 characters (`//`), start reading // from `pos + 2`: for (pos += 2; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) === '\n' || css.charAt(pos) === '\r') { break; } } // Add comment (including `//` and line break) to the list of tokens: pushToken(TokenType.CommentSL, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Convert a CSS string to a list of tokens * @param {string} css CSS string * @returns {Array} List of tokens * @private */ function getTokens(css) { // Parse string, character by character: for (pos = 0; pos < css.length; col++, pos++) { c = css.charAt(pos); cn = css.charAt(pos + 1); // If we meet `/*`, it's a start of a multiline comment. // Parse following characters as a multiline comment: if (c === '/' && cn === '*') { parseMLComment(css); } // If we meet `//` and it is not a part of url: else if (!urlMode && c === '/' && cn === '/') { // If we're currently inside a block, treat `//` as a start // of identifier. Else treat `//` as a start of a single-line // comment: parseSLComment(css); } // If current character is a double or single quote, it's a start // of a string: else if (c === '"' || c === "'") { parseString(css, c); } // If current character is a space: else if (c === ' ') { parseSpaces(css); } // If current character is a punctuation mark: else if (c in Punctuation) { // Add it to the list of tokens: pushToken(Punctuation[c], c, col); if (c === '\n' || c === '\r') { ln++; col = 0; } // Go to next line if (c === ')') urlMode = false; // Exit url mode else if (c === '\t' && tabSize > 1) col += tabSize - 1; } // If current character is a decimal digit: else if (isDecimalDigit(c)) { parseDecimalNumber(css); } // If current character is anything else: else { parseIdentifier(css); } } return tokens; } return getTokens(css); }; /***/ }), /* 21 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = { mark: __webpack_require__(22), parse: __webpack_require__(23), stringify: __webpack_require__(5), tokenizer: __webpack_require__(24) }; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }), /* 22 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); module.exports = function () { /** * Mark whitespaces and comments */ function markSC(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var ws = -1; // Flag for whitespaces var sc = -1; // Flag for whitespaces and comments var t = void 0; // Current token // For every token in the token list, mark spaces and line breaks // as spaces (set both `ws` and `sc` flags). Mark multiline comments // with `sc` flag. // If there are several spaces or tabs or line breaks or multiline // comments in a row, group them: take the last one's index number // and save it to the first token in the group as a reference: // e.g., `ws_last = 7` for a group of whitespaces or `sc_last = 9` // for a group of whitespaces and comments. for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { t = tokens[i]; switch (t.type) { case TokenType.Space: case TokenType.Tab: t.ws = true; t.sc = true; if (ws === -1) ws = i; if (sc === -1) sc = i; break; case TokenType.Newline: t.ws = true; t.sc = true; ws = ws === -1 ? i : ws; sc = sc === -1 ? i : ws; tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; tokens[i].ws_last = i; tokens[i].sc_last = i; ws = -1; sc = -1; break; case TokenType.CommentML: case TokenType.CommentSL: if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; ws = -1; } t.sc = true; break; default: if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; ws = -1; } if (sc !== -1) { tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; sc = -1; } } } if (ws !== -1) tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; if (sc !== -1) tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; } /** * Pair brackets */ function markBrackets(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var ps = []; // Parentheses var sbs = []; // Square brackets var cbs = []; // Curly brackets var t = void 0; // Current token // For every token in the token list, if we meet an opening (left) // bracket, push its index number to a corresponding array. // If we then meet a closing (right) bracket, look at the corresponding // array. If there are any elements (records about previously met // left brackets), take a token of the last left bracket (take // the last index number from the array and find a token with // this index number) and save right bracket's index as a reference: for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { t = tokens[i]; switch (t.type) { case TokenType.LeftParenthesis: ps.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightParenthesis: if (ps.length) { t.left = ps.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; case TokenType.LeftSquareBracket: sbs.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightSquareBracket: if (sbs.length) { t.left = sbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; case TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket: cbs.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightCurlyBracket: if (cbs.length) { t.left = cbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; } } } function markBlocks(tokens) { var i = 0; var l = tokens.length; var lines = []; var whitespaceOnlyLines = []; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { var lineStart = i; var currentLineIndent = 0; // Get all spaces. while (i < l && (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Space || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Tab)) { currentLineIndent += tokens[i].value.length; i++; } lines.push([lineStart, currentLineIndent]); var x = i; while (i < l && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Newline) { i++; } if (x === i) { whitespaceOnlyLines.push(lines.length - 1); } } var levels = [0]; var blockStarts = []; for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; var token = line[0]; var indent = line[1]; var lastLevel = levels[levels.length - 1]; if (indent > lastLevel) { blockStarts.push(token); levels.push(indent); } else { // Check if line is whitespace-only. var p = i; while (true) { if (whitespaceOnlyLines.indexOf(p) === -1) break; p++; } if (i === p && indent === lastLevel) continue; if (!lines[p]) { continue; } indent = lines[p][1]; if (indent === lastLevel) { i = p; continue; } if (indent > lastLevel) { blockStarts.push(token); levels.push(lines[p][1]); i = p; continue; } while (true) { var _lastLevel = levels.pop(); if (indent < _lastLevel) { var start = blockStarts.pop(); tokens[start].block_end = token - 1; } else { levels.push(indent); break; } } } } blockStarts.forEach(function (start) { tokens[start].block_end = tokens.length - 1; }); } return function (tokens) { markBrackets(tokens); markSC(tokens); markBlocks(tokens); }; }(); /***/ }), /* 23 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var Node = __webpack_require__(1); var NodeType = __webpack_require__(15); var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); var tokens = void 0; var tokensLength = void 0; var pos = void 0; var contexts = { 'arguments': function _arguments() { return checkArguments(pos) && getArguments(); }, 'atkeyword': function atkeyword() { return checkAtkeyword(pos) && getAtkeyword(); }, 'atrule': function atrule() { return checkAtrule(pos) && getAtrule(); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector() { return checkAttributeSelector(pos) && getAttributeSelector(); }, 'block': function block() { return checkBlock(pos) && getBlock(); }, 'brackets': function brackets() { return checkBrackets(pos) && getBrackets(); }, 'class': function _class() { return checkClass(pos) && getClass(); }, 'combinator': function combinator() { return checkCombinator(pos) && getCombinator(); }, 'commentML': function commentML() { return checkCommentML(pos) && getCommentML(); }, 'commentSL': function commentSL() { return checkCommentSL(pos) && getCommentSL(); }, 'condition': function condition() { return checkCondition(pos) && getCondition(); }, 'conditionalStatement': function conditionalStatement() { return checkConditionalStatement(pos) && getConditionalStatement(); }, 'declaration': function declaration() { return checkDeclaration(pos) && getDeclaration(); }, 'declDelim': function declDelim() { return checkDeclDelim(pos) && getDeclDelim(); }, 'default': function _default() { return checkDefault(pos) && getDefault(); }, 'delim': function delim() { return checkDelim(pos) && getDelim(); }, 'dimension': function dimension() { return checkDimension(pos) && getDimension(); }, 'expression': function expression() { return checkExpression(pos) && getExpression(); }, 'extend': function extend() { return checkExtend(pos) && getExtend(); }, 'function': function _function() { return checkFunction(pos) && getFunction(); }, 'global': function global() { return checkGlobal(pos) && getGlobal(); }, 'ident': function ident() { return checkIdent(pos) && getIdent(); }, 'important': function important() { return checkImportant(pos) && getImportant(); }, 'include': function include() { return checkInclude(pos) && getInclude(); }, 'interpolation': function interpolation() { return checkInterpolation(pos) && getInterpolation(); }, 'loop': function loop() { return checkLoop(pos) && getLoop(); }, 'mixin': function mixin() { return checkMixin(pos) && getMixin(); }, 'namespace': function namespace() { return checkNamespace(pos) && getNamespace(); }, 'number': function number() { return checkNumber(pos) && getNumber(); }, 'operator': function operator() { return checkOperator(pos) && getOperator(); }, 'optional': function optional() { return checkOptional(pos) && getOptional(); }, 'parentheses': function parentheses() { return checkParentheses(pos) && getParentheses(); }, 'parentselector': function parentselector() { return checkParentSelector(pos) && getParentSelector(); }, 'percentage': function percentage() { return checkPercentage(pos) && getPercentage(); }, 'placeholder': function placeholder() { return checkPlaceholder(pos) && getPlaceholder(); }, 'progid': function progid() { return checkProgid(pos) && getProgid(); }, 'property': function property() { return checkProperty(pos) && getProperty(); }, 'propertyDelim': function propertyDelim() { return checkPropertyDelim(pos) && getPropertyDelim(); }, 'pseudoc': function pseudoc() { return checkPseudoc(pos) && getPseudoc(); }, 'pseudoe': function pseudoe() { return checkPseudoe(pos) && getPseudoe(); }, 'ruleset': function ruleset() { return checkRuleset(pos) && getRuleset(); }, 's': function s() { return checkS(pos) && getS(); }, 'selector': function selector() { return checkSelector(pos) && getSelector(); }, 'shash': function shash() { return checkShash(pos) && getShash(); }, 'string': function string() { return checkString(pos) && getString(); }, 'stylesheet': function stylesheet() { return checkStylesheet(pos) && getStylesheet(); }, 'typeSelector': function typeSelector() { return checkTypeSelector(pos) && getTypeSelector(); }, 'unary': function unary() { return checkUnary(pos) && getUnary(); }, 'unicodeRange': function unicodeRange() { return checkUnicodeRange(pos) && getUnicodeRange(); }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector() { return checkUniversalSelector(pos) && getUniversalSelector(); }, 'urange': function urange() { return checkUrange(pos) && getUrange(); }, 'uri': function uri() { return checkUri(pos) && getUri(); }, 'value': function value() { return checkValue(pos) && getValue(); }, 'variable': function variable() { return checkVariable(pos) && getVariable(); }, 'variableslist': function variableslist() { return checkVariablesList(pos) && getVariablesList(); }, 'vhash': function vhash() { return checkVhash(pos) && getVhash(); } }; /** * Stops parsing and display error. * * @param {number=} i Token's index number */ function throwError(i) { var ln = tokens[i].ln; throw { line: ln, syntax: 'sass' }; } /** * @param {number} start * @param {number} finish * @return {string} */ function joinValues(start, finish) { var s = ''; for (var i = start; i < finish + 1; i++) { s += tokens[i].value; } return s; } /** * @param {number} start * @param {number} num * @return {string} */ function joinValues2(start, num) { if (start + num - 1 >= tokensLength) return; var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { s += tokens[start + i].value; } return s; } /** * @param {string|!Array} content * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @param {number} colOffset */ function getLastPosition(content, line, column, colOffset) { return typeof content === 'string' ? getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) : getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset); } /** * @param {string} content * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @param {number} colOffset */ function getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = []; if (!content) { position = [line, column]; if (colOffset) position[1] += colOffset - 1; return position; } var lastLinebreak = content.lastIndexOf('\n'); var endsWithLinebreak = lastLinebreak === content.length - 1; var splitContent = content.split('\n'); var linebreaksCount = splitContent.length - 1; var prevLinebreak = linebreaksCount === 0 || linebreaksCount === 1 ? -1 : content.length - splitContent[linebreaksCount - 1].length - 2; // Line: var offset = endsWithLinebreak ? linebreaksCount - 1 : linebreaksCount; position[0] = line + offset; // Column: if (endsWithLinebreak) { offset = prevLinebreak !== -1 ? content.length - prevLinebreak : content.length - 1; } else { offset = linebreaksCount !== 0 ? content.length - lastLinebreak - column - 1 : content.length - 1; } position[1] = column + offset; if (!colOffset) return position; if (endsWithLinebreak) { position[0]++; position[1] = colOffset; } else { position[1] += colOffset; } return position; } /** * @param {!Array} content * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @param {number} colOffset */ function getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = void 0; if (content.length === 0) { position = [line, column]; } else { var c = content[content.length - 1]; if (c.hasOwnProperty('end')) { position = [c.end.line, c.end.column]; } else { position = getLastPosition(c.content, line, column); } } if (!colOffset) return position; if (tokens[pos - 1] && tokens[pos - 1].type !== 'Newline') { position[1] += colOffset; } else { position[0]++; position[1] = 1; } return position; } /** * @param {string} type * @param {string|!Array} content * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @param {!Array} end */ function newNode(type, content, line, column, end) { if (!end) end = getLastPosition(content, line, column); return new Node({ type: type, content: content, start: { line: line, column: column }, end: { line: end[0], column: end[1] }, syntax: 'sass' }); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkAny(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkBrackets(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 1;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 2;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 3;else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 4;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 5;else if (l = checkPlaceholder(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 6;else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 7;else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 8;else if (l = checkUnicodeRange(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 9;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 10;else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 11;else if (l = checkExpression(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 12;else if (l = checkFunctionsList(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 13;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 14;else if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 15;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 16;else if (l = checkClass(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 17;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 18;else if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 19;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 20;else if (l = checkGlobal(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 21;else if (l = checkDefault(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 22;else if (l = checkOptional(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 23; return l; } /** * @return {!Node} */ function getAny() { var childType = tokens[pos].any_child; if (childType === 1) return getBrackets(); if (childType === 2) return getParentheses(); if (childType === 3) return getString(); if (childType === 4) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 5) return getVariable(); if (childType === 6) return getPlaceholder(); if (childType === 7) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 8) return getDimension(); if (childType === 9) return getUnicodeRange(); if (childType === 10) return getNumber(); if (childType === 11) return getUri(); if (childType === 12) return getExpression(); if (childType === 13) return getFunctionsList(); if (childType === 14) return getFunction(); if (childType === 15) return getInterpolation(); if (childType === 16) return getIdent(); if (childType === 17) return getClass(); if (childType === 18) return getUnary(); if (childType === 19) return getParentSelector(); if (childType === 20) return getImportant(); if (childType === 21) return getGlobal(); if (childType === 22) return getDefault(); if (childType === 23) return getOptional(); } /** * Checks if token is part of mixin's arguments. * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of arguments */ function checkArguments(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; // Skip `(`. i++; while (i < tokens[start].right) { if (l = checkArgument(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return tokens[start].right - start + 1; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getArguments() { var type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var body = void 0; // Skip `(`. pos++; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (checkSingleValueDeclaration(pos)) { content.push(getSingleValueDeclaration()); } else if (checkArgument(pos)) { body = getArgument(); if (typeof body.content === 'string') content.push(body);else content = content.concat(body); } else if (checkClass(pos)) content.push(getClass());else throwError(pos); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Checks if token is valid to be part of arguments list * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of argument */ function checkArgument(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkBrackets(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 1;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 2;else if (l = checkSingleValueDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 3;else if (l = checkFunctionsList(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 4;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 5;else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 6;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 7;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 8;else if (l = checkDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 9;else if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 10;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 11;else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 12;else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 13;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 14;else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 15;else if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 16;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 17;else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 18;else if (l = checkCustomProperty(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 19;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 20;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 21;else if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 22;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 23;else if (l = checkGlobal(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 24;else if (l = checkDefault(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 25;else if (l = checkOptional(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 26; return l; } /** * @return {!Node} */ function getArgument() { var childType = tokens[pos].argument_child; if (childType === 1) return getBrackets(); if (childType === 2) return getParentheses(); if (childType === 3) return getSingleValueDeclaration(); if (childType === 4) return getFunctionsList(); if (childType === 5) return getFunction(); if (childType === 6) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 7) return getVariable(); if (childType === 8) return getSC(); if (childType === 9) return getDelim(); if (childType === 10) return getDeclDelim(); if (childType === 11) return getString(); if (childType === 12) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 13) return getDimension(); if (childType === 14) return getNumber(); if (childType === 15) return getUri(); if (childType === 16) return getInterpolation(); if (childType === 17) return getIdent(); if (childType === 18) return getVhash(); if (childType === 19) return getCustomProperty(); if (childType === 20) return getOperator(); if (childType === 21) return getUnary(); if (childType === 22) return getParentSelector(); if (childType === 23) return getImportant(); if (childType === 24) return getGlobal(); if (childType === 25) return getDefault(); if (childType === 26) return getOptional(); } /** * Checks if token is part of an @-word (e.g. `@import`, `@include`). * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkAtkeyword(i) { var l = void 0; // Check that token is `@`: if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; return (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Gets node with @-word. * * @return {!Node} */ function getAtkeyword() { var type = NodeType.AtkeywordType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `@`. pos++; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks if token is a part of an @-rule. * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of @-rule */ function checkAtrule(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // If token already has a record of being part of an @-rule, // return the @-rule's length: if (tokens[i].atrule_l !== undefined) return tokens[i].atrule_l; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's type to token. // @keyframes: if (l = checkKeyframesRule(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 4; // @-rule with ruleset: else if (l = checkAtruler(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 1; // Block @-rule: else if (l = checkAtruleb(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 2; // Single-line @-rule: else if (l = checkAtrules(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 3;else return 0; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's length to token: tokens[i].atrule_l = l; return l; } /** * Gets node with @-rule. * * @return {!Node} */ function getAtrule() { var childType = tokens[pos].atrule_type; if (childType === 1) return getAtruler(); // @-rule with ruleset if (childType === 2) return getAtruleb(); // Block @-rule if (childType === 3) return getAtrules(); // Single-line @-rule if (childType === 4) return getKeyframesRule(); } /** * Checks if token is part of a block @-rule. * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruleb(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Gets node with a block @-rule. * * @return {!Node} */ function getAtruleb() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks if token is part of an @-rule with ruleset. * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruler(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAtrulers(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Gets node with an @-rule with ruleset. * * @return {!Node} */ function getAtruler() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getAtrulers()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkAtrulers(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var blockEnd = tokens[i].block_end; if (!blockEnd) return 0; while (i < blockEnd) { if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 1;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 2;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 3;else return 0; i += l; } if (i < tokensLength) tokens[i].atrulers_end = 1; return i - start; } /** * @return {!Node} */ function getAtrulers() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = getSC(); while (pos < tokensLength && !tokens[pos].atrulers_end) { var childType = tokens[pos].atrulers_child; if (childType === 1) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (childType === 2) content.push(getAtrule());else if (childType === 3) content.push(getRuleset());else break; } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkAtrules(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @return {!Node} */ function getAtrules() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks if token is part of a block (e.g. `{...}`). * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the block */ function checkBlock(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].block_end ? tokens[i].block_end - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Gets node with a block. * * @return {!Node} */ function getBlock() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = tokens[pos].block_end; var content = []; while (pos < end) { if (checkBlockdecl(pos)) content = content.concat(getBlockdecl());else throwError(pos); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair). * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the declaration */ function checkBlockdecl(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkBlockdecl7(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 7;else if (l = checkBlockdecl5(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 5;else if (l = checkBlockdecl6(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 6;else if (l = checkBlockdecl1(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 1;else if (l = checkBlockdecl2(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 2;else if (l = checkBlockdecl3(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 3;else if (l = checkBlockdecl4(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 4;else return 0; return l; } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl() { var childType = tokens[pos].bd_type; if (childType === 1) return getBlockdecl1(); if (childType === 2) return getBlockdecl2(); if (childType === 3) return getBlockdecl3(); if (childType === 4) return getBlockdecl4(); if (childType === 5) return getBlockdecl5(); if (childType === 6) return getBlockdecl6(); if (childType === 7) return getBlockdecl7(); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBlockdecl1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6;else return 0; i += l; if (tokens[start].bd_kind === 2 && [2, 4, 6, 8].indexOf(tokens[start].include_type) === -1) return 0; if (tokens[start].bd_kind === 6 && tokens[start].atrule_type === 3) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) return i + l - start; if (l = checkS(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkCommentSL(i)) i += l;else break; } return 0; } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl1() { var content = []; var _content = []; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 2: content.push(getInclude()); break; case 5: content.push(getDeclaration()); break; case 6: content.push(getAtrule()); break; } while (pos < tokensLength) { var _pos = pos; if (checkDeclDelim(pos)) { _content.push(getDeclDelim()); content = content.concat(_content); break; } if (checkS(pos)) _content.push(getS());else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) _content.push(getCommentSL());else { pos = _pos; break; } } return content; } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBlockdecl2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkConditionalStatement(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else if (l = checkExtend(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4;else if (l = checkMixin(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 8;else if (l = checkLoop(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 7;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6;else return 0; i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkS(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkCommentSL(i)) i += l;else break; } return i - start; } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl2() { var content = []; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content.push(getConditionalStatement()); break; case 2: content.push(getInclude()); break; case 3: content.push(getLoop()); break; case 4: content.push(getExtend()); break; case 5: content.push(getDeclaration()); break; case 6: content.push(getAtrule()); break; case 7: content.push(getRuleset()); break; case 8: content.push(getMixin()); break; } while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkS(pos)) content.push(getS());else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) content.push(getCommentSL());else break; } return content; } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBlockdecl3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkConditionalStatement(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else if (l = checkExtend(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4;else if (l = checkLoop(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 7;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6;else return 0; i += l; return i - start; } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl3() { var content = void 0; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content = getConditionalStatement(); break; case 2: content = getInclude(); break; case 3: content = getLoop(); break; case 4: content = getExtend(); break; case 5: content = getDeclaration(); break; case 6: content = getAtrule(); break; case 7: content = getRuleset(); break; } return [content]; } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBlockdecl4(i) { return checkSC(i); } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl4() { return getSC(); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBlockdecl5(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkInclude(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkS(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkCommentSL(i)) i += l;else break; } return i - start; } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl5() { var content = []; if (checkInclude(pos)) content.push(getInclude());else content.push(getRuleset()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkS(pos)) content.push(getS());else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) content.push(getCommentSL());else break; } return content; } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBlockdecl6(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkInclude(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl6() { var content = void 0; if (checkInclude(pos)) content = getInclude();else content = getRuleset(); return [content]; } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBlockdecl7(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkInclude(i)) i += l;else return 0; if ([2, 4, 6, 8].indexOf(tokens[start].include_type) === -1) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) return i + l - start; if (l = checkS(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkCommentSL(i)) i += l;else break; } return 0; } /** * @return {!Array} */ function getBlockdecl7() { var content = []; var _content = []; content.push(getInclude()); while (pos < tokensLength) { var _pos = pos; if (checkDeclDelim(pos)) { _content.push(getDeclDelim()); content = content.concat(_content); break; } if (checkS(pos)) _content.push(getS());else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) _content.push(getCommentSL());else { pos = _pos; break; } } return content; } /** * Checks if token is part of text inside square brackets, e.g. `[1]`. * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkBrackets(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; // Skip `[`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; if (i < tokens[start].right) { var l = checkTsets(i); if (l) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `]`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Gets node with text inside square brackets, e.g. `[1]`. * * @return {!Node} */ function getBrackets() { var type = NodeType.BracketsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `]`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Checks if token is part of a class selector (e.g. `.abc`). * * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the class selector */ function checkClass(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].class_l) return tokens[i].class_l; // Skip `.`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) { tokens[start].class_l = l + 1; i += l; } else break; } tokens[start].classEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Gets node with a class selector. * * @return {!Node} */ function getClass() { var type = NodeType.ClassType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = token.classEnd; var content = []; // Skip `.` pos++; while (pos < end) { if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) { content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); } else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i * @return {number} */ function checkCombinator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCombinator1(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 1;else if (l = checkCombinator2(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 2;else if (l = checkCombinator3(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 3;else if (l = checkCombinator4(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 4; return l; } /** * @return {!Node} */ function getCombinator() { var type = tokens[pos].combinatorType; if (type === 1) return getCombinator1(); if (type === 2) return getCombinator2(); if (type === 3) return getCombinator3(); if (type === 4) return getCombinator4(); } /** * (1) `>>>` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator1(i) { if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 3; return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator1() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '>>>'; // Skip combinator pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `||` * (2) `>>` * * @param {number} i * @return {number} */ function checkCombinator2(i) { if (i + 1 >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.VerticalLine) return 2; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 2; return 0; } /** * @return {!Node} */ function getCombinator2() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '' + token.value + tokens[pos + 1].value; // Skip combinator pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `>` * (2) `+` * (3) `~` * * @param {number} i * @return {number} */ function checkCombinator3(i) { var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.PlusSign || type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign || type === TokenType.Tilde) return 1;else return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator3() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; // Skip combinator pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `/panda/` */ function checkCombinator4(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator4() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `/`. pos++; var ident = getIdent(); // Skip `/`. pos++; var content = '/' + ident.content + '/'; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a multiline comment. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is a multiline comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentML(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentML ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a multiline comment * @return {Array} `['commentML', x]` where `x` * is the comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getCommentML() { var type = NodeType.CommentMLType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value.substring(2); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 2); if (content.endsWith('*/')) { content = content.substring(0, content.length - 2); } pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a single-line comment. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is a single-line comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentSL(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentSL ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a single-line comment. * @return {Array} `['commentSL', x]` where `x` is comment's message * (without `//`) */ function getCommentSL() { var type = NodeType.CommentSLType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos++].value.substring(2); var end = !content ? [line, column + 1] : getLastPosition(content, line, column + 2); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a condition * (e.g. `@if ...`, `@else if ...` or `@else ...`). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the condition */ function checkCondition(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var _i = void 0; var s = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (['if', 'else'].indexOf(tokens[start + 1].value) < 0) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkBlock(i)) break; s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkCondition(_i)) i += l + s;else break; } return i - start; } function _checkCondition(i) { return checkVariable(i) || checkNumber(i) || checkInterpolation(i) || checkIdent(i) || checkOperator(i) || checkCombinator(i) || checkString(i); } /** * Get node with a condition. * @return {Array} `['condition', x]` */ function getCondition() { var type = NodeType.ConditionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var s = void 0; var _pos = void 0; content.push(getAtkeyword()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkBlock(pos)) break; s = checkSC(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (!_checkCondition(_pos)) break; if (s) content = content.concat(getSC()); content.push(_getCondition()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function _getCondition() { if (checkVariable(pos)) return getVariable(); if (checkNumber(pos)) return getNumber(); if (checkInterpolation(pos)) return getInterpolation(); if (checkIdent(pos)) return getIdent(); if (checkOperator(pos)) return getOperator(); if (checkCombinator(pos)) return getCombinator(); if (checkString(pos)) return getString(); } /** * Check if token is part of a conditional statement * (e.g. `@if ... {} @else if ... {} @else ... {}`). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the condition */ function checkConditionalStatement(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkCondition(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a condition. * @return {Array} `['condition', x]` */ function getConditionalStatement() { var type = NodeType.ConditionalStatementType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getCondition(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the declaration */ function checkDeclaration(i) { return checkDeclaration1(i) || checkDeclaration2(i); } /** * Get node with a declaration * @return {Array} `['declaration', ['property', x], ['propertyDelim'], * ['value', y]]` */ function getDeclaration() { return checkDeclaration1(pos) ? getDeclaration1() : getDeclaration2(); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the declaration */ function checkDeclaration1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkValue(i)) return i + l - start; if (l = checkS(i)) i += l; if (l = checkValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @return {Array} `['declaration', ['property', x], ['propertyDelim'], * ['value', y]]` */ function getDeclaration1() { var type = NodeType.DeclarationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getProperty()); if (checkS(pos)) content.push(getS()); content.push(getPropertyDelim()); if (checkS(pos)) content.push(getS()); content.push(getValue()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the declaration */ function checkDeclaration2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkValue(i)) return i + l - start; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @return {Array} `['declaration', ['propertyDelim'], ['property', x], * ['value', y]]` */ function getDeclaration2() { var type = NodeType.DeclarationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getPropertyDelim(), getProperty(), getSC(), getValue()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the declaration */ function checkSingleValueDeclaration(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSingleValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @returns {Array} `['declaration', ['property', x], ['propertyDelim'], * ['value', y]]` */ function getSingleValueDeclaration() { var type = NodeType.DeclarationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getProperty(), getSC(), getPropertyDelim(), getSC(), getSingleValue()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a semicolon * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is a semicolon, otherwise `0` */ function checkDeclDelim(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; return tokens[i].type === TokenType.Newline || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Semicolon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a semicolon * @return {Array} `['declDelim']` */ function getDeclDelim() { var type = NodeType.DeclDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '\n'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token if part of `!default` word. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the `!default` word */ function checkDefault(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'default') { tokens[start].defaultEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with a `!default` word * @return {Array} `['default', sc]` where `sc` is optional whitespace */ function getDefault() { var type = NodeType.DefaultType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.defaultEnd); pos = token.defaultEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a comma * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is a comma, otherwise `0` */ function checkDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Comma ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a comma * @return {Array} `['delim']` */ function getDelim() { var type = NodeType.DelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ','; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a number with dimension unit (e.g. `10px`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkDimension(i) { var ln = checkNumber(i); var li = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || !ln || i + ln >= tokensLength) return 0; return (li = checkUnit(i + ln)) ? ln + li : 0; } /** * Get node of a number with dimension unit * @return {Node} */ function getDimension() { var type = NodeType.DimensionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNumber(), getUnit()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkExpression(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].value !== 'expression' || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { return 0; } return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getExpression() { var type = NodeType.ExpressionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; pos++; var content = joinValues(pos + 1, tokens[pos].right - 1); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); if (end[0] === line) end[1] += 11; pos = tokens[pos].right + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkExtend(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkExtend1(i)) tokens[i].extend_child = 1;else if (l = checkExtend2(i)) tokens[i].extend_child = 2; return l; } function getExtend() { var childType = tokens[pos].extend_child; if (childType === 1) return getExtend1(); if (childType === 2) return getExtend2(); } /** * Checks if token is part of an extend with `!optional` flag. * @param {number} i */ function checkExtend1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'extend') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkOptional(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getExtend1() { var type = NodeType.ExtendType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getOptional()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks if token is part of an extend without `!optional` flag. * @param {number} i */ function checkExtend2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'extend') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getExtend2() { var type = NodeType.ExtendType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getSelectorsGroup()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkFunction(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis ? tokens[i].right - start + 1 : 0; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getFunction() { var type = NodeType.FunctionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getIdentOrInterpolation(), getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a functions list (e.g. `function(value)...`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFunctionsList(i) { var d = 0; // Number of dots var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkFunction(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) { d++; i++; } return d === 3 ? l + d : 0; } /** * Get node with a functions list * @returns {Array} */ function getFunctionsList() { var type = NodeType.FunctionsListType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getFunction()]; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 3); // Skip `...`. pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of `!global` word * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkGlobal(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'global') { tokens[start].globalEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!global` word */ function getGlobal() { var type = NodeType.GlobalType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.globalEnd); pos = token.globalEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an identifier * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the identifier */ function checkIdent(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Check if token is part of a negative number if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus) i++; if (checkInterpolation(i)) { tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LowLine || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) i++;else return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an identifier * @return {Array} `['ident', x]` where `x` is identifier's name */ function getIdent() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ident_last); pos = tokens[pos].ident_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the identifier */ function checkPartialIdent(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the identifier */ function checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var prevIsInterpolation = false; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) { tokens[i].ii_type = 1; i += l; prevIsInterpolation = true; } else if (l = checkIdent(i)) { tokens[i].ii_type = 2; i += l; prevIsInterpolation = false; } else if (prevIsInterpolation && (l = checkPartialIdent(i))) { tokens[i].ii_type = 3; i += l; prevIsInterpolation = false; } else break; } return i - start; } function getIdentOrInterpolation() { var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { var tokenType = tokens[pos].ii_type; if (tokenType === 1) { content.push(getInterpolation()); } else if (tokenType === 2 || tokenType === 3) { content.push(getIdent()); } else break; } return content; } /** * Check if token is part of `!important` word * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkImportant(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'important') { tokens[start].importantEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!important` word * @return {Array} `['important', sc]` where `sc` is optional whitespace */ function getImportant() { var type = NodeType.ImportantType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.importantEnd); pos = token.importantEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin (`@include` or `@extend` * directive). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the included mixin */ function checkInclude(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIncludeWithKeyframes1(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 9;else if (l = checkInclude1(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 1;else if (l = checkInclude2(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 2;else if (l = checkInclude3(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 3;else if (l = checkInclude4(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 4;else if (l = checkIncludeWithKeyframes2(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 10;else if (l = checkInclude5(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 5;else if (l = checkInclude6(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 6;else if (l = checkInclude7(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 7;else if (l = checkInclude8(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 8; return l; } /** * Get node with included mixin * @return {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude() { var type = tokens[pos].include_type; if (type === 1) return getInclude1(); if (type === 2) return getInclude2(); if (type === 3) return getInclude3(); if (type === 4) return getInclude4(); if (type === 5) return getInclude5(); if (type === 6) return getInclude6(); if (type === 7) return getInclude7(); if (type === 8) return getInclude8(); if (type === 9) return getIncludeWithKeyframes1(); if (type === 10) return getIncludeWithKeyframes2(); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin like `@include nani(foo) {...}` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the include */ function checkInclude1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin like `@include nani(foo) {...}` * @return {Array} `['include', ['atkeyword', x], sc, ['selector', y], sc, * ['arguments', z], sc, ['block', q], sc` where `x` is `include` or * `extend`, `y` is mixin's identifier (selector), `z` are arguments * passed to the mixin, `q` is block passed to the mixin and `sc` * are optional whitespaces */ function getInclude1() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin like `@include nani(foo)` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the include */ function checkInclude2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin like `@include nani(foo)` * @return {Array} `['include', ['atkeyword', x], sc, ['selector', y], sc, * ['arguments', z], sc]` where `x` is `include` or `extend`, `y` is * mixin's identifier (selector), `z` are arguments passed to the * mixin and `sc` are optional whitespaces */ function getInclude2() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin with a content block passed * as an argument (e.g. `@include nani {...}`) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the mixin */ function checkInclude3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an included mixin with a content block passed * as an argument (e.g. `@include nani {...}`) * @return {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude3() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkInclude4(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude4() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin like `+nani(foo) {...}` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the include */ function checkInclude5(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin like `+nani(foo) {...}` * @return {Array} `['include', ['operator', '+'], ['selector', x], sc, * ['arguments', y], sc, ['block', z], sc` where `x` is * mixin's identifier (selector), `y` are arguments passed to the * mixin, `z` is block passed to mixin and `sc` are optional whitespaces */ function getInclude5() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getOperator(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin like `+nani(foo)` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the include */ function checkInclude6(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin like `+nani(foo)` * @return {Array} `['include', ['operator', '+'], ['selector', y], sc, * ['arguments', z], sc]` where `y` is * mixin's identifier (selector), `z` are arguments passed to the * mixin and `sc` are optional whitespaces */ function getInclude6() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getOperator(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin with a content block passed * as an argument (e.g. `+nani {...}`) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the mixin */ function checkInclude7(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an included mixin with a content block passed * as an argument (e.g. `+nani {...}`) * @return {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude7() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getOperator(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkInclude8(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude8() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getOperator(), getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Get node with included mixin with keyfames selector like * `@include nani(foo) { 0% {}}` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the include */ function checkIncludeWithKeyframes1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlocks(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin with keyfames selector like * `@include nani(foo) { 0% {}}` * @return {!Node} */ function getIncludeWithKeyframes1() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments(), getSC(), getKeyframesBlocks()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Get node with included mixin with keyfames selector like * `+nani(foo) { 0% {}}` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the include */ function checkIncludeWithKeyframes2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlocks(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin with keyfames selector like * `+nani(foo) { 0% {}}` * @return {!Node} */ function getIncludeWithKeyframes2() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getOperator(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments(), getSC(), getKeyframesBlocks()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an interpolated variable (e.g. `#{$nani}`). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkInterpolation(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.NumberSign || !tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) return 0; i += 2; while (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { if (l = checkArgument(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket ? i - start + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with an interpolated variable * @return {Array} `['interpolation', x]` */ function getInterpolation() { var type = NodeType.InterpolationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `#{`: pos += 2; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { var body = getArgument(); if (typeof body.content === 'string') content.push(body);else content = content.concat(body); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`: pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check a single keyframe block - `5% {}` * @param {number} i * @return {number} */ function checkKeyframesBlock(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkKeyframesSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get a single keyframe block - `5% {}` * @return {Node} */ function getKeyframesBlock() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getKeyframesSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check all keyframe blocks - `5% {} 100% {}` * @param {number} i * @return {number} */ function checkKeyframesBlocks(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var blockEnd = tokens[i].block_end; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (!blockEnd) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l; while (i < blockEnd) { if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) i += l;else break; } if (i !== blockEnd + 1) return 0; return blockEnd + 1 - start; } /** * Get all keyframe blocks - `5% {} 100% {}` * @return {Node} */ function getKeyframesBlocks() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var keyframesBlocksEnd = token.block_end; var content = []; while (pos < keyframesBlocksEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkKeyframesBlock(pos)) content.push(getKeyframesBlock());else if (checkAtrule(pos)) content.push(getAtrule()); // @content else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a @keyframes rule. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the @keyframes rule */ function checkKeyframesRule(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; var atruleName = joinValues2(i - l, l); if (atruleName.toLowerCase().indexOf('keyframes') === -1) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPseudoc(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlocks(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getKeyframesRule() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC()); if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation());else if (checkPseudoc(pos)) { content = content.concat(getPseudoc()); } content = content.concat(getSC(), getKeyframesBlocks()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check a single keyframe selector - `5%`, `from` etc * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkKeyframesSelector(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) { // Valid selectors are only `from` and `to`. var selector = joinValues2(i, l); if (selector !== 'from' && selector !== 'to') return 0; i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 2; } else if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 3; } else { return 0; } return i - start; } /** * Get a single keyframe selector * @return {Node} */ function getKeyframesSelector() { var keyframesSelectorType = NodeType.KeyframesSelectorType; var selectorType = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 1) { content.push(getIdent()); } else if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 2) { content.push(getPercentage()); } else if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 3) { content.push(getInterpolation()); } var keyframesSelector = newNode(keyframesSelectorType, content, line, column); return newNode(selectorType, [keyframesSelector], line, column); } /** * Check the keyframe's selector groups * @param {number} i * @return {number} */ function checkKeyframesSelectorsGroup(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkKeyframesSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; // Check for trailing space if (l = checkSC(i) && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Newline) i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { var tempStart = i; var tempIndex = i; var tempLength = void 0; if (tempLength = checkDelim(tempIndex)) tempIndex += tempLength;else break; // Check for maxmimum space usage - 'space', '\n', 'space' if (tempLength = checkSC(tempIndex)) tempIndex += tempLength; if (tempLength = checkSC(tempIndex)) tempIndex += tempLength; if (tempLength = checkSC(tempIndex)) tempIndex += tempLength; if (tempLength = checkKeyframesSelector(tempIndex)) tempIndex += tempLength;else break; // Check for trailing space if (tempLength = checkSC(tempIndex) && tokens[tempIndex].type !== TokenType.Newline) { tempIndex += tempLength; } i += tempIndex - tempStart; } tokens[start].selectorsGroupEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Get the keyframe's selector groups * @return {Array} An array of keyframe selectors */ function getKeyframesSelectorsGroup() { var selectorsGroup = []; var selectorsGroupEnd = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupEnd; selectorsGroup.push(getKeyframesSelector()); if (checkSC(pos) && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.Newline) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC()); } while (pos < selectorsGroupEnd) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getDelim(), getSC(), getSC(), getSC(), getKeyframesSelector()); if (checkSC(pos) && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.Newline) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC()); } } return selectorsGroup; } /** * Check if token is part of a loop. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the loop */ function checkLoop(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (['for', 'each', 'while'].indexOf(tokens[start + 1].value) < 0) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkBlock(i)) { i += l; break; } else if (l = checkVariable(i) || checkNumber(i) || checkInterpolation(i) || checkIdent(i) || checkSC(i) || checkOperator(i) || checkCombinator(i) || checkString(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return i - start; } /** * Get node with a loop. * @return {Array} `['loop', x]` */ function getLoop() { var type = NodeType.LoopType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getAtkeyword()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkBlock(pos)) { content.push(getBlock()); break; } else if (checkVariable(pos)) content.push(getVariable());else if (checkNumber(pos)) content.push(getNumber());else if (checkInterpolation(pos)) content.push(getInterpolation());else if (checkIdent(pos)) content.push(getIdent());else if (checkOperator(pos)) content.push(getOperator());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkString(pos)) content.push(getString()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a mixin * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the mixin */ function checkMixin(i) { return checkMixin1(i) || checkMixin2(i); } /** * Get node with a mixin * @return {Array} `['mixin', x]` */ function getMixin() { return checkMixin1(pos) ? getMixin1() : getMixin2(); } /** * Check if token is part of a mixin * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the mixin */ function checkMixin1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if ((l = checkAtkeyword(i)) && tokens[i + 1].value === 'mixin') i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else { if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return i - start; } /** * Get node with a mixin * @return {Array} `['mixin', x]` */ function getMixin1() { var type = NodeType.MixinType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC()); if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkBlock(pos)) content.push(getBlock());else { if (checkArguments(pos)) content.push(getArguments()); content = content.concat(getSC()); content.push(getBlock()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a mixin * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the mixin */ function checkMixin2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else { if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return i - start; } /** * Get node with a mixin * @return {Array} `['mixin', x]` */ function getMixin2() { var type = NodeType.MixinType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getOperator(), getSC()); if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkBlock(pos)) content.push(getBlock());else { if (checkArguments(pos)) content.push(getArguments()); content = content.concat(getSC()); content.push(getBlock()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a namespace sign (`|`) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is `|`, `0` if not */ function checkNamespace(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a namespace sign * @return {Array} `['namespace']` */ function getNamespace() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkNmName2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) return 1;else if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) return 0; i++; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier ? 2 : 1; } /** * @return {string} */ function getNmName2() { var s = tokens[pos].value; if (tokens[pos++].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type === TokenType.Identifier) s += tokens[pos++].value; return s; } /** * Check if token is part of a number * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of number */ function checkNumber(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].number_l) return tokens[i].number_l; // `10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && (!tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.FullStop)) { tokens[i].number_l = 1; return 1; } // `10.`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && (!tokens[i + 2] || tokens[i + 2].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber)) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `10.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 2] && tokens[i + 2].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 3; return 3; } return 0; } /** * Get node with number * @return {Array} `['number', x]` where `x` is a number converted * to string. */ function getNumber() { var type = NodeType.NumberType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var l = tokens[pos].number_l; var content = ''; for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) { content += tokens[pos + j].value; } pos += l; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is an operator (`/`, `%`, `,`, `:` or `=`). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is an operator, otherwise `0` */ function checkOperator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; switch (tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.Solidus: case TokenType.PercentSign: case TokenType.Comma: case TokenType.Colon: case TokenType.EqualsSign: case TokenType.EqualitySign: case TokenType.InequalitySign: case TokenType.LessThanSign: case TokenType.GreaterThanSign: case TokenType.Asterisk: return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an operator * @return {Array} `['operator', x]` where `x` is an operator converted * to string. */ function getOperator() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of `!optional` word * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkOptional(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'optional') { tokens[start].optionalEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!optional` word */ function getOptional() { var type = NodeType.OptionalType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.optionalEnd); pos = token.optionalEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkParentheses(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var right = tokens[i].right; var l = void 0; // Skip `(`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) i++;else return 0; if (i < right) { if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get node with text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @return {Node} */ function getParentheses() { var type = NodeType.ParenthesesType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector, e.g. `&` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkParentSelector(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Ampersand ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a parent selector * @return {Node} */ function getParentSelector() { var type = NodeType.ParentSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '&'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector extension, e.g. `&--foo-bar` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the parent selector extension */ function checkParentSelectorExtension(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPartialIdent(i)) i += l;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get parent selector extension node * @return {Node} */ function getParentSelectorExtension() { var type = NodeType.ParentSelectorExtensionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) { content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); } else if (checkPartialIdent(pos)) { content.push(getIdent()); } else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector with an extension or not * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the parent selector and extension if applicable */ function checkParentSelectorWithExtension(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkParentSelectorExtension(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * Get parent selector node and extension node if applicable * @return {Array} */ function getParentSelectorWithExtension() { var content = [getParentSelector()]; if (checkParentSelectorExtension(pos)) content.push(getParentSelectorExtension()); return content; } /** * Check if token is part of a number or an interpolation with a percent sign * (e.g. `10%`). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkPercentage(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkNumberOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `%`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PercentSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get a percentage node that contains either a number or an interpolation * @return {Object} The percentage node */ function getPercentage() { var type = NodeType.PercentageType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = getNumberOrInterpolation(); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `%`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is a number or an interpolation * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkNumberOrInterpolation(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkInterpolation(i) || checkNumber(i)) i += l;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get a number and/or interpolation node * @return {Array} An array containing a single or multiple nodes */ function getNumberOrInterpolation() { var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkInterpolation(pos)) content.push(getInterpolation());else if (checkNumber(pos)) content.push(getNumber());else break; } return content; } /** * Check if token is part of a placeholder selector (e.g. `%abc`). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the selector */ function checkPlaceholder(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[start].placeholder_l) return tokens[start].placeholder_l; // Skip `%`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PercentSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].placeholder_l = i - start; } else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a placeholder selector * @return {Array} `['placeholder', ['ident', x]]` where x is a placeholder's * identifier (without `%`, e.g. `abc`). */ function getPlaceholder() { var type = NodeType.PlaceholderType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `%`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkProgid(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (joinValues2(i, 6) === 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.') i += 6;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { tokens[start].progid_end = tokens[i].right; i = tokens[i].right + 1; } else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getProgid() { var type = NodeType.ProgidType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var progid_end = token.progid_end; var content = joinValues(pos, progid_end); pos = progid_end + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkProperty1(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 1;else if (l = checkProperty2(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 2;else if (l = checkProperty3(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 3; return l; } /** * Get node with a property * @return {!Node} */ function getProperty() { var type = tokens[pos].propertyType; if (type === 1) return getProperty1(); if (type === 2) return getProperty2(); if (type === 3) return getProperty3(); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * (1) `foo` * (2) `#{$foo}` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a property * @returns {Array} */ function getProperty1() { var type = NodeType.PropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a custom property * (1) `--foo-bar` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty2(i) { return checkCustomProperty(i); } /** * Get node with a custom property * @return {Node} */ function getProperty2() { return getCustomProperty(); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * (1) `$foo` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a property * @returns {Array} `['property', x]` */ function getProperty3() { var type = NodeType.PropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getVariable()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a custom property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkCustomProperty(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus) return 0; // Skip `--` i += 2; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a custom property * @return {Node} */ function getCustomProperty() { var type = NodeType.CustomPropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `--` pos += 2; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a colon * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is a colon, otherwise `0` */ function checkPropertyDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Colon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a colon * @return {Array} `['propertyDelim']` */ function getPropertyDelim() { var type = NodeType.PropertyDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ':'; // Skip `:`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkPseudo(i) { return checkPseudoe(i) || checkPseudoc(i); } /** * @return {Array} */ function getPseudo() { if (checkPseudoe(pos)) return getPseudoe(); if (checkPseudoc(pos)) return getPseudoc(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkPseudoe(i) { var l = void 0; // Check `::` if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon || i + 1 >= tokensLength || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoElement1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoElement2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 2;else return 0; return l; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getPseudoe() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoElementType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoElement1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoElement2(); } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function checkPseudoElement1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function getPseudoElement1() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; content.push(getIdent()); { var _type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token = tokens[pos]; var _line = _token.ln; var _column = _token.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line, _column, 1); var args = newNode(_type, selectorContent, _line, _column, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkPseudoElement2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getPseudoElement2() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkPseudoc(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoClass3(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 3;else if (l = checkPseudoClass4(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 4;else if (l = checkPseudoClass5(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 5;else if (l = checkPseudoClass1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoClass2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 2;else if (l = checkPseudoClass6(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 6;else return 0; return l; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getPseudoc() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoClassType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoClass1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoClass2(); if (childType === 3) return getPseudoClass3(); if (childType === 4) return getPseudoClass4(); if (childType === 5) return getPseudoClass5(); if (childType === 6) return getPseudoClass6(); } /** * (-) `:not(panda)` */ function checkPseudoClass1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (-) `:not(panda)` */ function getPseudoClass1() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); { var _type2 = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token2 = tokens[pos]; var _line2 = _token2.ln; var _column2 = _token2.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line2, _column2, 1); var args = newNode(_type2, selectorContent, _line2, _column2, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `:nth-child(odd)` * (2) `:nth-child(even)` * (3) `:lang(de-DE)` */ function checkPseudoClass2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass2() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var value = [].concat(getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n + 2)` */ function checkPseudoClass3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNumberOrInterpolation(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign || tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNumberOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass3() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumberOrInterpolation(pos)) value = value.concat(getNumberOrInterpolation()); { var _token3 = tokens[pos]; if (_token3.value === 'n') { var _l = _token3.ln; var _c = _token3.col; var _content2 = _token3.value; var ident = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, _content2, _l, _c); value.push(ident); pos++; } } value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkNumberOrInterpolation(pos)) value = value.concat(getNumberOrInterpolation()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n)` */ function checkPseudoClass4(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass4() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkInterpolation(pos)) value.push(getInterpolation()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); if (checkIdent(pos)) value.push(getIdent()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(+8)` */ function checkPseudoClass5(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass5() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:checked` */ function checkPseudoClass6(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass6() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `:`. pos++; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkRuleset(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) { i += l; } else if (l = checkSC(i)) { i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; } else return 0; return i - start; } function getRuleset() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); if (checkBlock(pos)) { content.push(getBlock()); } else { content = content.concat(getSC(), getBlock()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is marked as a space (if it's a space or a tab * or a line break). * @param {number} i * @return {number} Number of spaces in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkS(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].ws ? tokens[i].ws_last - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with spaces * @return {Array} `['s', x]` where `x` is a string containing spaces */ function getS() { var type = NodeType.SType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ws_last); pos = tokens[pos].ws_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a space, newline, or a comment. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Number of similar (space, newline, or comment) tokens * in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkMultilineSC(i) { if (!tokens[i]) return 0; var l = void 0; var lsc = 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (!(l = checkS(i)) && !(l = checkCommentML(i)) && !(l = checkCommentSL(i))) break; i += l; lsc += l; } return lsc || 0; } /** * Get node with spaces newlines and comments * @return {!Node} */ function getMultilineSC() { var sc = []; if (pos >= tokensLength) return sc; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkS(pos)) sc.push(getS());else if (checkCommentML(pos)) sc.push(getCommentML());else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) sc.push(getCommentSL());else break; } return sc; } /** * Check if token is a space or a comment. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Number of similar (space or comment) tokens * in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkSC(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; var lsc = 0; var ln = tokens[i].ln; while (i < tokensLength) { if (tokens[i].ln !== ln) break; if (l = checkS(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 1;else if (l = checkCommentML(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 2;else if (l = checkCommentSL(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 3;else break; i += l; lsc += l; if (tokens[i] && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Newline) break; } return lsc || 0; } /** * Get node with spaces and comments * @return {Array} Array containing nodes with spaces (if there are any) * and nodes with comments (if there are any): * `[['s', x]*, ['comment', y]*]` where `x` is a string of spaces * and `y` is a comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getSC() { var sc = []; if (pos >= tokensLength) return sc; var ln = tokens[pos].ln; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (tokens[pos].ln !== ln) break;else if (checkS(pos)) sc.push(getS());else if (checkCommentML(pos)) sc.push(getCommentML());else if (checkCommentSL(pos)) sc.push(getCommentSL());else break; if (tokens[pos] && tokens[pos].type === TokenType.Newline) break; } return sc; } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside a simple * selector * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkShash(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.NumberSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPartialIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPartialIdent(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].shashEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside a simple selector * @return {Node} */ function getShash() { var type = NodeType.ShashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = token.shashEnd; var content = []; // Skip `#`. pos++; while (pos < end) { if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) { content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); } else if (checkPartialIdent(pos)) { content.push(getIdent()); } else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a string (text wrapped in quotes) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is part of a string, `0` if not */ function checkString(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringSQ || tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringDQ) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get string's node * @return {Array} `['string', x]` where `x` is a string (including * quotes). */ function getString() { var type = NodeType.StringType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Validate stylesheet: it should consist of any number (0 or more) of * rulesets (sets of rules with selectors), @-rules, whitespaces or * comments. * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkStylesheet(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i) || checkDeclaration(i) || checkDeclDelim(i) || checkInclude(i) || checkExtend(i) || checkMixin(i) || checkLoop(i) || checkConditionalStatement(i) || checkAtrule(i) || checkRuleset(i)) i += l;else throwError(i); } return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} `['stylesheet', x]` where `x` is all stylesheet's * nodes. */ function getStylesheet() { var type = NodeType.StylesheetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var node = void 0; var wasDeclaration = false; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (wasDeclaration && checkDeclDelim(pos)) node = getDeclDelim();else if (checkSC(pos)) node = getSC();else if (checkRuleset(pos)) node = getRuleset();else if (checkInclude(pos)) node = getInclude();else if (checkExtend(pos)) node = getExtend();else if (checkMixin(pos)) node = getMixin();else if (checkLoop(pos)) node = getLoop();else if (checkConditionalStatement(pos)) node = getConditionalStatement();else if (checkAtrule(pos)) node = getAtrule();else if (checkDeclaration(pos)) node = getDeclaration();else throwError(pos); wasDeclaration = node.type === NodeType.DeclarationType; if (Array.isArray(node)) content = content.concat(node);else content.push(node); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkTset(i) { return checkVhash(i) || checkOperator(i) || checkAny(i) || checkSC(i); } /** * @return {Array} */ function getTset() { if (checkVhash(pos)) return getVhash();else if (checkOperator(pos)) return getOperator();else if (checkAny(pos)) return getAny();else if (checkSC(pos)) return getSC(); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkTsets(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (tokens[i - 1].type !== TokenType.Newline && (l = checkTset(i))) { i += l; } return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getTsets() { var content = []; var t = void 0; while (tokens[pos - 1].type !== TokenType.Newline && (t = getTset())) { if (typeof t.content === 'string') content.push(t);else content = content.concat(t); } return content; } /** * Check if token is an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} `1` if token is an unary sign, `0` if not */ function checkUnary(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @return {Array} `['unary', x]` where `x` is an unary sign * converted to string. */ function getUnary() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a unicode range (single or multiple nodes) * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Unicode range node's length */ function checkUnicodeRange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkUrange(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkUrange(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get a unicode range node * @return {Node} */ function getUnicodeRange() { var type = NodeType.UnicodeRangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkDelim(pos)) content.push(getDelim());else if (checkUrange(pos)) content.push(getUrange());else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is unit * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkUnit(i) { var units = ['em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem', 'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'px', 'mm', 'q', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', 's', 'ms', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'dpi', 'dpcm', 'dppx']; return units.indexOf(tokens[i].value) !== -1 ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get unit node of type ident * @return {Node} An ident node containing the unit value */ function getUnit() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a u-range (part of a unicode-range) * (1) `U+416` * (2) `U+400-4ff` * (3) `U+4??` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Urange node's length */ function checkUrange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Check for unicode prefix (u+ or U+) if (tokens[i].value === 'U' || tokens[i].value === 'u') i += 1;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === '+') i += 1;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l;else if (l = _checkUnicodeWildcard(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].urangeEnd = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get a u-range node (part of a unicode-range) * @return {Node} */ function getUrange() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.UrangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content = joinValues(startPos, tokens[startPos].urangeEnd); pos = tokens[startPos].urangeEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check for unicode wildcard characters `?` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Wildcard length */ function _checkUnicodeWildcard(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.QuestionMark) i += 1;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of URI, e.g. `url('/css/styles.css')` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of URI */ function checkUri(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].value !== 'url') return 0; // Skip `url`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; // Store the opening parenthesis token as we will reference it's `right` // property to determine when the parentheses close var leftParenthesis = tokens[i]; // Skip `(`. i++; // Determine the type of URI while (i < leftParenthesis.right) { if (l = checkUri1(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].uriType = 1; // Raw based URI (without quotes) } else if (l = checkUri2(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].uriType = 2; // Non-raw based URI (with quotes) } else return 0; } // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get specific type of URI node * @return {Node} Specific type of URI node */ function getUri() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.UriType; var token = tokens[startPos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var end = void 0; var uriType = tokens[startPos].uriType; // Skip `url` and `(`. pos += 2; if (uriType === 1) content = content.concat(getUri1());else if (uriType === 2) content = content.concat(getUri2());else end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 4); if (!end) end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token type is valid URI character * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of raw node */ function checkUriRawCharacters(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else { switch (tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.ExclamationMark: case TokenType.NumberSign: case TokenType.DollarSign: case TokenType.PercentSign: case TokenType.Ampersand: case TokenType.Asterisk: case TokenType.PlusSign: case TokenType.Comma: case TokenType.HyphenMinus: case TokenType.FullStop: case TokenType.Solidus: case TokenType.Colon: case TokenType.Semicolon: case TokenType.LessThanSign: case TokenType.EqualsSign: case TokenType.GreaterThanSign: case TokenType.QuotationMark: case TokenType.CommercialAt: case TokenType.LeftSquareBracket: case TokenType.RightSquareBracket: case TokenType.CircumflexAccent: case TokenType.LowLine: case TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket: case TokenType.VerticalLine: case TokenType.RightCurlyBracket: case TokenType.Tilde: i += 1; break; default: return 0; } } return i - start; } /** * Check if content of URI can be contained within a raw node * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of raw node */ function checkUriRaw(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (checkInterpolation(i) || checkVariable(i)) break;else if (l = checkUriRawCharacters(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].uri_raw_end = i; return i - start; } /** * Get a raw node * @return {Node} */ function getUriRaw() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.RawType; var token = tokens[startPos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var l = void 0; while (pos < tokens[startPos].uri_raw_end) { if (checkInterpolation(pos) || checkVariable(pos)) break;else if (l = checkUriRawCharacters(pos)) pos += l;else break; } content = joinValues(startPos, pos - 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check for a raw (without quotes) URI * (1) http://foo.com/bar.png * (2) http://foo.com/#{$bar}.png * (3) #{$foo}/bar.png * (4) #{$foo} * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of URI node */ function checkUri1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkInterpolation(i) || checkUriRaw(i)) i += l;else break; } if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; // Check that we are at the end of the uri if (i < tokens[start - 1].right) return 0; tokens[start].uri_end = i; return i - start; } /** * Get a raw (without quotes) URI node * @return {Array} */ function getUri1() { var startPos = pos; var content = []; if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC()); while (pos < tokens[startPos].uri_end) { if (checkInterpolation(pos)) content.push(getInterpolation());else if (checkUriRaw(pos)) content.push(getUriRaw());else break; } if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC()); return content; } /** * Check for a non-raw (with quotes) URI * (1) 'http://foo.com/bar.png' * (2) 'http://foo.com/'#{$bar}.png * (3) #{$foo}'/bar.png' * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of URI node */ function checkUri2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkString(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) i += l;else break; } // Check that we are at the end of the uri if (i < tokens[start - 1].right) return 0; tokens[start].uri_end = i; return i - start; } /** * Get a non-raw (with quotes) URI node * @return {Array} */ function getUri2() { var startPos = pos; var content = []; while (pos < tokens[startPos].uri_end) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkUnary(pos)) content.push(getUnary());else if (_checkValue(pos)) content.push(_getValue());else break; } return content; } /** * Check if token is part of a value * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the value */ function checkValue(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var s = void 0; var _i = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (checkDeclDelim(i)) break; if (l = checkBlock(i)) { i += l; break; } s = checkS(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkValue(_i)) i += l + s; if (!l || checkBlock(i - l)) break; } return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} */ function getValue() { var type = NodeType.ValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var _pos = void 0; var s = void 0; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkDeclDelim(pos)) break; s = checkS(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (checkDeclDelim(_pos)) break; if (checkBlock(pos)) { content.push(getBlock()); break; } if (!_checkValue(_pos)) break; if (s) content.push(getS()); content.push(_getValue()); if (checkBlock(_pos)) break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function _checkValue(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 1;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 2;else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 3;else if (l = checkBlock(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 4;else if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 5;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 6;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 7;else if (l = checkGlobal(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 8;else if (l = checkDefault(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 9;else if (l = checkProgid(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 10;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 11;else if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 12; return l; } /** * @return {Array} */ function _getValue() { var childType = tokens[pos].value_child; if (childType === 1) return getInterpolation(); if (childType === 2) return getVariable(); if (childType === 3) return getVhash(); if (childType === 4) return getBlock(); if (childType === 5) return getAtkeyword(); if (childType === 6) return getOperator(); if (childType === 7) return getImportant(); if (childType === 8) return getGlobal(); if (childType === 9) return getDefault(); if (childType === 10) return getProgid(); if (childType === 11) return getAny(); if (childType === 12) return getParentSelector(); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the value */ function checkSingleValue(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var s = void 0; var _i = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (checkDeclDelim(i) || checkDelim(i)) break; if (l = checkBlock(i)) { i += l; break; } s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkValue(_i)) i += l + s; if (!l || checkBlock(i - l)) break; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getSingleValue() { var type = NodeType.ValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var _pos = void 0; var s = void 0; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkDeclDelim(pos) || checkDelim(pos)) break; s = checkSC(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (checkDeclDelim(_pos) || checkDelim(_pos)) break; if (checkBlock(pos)) { content.push(getBlock()); break; } if (!_checkValue(_pos)) break; if (s) content.push(getS()); content.push(_getValue()); if (checkBlock(_pos)) break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a variable * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the variable */ function checkVariable(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `$`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DollarSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a variable * @return {Array} `['variable', ['ident', x]]` where `x` is * a variable name. */ function getVariable() { var type = NodeType.VariableType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `$`. pos++; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a variables list (e.g. `$values...`). * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkVariablesList(i) { var d = 0; // Number of dots var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) { d++; i++; } return d === 3 ? l + d : 0; } /** * Get node with a variables list * @return {Array} `['variableslist', ['variable', ['ident', x]]]` where * `x` is a variable name. */ function getVariablesList() { var type = NodeType.VariablesListType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getVariable()]; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 3); // Skip `...`. pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * some value * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkVhash(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `#`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.NumberSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkNmName2(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside some value * @return {Array} `['vhash', x]` where `x` is a hexadecimal number * converted to string (without `#`, e.g. `'fff'`). */ function getVhash() { var type = NodeType.VhashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `#`. pos++; var content = getNmName2(); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkSelectorsGroup(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkMultilineSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); var spaceEnd = spaceAfter ? checkMultilineSC(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter) : 0; if (l = checkSelector(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + spaceEnd)) i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + spaceEnd + l;else break; } tokens[start].selectorsGroupEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelectorsGroup() { var selectorsGroup = []; var selectorsGroupEnd = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupEnd; selectorsGroup.push(getSelector()); while (pos < selectorsGroupEnd) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getMultilineSC(), getDelim(), getMultilineSC(), getSelector()); } return selectorsGroup; } function checkSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkSelector1(i)) tokens[i].selectorType = 1;else if (l = checkSelector2(i)) tokens[i].selectorType = 2; return l; } function getSelector() { var selectorType = tokens[pos].selectorType; if (selectorType === 1) return getSelector1();else return getSelector2(); } /** * Checks for selector which starts with a compound selector. */ function checkSelector1(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var space = checkSC(i); var comma = checkCombinator(i + space); if (!space && !comma) break; if (comma) { i += space + comma; space = checkSC(i); } if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i + space)) i += space + l;else break; } tokens[start].selectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelector1() { var type = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var selectorEnd = token.selectorEnd; var content = getCompoundSelector(); while (pos < selectorEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkCompoundSelector(pos)) content = content.concat(getCompoundSelector()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks for a selector that starts with a combinator. */ function checkSelector2(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCombinator(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i + spaceBefore)) i += spaceBefore + l;else break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i); var comma = checkCombinator(i + spaceAfter); if (!spaceAfter && !comma) break; if (comma) { i += spaceAfter + comma; } } tokens[start].selectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelector2() { var type = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var selectorEnd = token.selectorEnd; var content = [getCombinator()]; while (pos < selectorEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkCompoundSelector(pos)) content = content.concat(getCompoundSelector()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkCompoundSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector1(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkCompoundSelector2(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 2; } return l; } function getCompoundSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getCompoundSelector1(); if (type === 2) return getCompoundSelector2(); } /** * Check for compound selectors that start with either a type selector, * placeholder or parent selector with extension * (1) `foo.bar` * (2) `foo[attr=val]` * (3) `foo:first-of-type` * (4) `foo%bar` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Compound selector's length */ function checkCompoundSelector1(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkUniversalSelector(i) || checkTypeSelector(i) || checkPlaceholder(i) || checkParentSelectorWithExtension(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var _l2 = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i) || checkPlaceholder(i) || checkInterpolation(i); if (_l2) i += _l2;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} An array of nodes that make up the compound selector */ function getCompoundSelector1() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; if (checkUniversalSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getUniversalSelector());else if (checkTypeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getTypeSelector());else if (checkPlaceholder(pos)) sequence.push(getPlaceholder());else if (checkParentSelectorWithExtension(pos)) sequence = sequence.concat(getParentSelectorWithExtension()); while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo());else if (checkPlaceholder(pos)) sequence.push(getPlaceholder());else if (checkInterpolation(pos)) sequence.push(getInterpolation());else break; } return sequence; } /** * Check for all other compound selectors * (1) `.foo.bar` * (2) `.foo[attr=val]` * (3) `.foo:first-of-type` * (4) `.foo%bar` * (5) `.foo#{$bar}` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Compound selector's length */ function checkCompoundSelector2(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; while (i < tokensLength) { var l = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i) || checkPlaceholder(i) || checkInterpolation(i); if (l) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} An array of nodes that make up the compound selector */ function getCompoundSelector2() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo());else if (checkPlaceholder(pos)) sequence.push(getPlaceholder());else if (checkInterpolation(pos)) sequence.push(getInterpolation());else break; } return sequence; } function checkUniversalSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getUniversalSelector() { var type = NodeType.UniversalSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var end = void 0; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) { content.push(getNamePrefix()); end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); } pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a type selector * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Type selector's length */ function checkTypeSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get type selector node * @return {Node} */ function getTypeSelector() { var type = NodeType.TypeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeSelector1(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeSelector2(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeSelector1();else return getAttributeSelector2(); } /** * (1) `[panda=nani]` * (2) `[panda='nani']` * (3) `[panda='nani' i]` * */ function checkAttributeSelector1(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeMatch(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeFlags(i)) { i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; } if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC(), getAttributeMatch(), getSC(), getAttributeValue(), getSC()); if (checkAttributeFlags(pos)) { content.push(getAttributeFlags()); content = content.concat(getSC()); } // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * (1) `[panda]` */ function checkAttributeSelector2(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC()); // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkAttributeName(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeName() { var type = NodeType.AttributeNameType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeMatch1(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeMatch2(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeMatch() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeMatchType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeMatch1();else return getAttributeMatch2(); } function checkAttributeMatch1(i) { var start = i; var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.Tilde || type === TokenType.VerticalLine || type === TokenType.CircumflexAccent || type === TokenType.DollarSign || type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeMatch1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value + tokens[pos + 1].value; pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 1;else return 0; } function getAttributeMatch2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '='; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeValue(i) { return checkString(i) || checkIdentOrInterpolation(i); } function getAttributeValue() { var type = NodeType.AttributeValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkString(pos)) content.push(getString());else content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeFlags(i) { return checkIdentOrInterpolation(i); } function getAttributeFlags() { var type = NodeType.AttributeFlagsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkNamePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix1(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 1;else if (l = checkNamePrefix2(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 2; return l; } function getNamePrefix() { var type = tokens[pos].namePrefixType; if (type === 1) return getNamePrefix1();else return getNamePrefix2(); } /** * (1) `panda|` * (2) `panda|` */ function checkNamePrefix1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamespacePrefix(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkCommentML(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNamespaceSeparator(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getNamePrefix1() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getNamespacePrefix()); if (checkCommentML(pos)) content.push(getCommentML()); content.push(getNamespaceSeparator()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamePrefix2(i) { return checkNamespaceSeparator(i); } function getNamePrefix2() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNamespaceSeparator()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `*` * (2) `panda` */ function checkNamespacePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) return 1;else if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) return l;else return 0; } function getNamespacePrefix() { var type = NodeType.NamespacePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.type === TokenType.Asterisk) { var asteriskNode = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, '*', line, column); content.push(asteriskNode); pos++; } else if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamespaceSeparator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.VerticalLine) return 0; // Return false if `|=` - [attr|=value] if (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 0; return 1; } function getNamespaceSeparator() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceSeparatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } module.exports = function (_tokens, context) { tokens = _tokens; tokensLength = tokens.length; pos = 0; return contexts[context](); }; /***/ }), /* 24 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function (css, tabSize) { var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); var tokens = []; var urlMode = false; var c = void 0; // Current character var cn = void 0; // Next character var pos = 0; var tn = 0; var ln = 1; var col = 1; var Punctuation = { ' ': TokenType.Space, '\n': TokenType.Newline, '\r': TokenType.Newline, '\t': TokenType.Tab, '!': TokenType.ExclamationMark, '"': TokenType.QuotationMark, '#': TokenType.NumberSign, '$': TokenType.DollarSign, '%': TokenType.PercentSign, '&': TokenType.Ampersand, '\'': TokenType.Apostrophe, '(': TokenType.LeftParenthesis, ')': TokenType.RightParenthesis, '*': TokenType.Asterisk, '+': TokenType.PlusSign, ',': TokenType.Comma, '-': TokenType.HyphenMinus, '.': TokenType.FullStop, '/': TokenType.Solidus, ':': TokenType.Colon, ';': TokenType.Semicolon, '<': TokenType.LessThanSign, '=': TokenType.EqualsSign, '==': TokenType.EqualitySign, '!=': TokenType.InequalitySign, '>': TokenType.GreaterThanSign, '?': TokenType.QuestionMark, '@': TokenType.CommercialAt, '[': TokenType.LeftSquareBracket, ']': TokenType.RightSquareBracket, '^': TokenType.CircumflexAccent, '_': TokenType.LowLine, '{': TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket, '|': TokenType.VerticalLine, '}': TokenType.RightCurlyBracket, '~': TokenType.Tilde, '`': TokenType.Backtick }; /** * Add a token to the token list * @param {string} type * @param {string} value */ function pushToken(type, value, column) { tokens.push({ tn: tn++, ln: ln, col: column, type: type, value: value }); } /** * Check if a character is a decimal digit * @param {string} c Character * @returns {boolean} */ function isDecimalDigit(c) { return '0123456789'.indexOf(c) >= 0; } /** * Parse spaces * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseSpaces(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a non-space character: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) !== ' ') break; } // Add a substring containing only spaces to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Space, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse a string within quotes * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string * @param {string} q Quote (either `'` or `"`) */ function parseString(css, q) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a matching quote: for (pos++; pos < css.length; pos++) { // Skip escaped quotes: if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (css.charAt(pos) === q) break; } // Add the string (including quotes) to tokens: var type = q === '"' ? TokenType.StringDQ : TokenType.StringSQ; pushToken(type, css.substring(start, pos + 1), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse numbers * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseDecimalNumber(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a character that's not a digit: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (!isDecimalDigit(css.charAt(pos))) break; } // Add the number to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.DecimalNumber, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse identifier * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseIdentifier(css) { var start = pos; // Skip all opening slashes: while (css.charAt(pos) === '/') { pos++; } // Read the string until we meet a punctuation mark: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { // Skip all '\': if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (css.charAt(pos) in Punctuation) break; } var ident = css.substring(start, pos--); // Enter url mode if parsed substring is `url`: if (!urlMode && ident === 'url' && css.charAt(pos + 1) === '(') { urlMode = true; } // Add identifier to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Identifier, ident, col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse equality sign */ function parseEquality() { pushToken(TokenType.EqualitySign, '==', col); pos++; col++; } /** * Parse inequality sign */ function parseInequality() { pushToken(TokenType.InequalitySign, '!=', col); pos++; col++; } /** * Parse a multiline comment * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseMLComment(css) { var start = pos; var col_ = col; // Get current indent level: var il = 0; for (var _pos = pos - 1; _pos > -1; _pos--) { // TODO: Can be tabs: if (css.charAt(_pos) === ' ') il++;else break; } for (pos += 2; pos < css.length; pos++) { var ch = css.charAt(pos); if (ch === '\n') { var _pos2 = void 0; // Get new line's indent level: var _il = 0; for (_pos2 = pos + 1; _pos2 < css.length; _pos2++) { if (css.charAt(_pos2) === ' ') _il++;else break; } if (_il > il) { col = 0; pos += _pos2 - pos; } else { pos--; break; } } else if (ch === '*' && css.charAt(pos + 1) === '/') { pos++; break; } } // If CRLF is used, we need to adjust pos if (css.charAt(pos) === '\r') pos--; // Add full comment (including `/*`) to the list of tokens: var comment = css.substring(start, pos + 1); pushToken(TokenType.CommentML, comment, col_); var newlines = comment.split('\n'); if (newlines.length > 1) { ln += newlines.length - 1; col = newlines[newlines.length - 1].length; } else { col += pos - start; } } /** * Parse a single line comment * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseSLComment(css) { var start = pos; var col_ = col; var _pos; // Check if comment is the only token on the line, and if so, // get current indent level: var il = 0; var onlyToken = false; for (_pos = pos - 1; _pos > -1; _pos--) { // TODO: Can be tabs: if (css.charAt(_pos) === ' ') il++;else if (css.charAt(_pos) === '\n') { onlyToken = true; break; } else break; } if (_pos === -1) onlyToken = true; // Read the string until we meet comment end. // Since we already know first 2 characters (`//`), start reading // from `pos + 2`: if (!onlyToken) { for (pos += 2; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) === '\n' || css.charAt(pos) === '\r') { break; } } } else { for (pos += 2; pos < css.length; pos++) { var ch = css.charAt(pos); if (ch === '\n') { // Get new line's indent level: var _il = 0; for (_pos = pos + 1; _pos < css.length; _pos++) { if (css.charAt(_pos) === ' ') _il++;else break; } if (_il > il) { col = 0; pos += _pos - pos; } else { break; } } } } // If CRLF is used, we need to adjust pos if (css.charAt(pos - 1) === '\r') pos--; // Add comment (including `//` and line break) to the list of tokens: var comment = css.substring(start, pos--); pushToken(TokenType.CommentSL, comment, col_); var newlines = comment.split('\n'); if (newlines.length > 1) { ln += newlines.length - 1; col = newlines[newlines.length - 1].length; } else { col += pos - start; } } /** * Convert a CSS string to a list of tokens * @param {string} css CSS string * @returns {Array} List of tokens * @private */ function getTokens(css) { // Parse string, character by character: for (pos = 0; pos < css.length; col++, pos++) { c = css.charAt(pos); cn = css.charAt(pos + 1); // If we meet `/*`, it's a start of a multiline comment. // Parse following characters as a multiline comment: if (c === '/' && cn === '*') { parseMLComment(css); } // If we meet `//` and it is not a part of url: else if (!urlMode && c === '/' && cn === '/') { // If we're currently inside a block, treat `//` as a start // of identifier. Else treat `//` as a start of a single-line // comment: parseSLComment(css); } // If current character is a double or single quote, it's a start // of a string: else if (c === '"' || c === "'") { parseString(css, c); } // If current character is a space: else if (c === ' ') { parseSpaces(css); } // If current character is `=`, it must be combined with next `=` else if (c === '=' && cn === '=') { parseEquality(css); } // If we meet `!=`, this must be inequality else if (c === '!' && cn === '=') { parseInequality(css); } // If current character is a punctuation mark: else if (c in Punctuation) { // Check for CRLF here or just LF if (c === '\r' && cn === '\n' || c === '\n') { // If \r we know the next character is \n due to statement above // so we push a CRLF token type to the token list and importantly // skip the next character so as not to double count newlines or // columns etc if (c === '\r') { pushToken(TokenType.Newline, '\r\n', col); pos++; // If CRLF skip the next character and push crlf token } else if (c === '\n') { // If just a LF newline and not part of CRLF newline we can just // push punctuation as usual pushToken(Punctuation[c], c, col); } ln++; // Go to next line col = 0; // Reset the column count } else if (c !== '\r' && c !== '\n') { // Handle all other punctuation and add to list of tokens pushToken(Punctuation[c], c, col); } // Go to next line if (c === ')') urlMode = false; // Exit url mode else if (c === '\t' && tabSize > 1) col += tabSize - 1; } // If current character is a decimal digit: else if (isDecimalDigit(c)) { parseDecimalNumber(css); } // If current character is anything else: else { parseIdentifier(css); } } return tokens; } return getTokens(css); }; /***/ }), /* 25 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = { mark: __webpack_require__(26), parse: __webpack_require__(27), stringify: __webpack_require__(6), tokenizer: __webpack_require__(28) }; module.exports = exports['default']; /***/ }), /* 26 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); module.exports = function () { /** * Mark whitespaces and comments */ function markSC(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var ws = -1; // Flag for whitespaces var sc = -1; // Flag for whitespaces and comments var t = void 0; // Current token // For every token in the token list, mark spaces and line breaks // as spaces (set both `ws` and `sc` flags). Mark multiline comments // with `sc` flag. // If there are several spaces or tabs or line breaks or multiline // comments in a row, group them: take the last one's index number // and save it to the first token in the group as a reference: // e.g., `ws_last = 7` for a group of whitespaces or `sc_last = 9` // for a group of whitespaces and comments. for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { t = tokens[i]; switch (t.type) { case TokenType.Space: case TokenType.Tab: case TokenType.Newline: t.ws = true; t.sc = true; if (ws === -1) ws = i; if (sc === -1) sc = i; break; case TokenType.CommentML: case TokenType.CommentSL: if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; ws = -1; } t.sc = true; break; default: if (ws !== -1) { tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; ws = -1; } if (sc !== -1) { tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; sc = -1; } } } if (ws !== -1) tokens[ws].ws_last = i - 1; if (sc !== -1) tokens[sc].sc_last = i - 1; } /** * Pair brackets */ function markBrackets(tokens) { var tokensLength = tokens.length; var ps = []; // Parentheses var sbs = []; // Square brackets var cbs = []; // Curly brackets var t = void 0; // Current token // For every token in the token list, if we meet an opening (left) // bracket, push its index number to a corresponding array. // If we then meet a closing (right) bracket, look at the corresponding // array. If there are any elements (records about previously met // left brackets), take a token of the last left bracket (take // the last index number from the array and find a token with // this index number) and save right bracket's index as a reference: for (var i = 0; i < tokensLength; i++) { t = tokens[i]; switch (t.type) { case TokenType.LeftParenthesis: ps.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightParenthesis: if (ps.length) { t.left = ps.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; case TokenType.LeftSquareBracket: sbs.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightSquareBracket: if (sbs.length) { t.left = sbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; case TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket: cbs.push(i); break; case TokenType.RightCurlyBracket: if (cbs.length) { t.left = cbs.pop(); tokens[t.left].right = i; } break; } } } return function (tokens) { markBrackets(tokens); markSC(tokens); }; }(); /***/ }), /* 27 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var Node = __webpack_require__(1); var NodeType = __webpack_require__(15); var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); var tokens = void 0; var tokensLength = void 0; var pos = void 0; var contexts = { 'arguments': function _arguments() { return checkArguments(pos) && getArguments(); }, 'atkeyword': function atkeyword() { return checkAtkeyword(pos) && getAtkeyword(); }, 'atrule': function atrule() { return checkAtrule(pos) && getAtrule(); }, 'attributeSelector': function attributeSelector() { return checkAttributeSelector(pos) && getAttributeSelector(); }, 'block': function block() { return checkBlock(pos) && getBlock(); }, 'brackets': function brackets() { return checkBrackets(pos) && getBrackets(); }, 'class': function _class() { return checkClass(pos) && getClass(); }, 'combinator': function combinator() { return checkCombinator(pos) && getCombinator(); }, 'commentML': function commentML() { return checkCommentML(pos) && getCommentML(); }, 'commentSL': function commentSL() { return checkCommentSL(pos) && getCommentSL(); }, 'condition': function condition() { return checkCondition(pos) && getCondition(); }, 'conditionalStatement': function conditionalStatement() { return checkConditionalStatement(pos) && getConditionalStatement(); }, 'declaration': function declaration() { return checkDeclaration(pos) && getDeclaration(); }, 'declDelim': function declDelim() { return checkDeclDelim(pos) && getDeclDelim(); }, 'default': function _default() { return checkDefault(pos) && getDefault(); }, 'delim': function delim() { return checkDelim(pos) && getDelim(); }, 'dimension': function dimension() { return checkDimension(pos) && getDimension(); }, 'expression': function expression() { return checkExpression(pos) && getExpression(); }, 'extend': function extend() { return checkExtend(pos) && getExtend(); }, 'function': function _function() { return checkFunction(pos) && getFunction(); }, 'global': function global() { return checkGlobal(pos) && getGlobal(); }, 'ident': function ident() { return checkIdent(pos) && getIdent(); }, 'important': function important() { return checkImportant(pos) && getImportant(); }, 'include': function include() { return checkInclude(pos) && getInclude(); }, 'interpolation': function interpolation() { return checkInterpolation(pos) && getInterpolation(); }, 'loop': function loop() { return checkLoop(pos) && getLoop(); }, 'mixin': function mixin() { return checkMixin(pos) && getMixin(); }, 'namespace': function namespace() { return checkNamespace(pos) && getNamespace(); }, 'number': function number() { return checkNumber(pos) && getNumber(); }, 'operator': function operator() { return checkOperator(pos) && getOperator(); }, 'optional': function optional() { return checkOptional(pos) && getOptional(); }, 'parentheses': function parentheses() { return checkParentheses(pos) && getParentheses(); }, 'parentselector': function parentselector() { return checkParentSelector(pos) && getParentSelector(); }, 'percentage': function percentage() { return checkPercentage(pos) && getPercentage(); }, 'placeholder': function placeholder() { return checkPlaceholder(pos) && getPlaceholder(); }, 'progid': function progid() { return checkProgid(pos) && getProgid(); }, 'property': function property() { return checkProperty(pos) && getProperty(); }, 'propertyDelim': function propertyDelim() { return checkPropertyDelim(pos) && getPropertyDelim(); }, 'pseudoc': function pseudoc() { return checkPseudoc(pos) && getPseudoc(); }, 'pseudoe': function pseudoe() { return checkPseudoe(pos) && getPseudoe(); }, 'ruleset': function ruleset() { return checkRuleset(pos) && getRuleset(); }, 's': function s() { return checkS(pos) && getS(); }, 'selector': function selector() { return checkSelector(pos) && getSelector(); }, 'shash': function shash() { return checkShash(pos) && getShash(); }, 'string': function string() { return checkString(pos) && getString(); }, 'stylesheet': function stylesheet() { return checkStylesheet(pos) && getStylesheet(); }, 'typeSelector': function typeSelector() { return checkTypeSelector(pos) && getTypeSelector(); }, 'unary': function unary() { return checkUnary(pos) && getUnary(); }, 'unicodeRange': function unicodeRange() { return checkUnicodeRange(pos) && getUnicodeRange(); }, 'universalSelector': function universalSelector() { return checkUniversalSelector(pos) && getUniversalSelector(); }, 'urange': function urange() { return checkUrange(pos) && getUrange(); }, 'uri': function uri() { return checkUri(pos) && getUri(); }, 'value': function value() { return checkValue(pos) && getValue(); }, 'variable': function variable() { return checkVariable(pos) && getVariable(); }, 'variableslist': function variableslist() { return checkVariablesList(pos) && getVariablesList(); }, 'vhash': function vhash() { return checkVhash(pos) && getVhash(); } }; /** * Stop parsing and display error * @param {Number=} i Token's index number */ function throwError(i) { var ln = tokens[i].ln; throw { line: ln, syntax: 'scss' }; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} finish * @returns {String} */ function joinValues(start, finish) { var s = ''; for (var i = start; i < finish + 1; i++) { s += tokens[i].value; } return s; } /** * @param {Number} start * @param {Number} num * @returns {String} */ function joinValues2(start, num) { if (start + num - 1 >= tokensLength) return; var s = ''; for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { s += tokens[start + i].value; } return s; } function getLastPosition(content, line, column, colOffset) { return typeof content === 'string' ? getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) : getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset); } function getLastPositionForString(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = []; if (!content) { position = [line, column]; if (colOffset) position[1] += colOffset - 1; return position; } var lastLinebreak = content.lastIndexOf('\n'); var endsWithLinebreak = lastLinebreak === content.length - 1; var splitContent = content.split('\n'); var linebreaksCount = splitContent.length - 1; var prevLinebreak = linebreaksCount === 0 || linebreaksCount === 1 ? -1 : content.length - splitContent[linebreaksCount - 1].length - 2; // Line: var offset = endsWithLinebreak ? linebreaksCount - 1 : linebreaksCount; position[0] = line + offset; // Column: if (endsWithLinebreak) { offset = prevLinebreak !== -1 ? content.length - prevLinebreak : content.length - 1; } else { offset = linebreaksCount !== 0 ? content.length - lastLinebreak - column - 1 : content.length - 1; } position[1] = column + offset; if (!colOffset) return position; if (endsWithLinebreak) { position[0]++; position[1] = colOffset; } else { position[1] += colOffset; } return position; } function getLastPositionForArray(content, line, column, colOffset) { var position = void 0; if (content.length === 0) { position = [line, column]; } else { var c = content[content.length - 1]; if (c.hasOwnProperty('end')) { position = [c.end.line, c.end.column]; } else { position = getLastPosition(c.content, line, column); } } if (!colOffset) return position; if (tokens[pos - 1] && tokens[pos - 1].type !== 'Newline') { position[1] += colOffset; } else { position[0]++; position[1] = 1; } return position; } function newNode(type, content, line, column, end) { if (!end) end = getLastPosition(content, line, column); return new Node({ type: type, content: content, start: { line: line, column: column }, end: { line: end[0], column: end[1] }, syntax: 'scss' }); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAny(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkBrackets(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 1;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 2;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 3;else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 4;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 5;else if (l = checkPlaceholder(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 6;else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 7;else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 8;else if (l = checkUnicodeRange(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 9;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 10;else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 11;else if (l = checkExpression(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 12;else if (l = checkFunctionsList(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 13;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 14;else if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 15;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 16;else if (l = checkClass(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 17;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 18;else if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 19;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 20;else if (l = checkGlobal(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 21;else if (l = checkDefault(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 22;else if (l = checkOptional(i)) tokens[i].any_child = 23; return l; } /** * @returns {!Node} */ function getAny() { var childType = tokens[pos].any_child; if (childType === 1) return getBrackets(); if (childType === 2) return getParentheses(); if (childType === 3) return getString(); if (childType === 4) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 5) return getVariable(); if (childType === 6) return getPlaceholder(); if (childType === 7) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 8) return getDimension(); if (childType === 9) return getUnicodeRange(); if (childType === 10) return getNumber(); if (childType === 11) return getUri(); if (childType === 12) return getExpression(); if (childType === 13) return getFunctionsList(); if (childType === 14) return getFunction(); if (childType === 15) return getInterpolation(); if (childType === 16) return getIdent(); if (childType === 17) return getClass(); if (childType === 18) return getUnary(); if (childType === 19) return getParentSelector(); if (childType === 20) return getImportant(); if (childType === 21) return getGlobal(); if (childType === 22) return getDefault(); if (childType === 23) return getOptional(); } /** * Check if token is part of mixin's arguments. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of arguments */ function checkArguments(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; // Skip `(`. i++; while (i < tokens[start].right) { if (l = checkArgument(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return tokens[start].right - start + 1; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getArguments() { var type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var body = void 0; // Skip `(`. pos++; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightParenthesis) { if (checkSingleValueDeclaration(pos)) { content.push(getSingleValueDeclaration()); } else if (checkArgument(pos)) { body = getArgument(); if (typeof body.content === 'string') content.push(body);else content = content.concat(body); } else if (checkClass(pos)) content.push(getClass());else throwError(pos); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is valid to be part of arguments list * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of argument */ function checkArgument(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkBrackets(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 1;else if (l = checkParentheses(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 2;else if (l = checkSingleValueDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 3;else if (l = checkFunctionsList(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 4;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 5;else if (l = checkVariablesList(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 6;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 7;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 8;else if (l = checkDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 9;else if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 10;else if (l = checkString(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 11;else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 12;else if (l = checkDimension(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 13;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 14;else if (l = checkUri(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 15;else if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 16;else if (l = checkIdent(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 17;else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 18;else if (l = checkCustomProperty(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 19;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 20;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 21;else if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 22;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 23;else if (l = checkGlobal(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 24;else if (l = checkDefault(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 25;else if (l = checkOptional(i)) tokens[i].argument_child = 26; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} Node that is part of arguments list */ function getArgument() { var childType = tokens[pos].argument_child; if (childType === 1) return getBrackets(); if (childType === 2) return getParentheses(); if (childType === 3) return getSingleValueDeclaration(); if (childType === 4) return getFunctionsList(); if (childType === 5) return getFunction(); if (childType === 6) return getVariablesList(); if (childType === 7) return getVariable(); if (childType === 8) return getSC(); if (childType === 9) return getDelim(); if (childType === 10) return getDeclDelim(); if (childType === 11) return getString(); if (childType === 12) return getPercentage(); if (childType === 13) return getDimension(); if (childType === 14) return getNumber(); if (childType === 15) return getUri(); if (childType === 16) return getInterpolation(); if (childType === 17) return getIdent(); if (childType === 18) return getVhash(); if (childType === 19) return getCustomProperty(); if (childType === 20) return getOperator(); if (childType === 21) return getUnary(); if (childType === 22) return getParentSelector(); if (childType === 23) return getImportant(); if (childType === 24) return getGlobal(); if (childType === 25) return getDefault(); if (childType === 26) return getOptional(); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-word (e.g. `@import`, `@include`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtkeyword(i) { var l = void 0; // Check that token is `@`: if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.CommercialAt) return 0; return (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) ? l + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with @-word * @return {Node} */ function getAtkeyword() { var type = NodeType.AtkeywordType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `@`. pos++; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a part of an @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of @-rule */ function checkAtrule(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // If token already has a record of being part of an @-rule, // return the @-rule's length: if (tokens[i].atrule_l !== undefined) return tokens[i].atrule_l; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's type to token. // @keyframes: if (l = checkKeyframesRule(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 4; // @-rule with ruleset: else if (l = checkAtruler(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 1; // Block @-rule: else if (l = checkAtruleb(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 2; // Single-line @-rule: else if (l = checkAtrules(i)) tokens[i].atrule_type = 3;else return 0; // If token is part of an @-rule, save the rule's length to token: tokens[i].atrule_l = l; return l; } /** * Get node with @-rule * @returns {Array} */ function getAtrule() { var childType = tokens[pos].atrule_type; if (childType === 1) return getAtruler(); // @-rule with ruleset if (childType === 2) return getAtruleb(); // Block @-rule if (childType === 3) return getAtrules(); // Single-line @-rule if (childType === 4) return getKeyframesRule(); } /** * Check if token is part of a block @-rule * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruleb(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a block @-rule * @returns {Array} `['atruleb', ['atkeyword', x], y, ['block', z]]` */ function getAtruleb() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an @-rule with ruleset * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the @-rule */ function checkAtruler(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkAtrulers(i)) i += l; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an @-rule with ruleset * @returns {Array} ['atruler', ['atkeyword', x], y, z] */ function getAtruler() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets(), getAtrulers()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtrulers(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 1;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 2;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].atrulers_child = 3;else break; i += l; } if (i < tokensLength) tokens[i].atrulers_end = 1; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['atrulers', x]` */ function getAtrulers() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC()); while (pos < tokensLength && !tokens[pos].atrulers_end) { var childType = tokens[pos].atrulers_child; if (childType === 1) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (childType === 2) content.push(getAtrule());else if (childType === 3) content.push(getRuleset());else break; } content = content.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkAtrules(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['atrules', ['atkeyword', x], y]` */ function getAtrules() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getTsets()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a block (e.g. `{...}`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the block */ function checkBlock(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket ? tokens[i].right - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a block * @returns {Array} `['block', x]` */ function getBlock() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = tokens[pos].right; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; while (pos < end) { if (checkBlockdecl(pos)) content = content.concat(getBlockdecl());else throwError(pos); } var end_ = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); pos = end + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end_); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkBlockdecl(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkBlockdecl1(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 1;else if (l = checkBlockdecl2(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 2;else if (l = checkBlockdecl3(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 3;else if (l = checkBlockdecl4(i)) tokens[i].bd_type = 4;else return 0; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl() { var childType = tokens[pos].bd_type; if (childType === 1) return getBlockdecl1(); if (childType === 2) return getBlockdecl2(); if (childType === 3) return getBlockdecl3(); if (childType === 4) return getBlockdecl4(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkConditionalStatement(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else if (l = checkExtend(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4;else if (l = checkLoop(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 7;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5;else return 0; i += l; if (i < tokensLength && (l = checkDeclDelim(i))) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl1() { var sc = getSC(); var content = void 0; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content = getConditionalStatement(); break; case 2: content = getInclude(); break; case 3: content = getLoop(); break; case 4: content = getExtend(); break; case 5: content = getDeclaration(); break; case 6: content = getAtrule(); break; case 7: content = getRuleset(); break; } return sc.concat(content, getSC(), getDeclDelim(), getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkConditionalStatement(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 1;else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 2;else if (l = checkExtend(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 4;else if (l = checkMixin(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 8;else if (l = checkLoop(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 3;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 6;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 7;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].bd_kind = 5;else return 0; i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl2() { var sc = getSC(); var content = void 0; switch (tokens[pos].bd_kind) { case 1: content = getConditionalStatement(); break; case 2: content = getInclude(); break; case 3: content = getLoop(); break; case 4: content = getExtend(); break; case 5: content = getDeclaration(); break; case 6: content = getAtrule(); break; case 7: content = getRuleset(); break; case 8: content = getMixin(); break; } return sc.concat(content, getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `[s0, ['declDelim'], s1]` where `s0` and `s1` are * are optional whitespaces. */ function getBlockdecl3() { return [].concat(getSC(), getDeclDelim(), getSC()); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBlockdecl4(i) { return checkSC(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getBlockdecl4() { return getSC(); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside square brackets, e.g. `[1]` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkBrackets(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; // Skip `[`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; if (i < tokens[start].right) { var l = checkTsets(i); if (l) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `]`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get node with text inside parentheses or square brackets (e.g. `(1)`) * @return {Node} */ function getBrackets() { var type = NodeType.BracketsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `]`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a class selector (e.g. `.abc`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the class selector */ function checkClass(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].class_l) return tokens[i].class_l; // Skip `.`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) { tokens[start].class_l = l + 1; i += l; } else break; } tokens[start].classEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a class selector * @returns {Array} `['class', ['ident', x]]` where x is a class's * identifier (without `.`, e.g. `abc`). */ function getClass() { var type = NodeType.ClassType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = token.classEnd; var content = []; // Skip `.` pos++; while (pos < end) { if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) { content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); } else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkCombinator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCombinator1(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 1;else if (l = checkCombinator2(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 2;else if (l = checkCombinator3(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 3;else if (l = checkCombinator4(i)) tokens[i].combinatorType = 4; return l; } function getCombinator() { var type = tokens[pos].combinatorType; if (type === 1) return getCombinator1(); if (type === 2) return getCombinator2(); if (type === 3) return getCombinator3(); if (type === 4) return getCombinator4(); } /** * (1) `>>>` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator1(i) { if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && i < tokensLength && tokens[i++].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 3; return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator1() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '>>>'; // Skip combinator pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `||` * (2) `>>` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator2(i) { if (i + 1 >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.VerticalLine) return 2; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign) return 2; return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator2() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '' + token.value + tokens[pos + 1].value; // Skip combinator pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `>` * (2) `+` * (3) `~` * * @param {Number} i * @return {Number} */ function checkCombinator3(i) { var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.PlusSign || type === TokenType.GreaterThanSign || type === TokenType.Tilde) return 1;else return 0; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator3() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; // Skip combinator pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `/panda/` */ function checkCombinator4(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Solidus) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getCombinator4() { var type = NodeType.CombinatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `/`. pos++; var ident = getIdent(); // Skip `/`. pos++; var content = '/' + ident.content + '/'; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a multiline comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a multiline comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentML(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentML ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a multiline comment * @returns {Array} `['commentML', x]` where `x` * is the comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getCommentML() { var type = NodeType.CommentMLType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value.substring(2); var l = content.length; if (content.charAt(l - 2) === '*' && content.charAt(l - 1) === '/') content = content.substring(0, l - 2); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 2); if (end[0] === line) end[1] += 2; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a single-line comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a single-line comment, otherwise `0` */ function checkCommentSL(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.CommentSL ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a single-line comment. * @returns {Array} `['commentSL', x]` where `x` is comment's message * (without `//`) */ function getCommentSL() { var type = NodeType.CommentSLType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos++].value.substring(2); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 2); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a condition * (e.g. `@if ...`, `@else if ...` or `@else ...`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the condition */ function checkCondition(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var _i = void 0; var s = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (['if', 'else'].indexOf(tokens[start + 1].value) < 0) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkBlock(i)) break; s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkCondition(_i)) i += l + s;else break; } return i - start; } function _checkCondition(i) { return checkVariable(i) || checkNumber(i) || checkInterpolation(i) || checkIdent(i) || checkOperator(i) || checkCombinator(i) || checkString(i); } /** * Get node with a condition. * @returns {Array} `['condition', x]` */ function getCondition() { var type = NodeType.ConditionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var s = void 0; var _pos = void 0; content.push(getAtkeyword()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkBlock(pos)) break; s = checkSC(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (!_checkCondition(_pos)) break; if (s) content = content.concat(getSC()); content.push(_getCondition()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function _getCondition() { if (checkVariable(pos)) return getVariable(); if (checkNumber(pos)) return getNumber(); if (checkInterpolation(pos)) return getInterpolation(); if (checkIdent(pos)) return getIdent(); if (checkOperator(pos)) return getOperator(); if (checkCombinator(pos)) return getCombinator(); if (checkString(pos)) return getString(); } /** * Check if token is part of a conditional statement * (e.g. `@if ... {} @else if ... {} @else ... {}`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the condition */ function checkConditionalStatement(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkCondition(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a condition. * @returns {Array} `['condition', x]` */ function getConditionalStatement() { var type = NodeType.ConditionalStatementType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getCondition(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a declaration (property-value pair) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the declaration */ function checkDeclaration(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @returns {Array} `['declaration', ['property', x], ['propertyDelim'], * ['value', y]]` */ function getDeclaration() { var type = NodeType.DeclarationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getProperty(), getSC(), getPropertyDelim(), getSC(), getValue()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the declaration */ function checkSingleValueDeclaration(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkProperty(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkPropertyDelim(i)) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSingleValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a declaration * @returns {Array} `['declaration', ['property', x], ['propertyDelim'], * ['value', y]]` */ function getSingleValueDeclaration() { var type = NodeType.DeclarationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getProperty(), getSC(), getPropertyDelim(), getSC(), getSingleValue()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a semicolon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a semicolon, otherwise `0` */ function checkDeclDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Semicolon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a semicolon * @returns {Array} `['declDelim']` */ function getDeclDelim() { var type = NodeType.DeclDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ';'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token if part of `!default` word. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the `!default` word */ function checkDefault(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'default') { tokens[start].defaultEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with a `!default` word * @returns {Array} `['default', sc]` where `sc` is optional whitespace */ function getDefault() { var type = NodeType.DefaultType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.defaultEnd); pos = token.defaultEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a comma * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a comma, otherwise `0` */ function checkDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Comma ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a comma * @returns {Array} `['delim']` */ function getDelim() { var type = NodeType.DelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ','; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a number with dimension unit (e.g. `10px`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkDimension(i) { var ln = checkNumber(i); var li = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || !ln || i + ln >= tokensLength) return 0; return (li = checkUnit(i + ln)) ? ln + li : 0; } /** * Get node of a number with dimension unit * @return {Node} */ function getDimension() { var type = NodeType.DimensionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNumber(), getUnit()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkExpression(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].value !== 'expression' || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { return 0; } return tokens[i].right - start + 1; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getExpression() { var type = NodeType.ExpressionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; pos++; var content = joinValues(pos + 1, tokens[pos].right - 1); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); if (end[0] === line) end[1] += 11; pos = tokens[pos].right + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkExtend(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkExtend1(i)) tokens[i].extend_child = 1;else if (l = checkExtend2(i)) tokens[i].extend_child = 2; return l; } function getExtend() { var childType = tokens[pos].extend_child; if (childType === 1) return getExtend1(); if (childType === 2) return getExtend2(); } /** * Checks if token is part of an extend with `!optional` flag. * @param {Number} i */ function checkExtend1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'extend') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkOptional(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getExtend1() { var type = NodeType.ExtendType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getOptional()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks if token is part of an extend without `!optional` flag. * @param {Number} i */ function checkExtend2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'extend') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getExtend2() { var type = NodeType.ExtendType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getSelectorsGroup()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFunction(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis ? tokens[i].right - start + 1 : 0; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getFunction() { var type = NodeType.FunctionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getIdentOrInterpolation(), getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a functions list (e.g. `function(value)...`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkFunctionsList(i) { var d = 0; // Number of dots var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkFunction(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) { d++; i++; } return d === 3 ? l + d : 0; } /** * Get node with a functions list * @returns {Array} */ function getFunctionsList() { var type = NodeType.FunctionsListType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getFunction()]; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 3); // Skip `...`. pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of `!global` word * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkGlobal(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'global') { tokens[start].globalEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!global` word */ function getGlobal() { var type = NodeType.GlobalType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.globalEnd); pos = token.globalEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an identifier * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the identifier */ function checkIdent(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Check if token is part of a negative number if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus) i++; if (checkInterpolation(i)) { tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LowLine || tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) i++;else return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an identifier * @returns {Array} `['ident', x]` where `x` is identifier's name */ function getIdent() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ident_last); pos = tokens[pos].ident_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the identifier */ function checkPartialIdent(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; for (; i < tokensLength; i++) { if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LowLine && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Identifier && tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) break; } tokens[start].ident_last = i - 1; return i - start; } function checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var prevIsInterpolation = false; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) { tokens[i].ii_type = 1; i += l; prevIsInterpolation = true; } else if (l = checkIdent(i)) { tokens[i].ii_type = 2; i += l; prevIsInterpolation = false; } else if (prevIsInterpolation && (l = checkPartialIdent(i))) { tokens[i].ii_type = 3; i += l; prevIsInterpolation = false; } else break; } return i - start; } function getIdentOrInterpolation() { var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { var tokenType = tokens[pos].ii_type; if (tokenType === 1) { content.push(getInterpolation()); } else if (tokenType === 2 || tokenType === 3) { content.push(getIdent()); } else break; } return content; } /** * Check if token is part of `!important` word * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkImportant(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'important') { tokens[start].importantEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!important` word * @returns {Array} `['important', sc]` where `sc` is optional whitespace */ function getImportant() { var type = NodeType.ImportantType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.importantEnd); pos = token.importantEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin (`@include` or `@extend` * directive). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the included mixin */ function checkInclude(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkInclude1(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 1;else if (l = checkInclude2(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 2;else if (l = checkInclude3(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 3;else if (l = checkInclude4(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 4;else if (l = checkInclude5(i)) tokens[i].include_type = 5; return l; } /** * Get node with included mixin * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude() { var type = tokens[pos].include_type; if (type === 1) return getInclude1(); if (type === 2) return getInclude2(); if (type === 3) return getInclude3(); if (type === 4) return getInclude4(); if (type === 5) return getInclude5(); } /** * Get node with included mixin with keyfames selector like * `@include nani(foo) { 0% {}}` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the include */ function checkInclude1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlocks(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin with keyfames selector like * `@include nani(foo) { 0% {}}` * @returns {Array} `['include', ['atkeyword', x], sc, ['selector', y], sc, * ['arguments', z], sc, ['block', q], sc` where `x` is `include` or * `extend`, `y` is mixin's identifier (selector), `z` are arguments * passed to the mixin, `q` is block passed to the mixin containing a * ruleset > selector > keyframesSelector, and `sc` are optional * whitespaces */ function getInclude1() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments(), getSC(), getKeyframesBlocks()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin like `@include nani(foo) {...}` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the include */ function checkInclude2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin like `@include nani(foo) {...}` * @returns {Array} `['include', ['atkeyword', x], sc, ['selector', y], sc, * ['arguments', z], sc, ['block', q], sc` where `x` is `include` or * `extend`, `y` is mixin's identifier (selector), `z` are arguments * passed to the mixin, `q` is block passed to the mixin and `sc` * are optional whitespaces */ function getInclude2() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin like `@include nani(foo)` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the include */ function checkInclude3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with included mixin like `@include nani(foo)` * @returns {Array} `['include', ['atkeyword', x], sc, ['selector', y], sc, * ['arguments', z], sc]` where `x` is `include` or `extend`, `y` is * mixin's identifier (selector), `z` are arguments passed to the * mixin and `sc` are optional whitespaces */ function getInclude3() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getArguments()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an included mixin with a content block passed * as an argument (e.g. `@include nani {...}`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the mixin */ function checkInclude4(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with an included mixin with a content block passed * as an argument (e.g. `@include nani {...}`) * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude4() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInclude5(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (tokens[start + 1].value !== 'include') return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['include', x]` */ function getInclude5() { var type = NodeType.IncludeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of an interpolated variable (e.g. `#{$nani}`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkInterpolation(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.NumberSign || !tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) return 0; i += 2; while (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { if (l = checkArgument(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket ? i - start + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with an interpolated variable * @returns {Array} `['interpolation', x]` */ function getInterpolation() { var type = NodeType.InterpolationType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `#{`: pos += 2; while (pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type !== TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { var body = getArgument(); if (typeof body.content === 'string') content.push(body);else content = content.concat(body); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`: pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check a single keyframe block - `5% {}` * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesBlock(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkKeyframesSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get a single keyframe block - `5% {}` * @returns {Node} */ function getKeyframesBlock() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getKeyframesSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check all keyframe blocks - `5% {} 100% {}` * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesBlocks(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l; while (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) { if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkKeyframesBlock(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) { i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) i += l; } else break; } if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightCurlyBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get all keyframe blocks - `5% {} 100% {}` * @returns {Node} */ function getKeyframesBlocks() { var type = NodeType.BlockType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var keyframesBlocksEnd = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `{`. pos++; while (pos < keyframesBlocksEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkKeyframesBlock(pos)) content.push(getKeyframesBlock());else if (checkAtrule(pos)) { content.push(getAtrule()); // @content if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkDeclDelim(pos)) content.push(getDeclDelim()); } else break; } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `}`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a @keyframes rule. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the @keyframes rule */ function checkKeyframesRule(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; var atruleName = joinValues2(i - l, l); if (atruleName.toLowerCase().indexOf('keyframes') === -1) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPseudoc(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkKeyframesBlocks(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @return {Node} */ function getKeyframesRule() { var type = NodeType.AtruleType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC()); if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation());else if (checkPseudoc(pos)) { content = content.concat(getPseudoc()); } content = content.concat(getSC(), getKeyframesBlocks()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check a single keyframe selector - `5%`, `from` etc * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesSelector(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) { // Valid selectors are only `from` and `to`. var selector = joinValues2(i, l); if (selector !== 'from' && selector !== 'to') return 0; i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkPercentage(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 2; } else if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].keyframesSelectorType = 3; } else { return 0; } return i - start; } /** * Get a single keyframe selector * @returns {Node} */ function getKeyframesSelector() { var keyframesSelectorType = NodeType.KeyframesSelectorType; var selectorType = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 1) { content.push(getIdent()); } else if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 2) { content.push(getPercentage()); } else if (token.keyframesSelectorType === 3) { content.push(getInterpolation()); } var keyframesSelector = newNode(keyframesSelectorType, content, line, column); return newNode(selectorType, [keyframesSelector], line, column); } /** * Check the keyframe's selector groups * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} */ function checkKeyframesSelectorsGroup(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkKeyframesSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkKeyframesSelector(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } tokens[start].selectorsGroupEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Get the keyframe's selector groups * @returns {Array} An array of keyframe selectors */ function getKeyframesSelectorsGroup() { var selectorsGroup = []; var selectorsGroupEnd = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupEnd; selectorsGroup.push(getKeyframesSelector()); while (pos < selectorsGroupEnd) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC(), getDelim(), getSC(), getKeyframesSelector()); } return selectorsGroup; } /** * Check if token is part of a loop. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the loop */ function checkLoop(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (['for', 'each', 'while'].indexOf(tokens[start + 1].value) < 0) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkBlock(i)) { i += l; break; } else if (l = checkVariable(i) || checkNumber(i) || checkInterpolation(i) || checkIdent(i) || checkSC(i) || checkOperator(i) || checkCombinator(i) || checkString(i)) i += l;else return 0; } return i - start; } /** * Get node with a loop. * @returns {Array} `['loop', x]` */ function getLoop() { var type = NodeType.LoopType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getAtkeyword()); while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkBlock(pos)) { content.push(getBlock()); break; } else if (checkVariable(pos)) content.push(getVariable());else if (checkNumber(pos)) content.push(getNumber());else if (checkInterpolation(pos)) content.push(getInterpolation());else if (checkIdent(pos)) content.push(getIdent());else if (checkOperator(pos)) content.push(getOperator());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkString(pos)) content.push(getString()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a mixin * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the mixin */ function checkMixin(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if ((l = checkAtkeyword(i)) && tokens[i + 1].value === 'mixin') i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkArguments(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a mixin * @returns {Array} `['mixin', x]` */ function getMixin() { var type = NodeType.MixinType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getAtkeyword(), getSC()); if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkArguments(pos)) content.push(getArguments()); content = content.concat(getSC()); if (checkBlock(pos)) content.push(getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a namespace sign (`|`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is `|`, `0` if not */ function checkNamespace(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.VerticalLine ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a namespace sign * @returns {Array} `['namespace']` */ function getNamespace() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNmName2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier) return 1;else if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber) return 0; i++; return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Identifier ? 2 : 1; } /** * @returns {String} */ function getNmName2() { var s = tokens[pos].value; if (tokens[pos++].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && pos < tokensLength && tokens[pos].type === TokenType.Identifier) s += tokens[pos++].value; return s; } /** * Check if token is part of a number * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of number */ function checkNumber(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].number_l) return tokens[i].number_l; // `10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && (!tokens[i + 1] || tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.FullStop)) { tokens[i].number_l = 1; return 1; } // `10.`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && (!tokens[i + 2] || tokens[i + 2].type !== TokenType.DecimalNumber)) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 2; return 2; } // `10.10`: if (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber && tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.FullStop && tokens[i + 2] && tokens[i + 2].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) { tokens[i].number_l = 3; return 3; } return 0; } /** * Get node with number * @returns {Array} `['number', x]` where `x` is a number converted * to string. */ function getNumber() { var type = NodeType.NumberType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var l = tokens[pos].number_l; var content = ''; for (var j = 0; j < l; j++) { content += tokens[pos + j].value; } pos += l; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is an operator (`/`, `%`, `,`, `:` or `=`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is an operator, otherwise `0` */ function checkOperator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; switch (tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.Solidus: case TokenType.PercentSign: case TokenType.Comma: case TokenType.Colon: case TokenType.EqualsSign: case TokenType.EqualitySign: case TokenType.InequalitySign: case TokenType.LessThanSign: case TokenType.GreaterThanSign: case TokenType.Asterisk: return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an operator * @returns {Array} `['operator', x]` where `x` is an operator converted * to string. */ function getOperator() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of `!optional` word * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkOptional(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i++].type !== TokenType.ExclamationMark) return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].value === 'optional') { tokens[start].optionalEnd = i; return i - start + 1; } else { return 0; } } /** * Get node with `!optional` word */ function getOptional() { var type = NodeType.OptionalType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, token.optionalEnd); pos = token.optionalEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkParentheses(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var right = tokens[i].right; var l = void 0; // Skip `(`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) i++;else return 0; if (i < right) { if (l = checkTsets(i)) i += l;else return 0; } // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get node with text inside parentheses, e.g. `(1)` * @return {Node} */ function getParentheses() { var type = NodeType.ParenthesesType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var right = token.right; var content = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; if (pos < right) { content = getTsets(); } var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector, e.g. `&` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkParentSelector(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Ampersand ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a parent selector * @return {Node} */ function getParentSelector() { var type = NodeType.ParentSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '&'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector extension, e.g. `&--foo-bar` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the parent selector extension */ function checkParentSelectorExtension(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPartialIdent(i)) i += l;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get parent selector extension node * @return {Node} */ function getParentSelectorExtension() { var type = NodeType.ParentSelectorExtensionType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) { content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); } else if (checkPartialIdent(pos)) { content.push(getIdent()); } else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a parent selector with an extension or not * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of the parent selector and extension if applicable */ function checkParentSelectorWithExtension(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkParentSelectorExtension(i)) i += l; return i - start; } /** * Get parent selector node and extension node if applicable * @return {Array} */ function getParentSelectorWithExtension() { var content = [getParentSelector()]; if (checkParentSelectorExtension(pos)) content.push(getParentSelectorExtension()); return content; } /** * Check if token is part of a number or an interpolation with a percent sign * (e.g. `10%`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPercentage(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkNumberOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `%`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PercentSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get a percentage node that contains either a number or an interpolation * @returns {Object} The percentage node */ function getPercentage() { var type = NodeType.PercentageType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = getNumberOrInterpolation(); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `%`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is a number or an interpolation * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkNumberOrInterpolation(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkInterpolation(i) || checkNumber(i)) i += l;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get a number and/or interpolation node * @returns {Array} An array containing a single or multiple nodes */ function getNumberOrInterpolation() { var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkInterpolation(pos)) content.push(getInterpolation());else if (checkNumber(pos)) content.push(getNumber());else break; } return content; } /** * Check if token is part of a placeholder selector (e.g. `%abc`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the selector */ function checkPlaceholder(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[start].placeholder_l) return tokens[start].placeholder_l; // Skip `%`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PercentSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].placeholder_l = i - start; } else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a placeholder selector * @returns {Array} `['placeholder', ['ident', x]]` where x is a placeholder's * identifier (without `%`, e.g. `abc`). */ function getPlaceholder() { var type = NodeType.PlaceholderType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `%`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkProgid(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (joinValues2(i, 6) === 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.') i += 6;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftParenthesis) { tokens[start].progid_end = tokens[i].right; i = tokens[i].right + 1; } else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getProgid() { var type = NodeType.ProgidType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var progid_end = token.progid_end; var content = joinValues(pos, progid_end); pos = progid_end + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkProperty1(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 1;else if (l = checkProperty2(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 2;else if (l = checkProperty3(i)) tokens[start].propertyType = 3; return l; } /** * Get node with a property * @return {Node} */ function getProperty() { var type = tokens[pos].propertyType; if (type === 1) return getProperty1(); if (type === 2) return getProperty2(); if (type === 3) return getProperty3(); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * (1) `foo` * (2) `#{$foo}` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a property * @returns {Array} */ function getProperty1() { var type = NodeType.PropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a custom property * (1) `--foo-bar` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty2(i) { return checkCustomProperty(i); } /** * Get node with a custom property * @return {Node} */ function getProperty2() { return getCustomProperty(); } /** * Check if token is part of a property * (1) `$foo` * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the property */ function checkProperty3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a property * @returns {Array} `['property', x]` */ function getProperty3() { var type = NodeType.PropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getVariable()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a custom property * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} Length of the property */ function checkCustomProperty(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.HyphenMinus) return 0; // Skip `--` i += 2; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a custom property * @return {Node} */ function getCustomProperty() { var type = NodeType.CustomPropertyType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `--` pos += 2; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a colon * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is a colon, otherwise `0` */ function checkPropertyDelim(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.Colon ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with a colon * @returns {Array} `['propertyDelim']` */ function getPropertyDelim() { var type = NodeType.PropertyDelimType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = ':'; // Skip `:`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudo(i) { return checkPseudoe(i) || checkPseudoc(i); } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getPseudo() { if (checkPseudoe(pos)) return getPseudoe(); if (checkPseudoc(pos)) return getPseudoc(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudoe(i) { var l = void 0; // Check `::` if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon || i >= tokensLength || tokens[i + 1].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoElement1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoElement2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoElementType = 2;else return 0; return l; } /** * @returns {Node} */ function getPseudoe() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoElementType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoElement1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoElement2(); } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function checkPseudoElement1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (1) `::slotted(selector)` * (2) `::slotted(selector, selector)` */ function getPseudoElement1() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; content.push(getIdent()); { var _type = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token = tokens[pos]; var _line = _token.ln; var _column = _token.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line, _column, 1); var args = newNode(_type, selectorContent, _line, _column, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkPseudoElement2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `::`. i += 2; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Node} */ function getPseudoElement2() { var type = NodeType.PseudoeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `::`. pos += 2; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkPseudoc(i) { var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.Colon) return 0; if (l = checkPseudoClass3(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 3;else if (l = checkPseudoClass4(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 4;else if (l = checkPseudoClass5(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 5;else if (l = checkPseudoClass1(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 1;else if (l = checkPseudoClass2(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 2;else if (l = checkPseudoClass6(i)) tokens[i].pseudoClassType = 6;else return 0; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getPseudoc() { var childType = tokens[pos].pseudoClassType; if (childType === 1) return getPseudoClass1(); if (childType === 2) return getPseudoClass2(); if (childType === 3) return getPseudoClass3(); if (childType === 4) return getPseudoClass4(); if (childType === 5) return getPseudoClass5(); if (childType === 6) return getPseudoClass6(); } /** * (-) `:not(panda)` */ function checkPseudoClass1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * (-) `:not(panda)` */ function getPseudoClass1() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); { var _type2 = NodeType.ArgumentsType; var _token2 = tokens[pos]; var _line2 = _token2.ln; var _column2 = _token2.col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var selectorContent = [].concat(getSC(), getSelectorsGroup(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(selectorContent, _line2, _column2, 1); var args = newNode(_type2, selectorContent, _line2, _column2, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `:nth-child(odd)` * (2) `:nth-child(even)` * (3) `:lang(de-DE)` */ function checkPseudoClass2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass2() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; // Skip `(`. pos++; var value = [].concat(getSC(), getIdentOrInterpolation(), getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n + 2)` */ function checkPseudoClass3(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNumberOrInterpolation(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign || tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNumberOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass3() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumberOrInterpolation(pos)) value = value.concat(getNumberOrInterpolation()); { var _token3 = tokens[pos]; if (_token3.value === 'n') { var _l = _token3.ln; var _c = _token3.col; var _content = _token3.value; var ident = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, _content, _l, _c); value.push(ident); pos++; } } value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkNumberOrInterpolation(pos)) value = value.concat(getNumberOrInterpolation()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(-3n)` */ function checkPseudoClass4(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++; if (tokens[i].value === 'n') i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass4() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkInterpolation(pos)) value.push(getInterpolation()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); if (checkIdent(pos)) value.push(getIdent()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:nth-child(+8)` */ function checkPseudoClass5(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; var right = tokens[i].right; // Skip `(`. i++; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DecimalNumber) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (i !== right) return 0; // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass5() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `:`. pos++; content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); var l = tokens[pos].ln; var c = tokens[pos].col; var value = []; // Skip `(`. pos++; value = value.concat(getSC()); if (checkUnary(pos)) value.push(getUnary()); if (checkNumber(pos)) value.push(getNumber()); value = value.concat(getSC()); var end = getLastPosition(value, l, c, 1); var args = newNode(NodeType.ArgumentsType, value, l, c, end); content.push(args); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (-) `:checked` */ function checkPseudoClass6(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; // Skip `:`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getPseudoClass6() { var type = NodeType.PseudocType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `:`. pos++; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkRuleset(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkSelectorsGroup(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkBlock(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getRuleset() { var type = NodeType.RulesetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [].concat(getSelectorsGroup(), getSC(), getBlock()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is marked as a space (if it's a space or a tab * or a line break). * @param {Number} i * @returns {Number} Number of spaces in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkS(i) { return i < tokensLength && tokens[i].ws ? tokens[i].ws_last - i + 1 : 0; } /** * Get node with spaces * @returns {Array} `['s', x]` where `x` is a string containing spaces */ function getS() { var type = NodeType.SType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = joinValues(pos, tokens[pos].ws_last); pos = tokens[pos].ws_last + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a space or a comment. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Number of similar (space or comment) tokens * in a row starting with the given token. */ function checkSC(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; var lsc = 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkS(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 1;else if (l = checkCommentML(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 2;else if (l = checkCommentSL(i)) tokens[i].sc_child = 3;else break; i += l; lsc += l; } return lsc || 0; } /** * Get node with spaces and comments * @returns {Array} Array containing nodes with spaces (if there are any) * and nodes with comments (if there are any): * `[['s', x]*, ['comment', y]*]` where `x` is a string of spaces * and `y` is a comment's text (without `/*` and `* /`). */ function getSC() { var sc = []; if (pos >= tokensLength) return sc; while (pos < tokensLength) { var childType = tokens[pos].sc_child; if (childType === 1) sc.push(getS());else if (childType === 2) sc.push(getCommentML());else if (childType === 3) sc.push(getCommentSL());else break; } return sc; } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside a simple * selector * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} */ function checkShash(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.NumberSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPartialIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i) || checkPartialIdent(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].shashEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside a simple selector * @returns {Node} */ function getShash() { var type = NodeType.ShashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = token.shashEnd; var content = []; // Skip `#`. pos++; while (pos < end) { if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) { content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); } else if (checkPartialIdent(pos)) { content.push(getIdent()); } else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a string (text wrapped in quotes) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is part of a string, `0` if not */ function checkString(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringSQ || tokens[i].type === TokenType.StringDQ) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get string's node * @returns {Array} `['string', x]` where `x` is a string (including * quotes). */ function getString() { var type = NodeType.StringType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Validate stylesheet: it should consist of any number (0 or more) of * rulesets (sets of rules with selectors), @-rules, whitespaces or * comments. * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkStylesheet(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 1;else if (l = checkRuleset(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 2;else if (l = checkInclude(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 3;else if (l = checkExtend(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 4;else if (l = checkMixin(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 5;else if (l = checkLoop(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 6;else if (l = checkConditionalStatement(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 7;else if (l = checkAtrule(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 8;else if (l = checkDeclaration(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 9;else if (l = checkDeclDelim(i)) tokens[i].stylesheet_child = 10;else throwError(i); i += l; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} `['stylesheet', x]` where `x` is all stylesheet's * nodes. */ function getStylesheet() { var type = NodeType.StylesheetType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { var childType = tokens[pos].stylesheet_child; if (childType === 1) content = content.concat(getSC()); if (childType === 2) content.push(getRuleset()); if (childType === 3) content.push(getInclude()); if (childType === 4) content.push(getExtend()); if (childType === 5) content.push(getMixin()); if (childType === 6) content.push(getLoop()); if (childType === 7) content.push(getConditionalStatement()); if (childType === 8) content.push(getAtrule()); if (childType === 9) content.push(getDeclaration()); if (childType === 10) content.push(getDeclDelim()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkTset(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 1;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 2;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 3;else if (l = checkSC(i)) tokens[i].tset_child = 4; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getTset() { var childType = tokens[pos].tset_child; if (childType === 1) return getVhash(); if (childType === 2) return getOperator(); if (childType === 3) return getAny(); if (childType === 4) return getSC(); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkTsets(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (l = checkTset(i)) { i += l; } tokens[start].tsets_end = i; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getTsets() { var content = []; var t = void 0; if (pos >= tokensLength) return content; var end = tokens[pos].tsets_end; while (pos < end) { t = getTset(); if (typeof t.content === 'string') content.push(t);else content = content.concat(t); } return content; } /** * Check if token is an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} `1` if token is an unary sign, `0` if not */ function checkUnary(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.HyphenMinus || tokens[i].type === TokenType.PlusSign) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Get node with an unary (arithmetical) sign (`+` or `-`) * @returns {Array} `['unary', x]` where `x` is an unary sign * converted to string. */ function getUnary() { var type = NodeType.OperatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a unicode range (single or multiple nodes) * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Unicode range node's length */ function checkUnicodeRange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkUrange(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); var comma = checkDelim(i + spaceBefore); if (!comma) break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i + spaceBefore + comma); if (l = checkUrange(i + spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter)) { i += spaceBefore + comma + spaceAfter + l; } else break; } return i - start; } /** * Get a unicode range node * @return {Node} */ function getUnicodeRange() { var type = NodeType.UnicodeRangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; while (pos < tokensLength) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkDelim(pos)) content.push(getDelim());else if (checkUrange(pos)) content.push(getUrange());else break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is unit * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @return {Number} */ function checkUnit(i) { var units = ['em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem', 'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'px', 'mm', 'q', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', 's', 'ms', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'dpi', 'dpcm', 'dppx']; return units.indexOf(tokens[i].value) !== -1 ? 1 : 0; } /** * Get unit node of type ident * @return {Node} An ident node containing the unit value */ function getUnit() { var type = NodeType.IdentType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = token.value; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is a u-range (part of a unicode-range) * (1) `U+416` * (2) `U+400-4ff` * (3) `U+4??` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Urange node's length */ function checkUrange(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Check for unicode prefix (u+ or U+) if (tokens[i].value === 'U' || tokens[i].value === 'u') i += 1;else return 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].value === '+') i += 1;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l;else if (l = _checkUnicodeWildcard(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].urangeEnd = i - 1; return i - start; } /** * Get a u-range node (part of a unicode-range) * @return {Node} */ function getUrange() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.UrangeType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content = joinValues(startPos, tokens[startPos].urangeEnd); pos = tokens[startPos].urangeEnd + 1; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check for unicode wildcard characters `?` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Wildcard length */ function _checkUnicodeWildcard(i) { var start = i; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.QuestionMark) i += 1;else break; } return i - start; } /** * Check if token is part of URI, e.g. `url('/css/styles.css')` * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of URI */ function checkUri(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].value !== 'url') return 0; // Skip `url`. i++; if (i >= tokensLength || tokens[i].type !== TokenType.LeftParenthesis) return 0; // Store the opening parenthesis token as we will reference it's `right` // property to determine when the parentheses close var leftParenthesis = tokens[i]; // Skip `(`. i++; // Determine the type of URI while (i < leftParenthesis.right) { if (l = checkUri1(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].uriType = 1; // Raw based URI (without quotes) } else if (l = checkUri2(i)) { i += l; tokens[start].uriType = 2; // Non-raw based URI (with quotes) } else return 0; } // Skip `)`. i++; return i - start; } /** * Get specific type of URI node * @return {Node} Specific type of URI node */ function getUri() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.UriType; var token = tokens[startPos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var end = void 0; var uriType = tokens[startPos].uriType; // Skip `url` and `(`. pos += 2; if (uriType === 1) content = content.concat(getUri1());else if (uriType === 2) content = content.concat(getUri2());else end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 4); if (!end) end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); // Skip `)`. pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token type is valid URI character * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of raw node */ function checkUriRawCharacters(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkNumber(i)) i += l;else { switch (tokens[i].type) { case TokenType.ExclamationMark: case TokenType.NumberSign: case TokenType.DollarSign: case TokenType.PercentSign: case TokenType.Ampersand: case TokenType.Asterisk: case TokenType.PlusSign: case TokenType.Comma: case TokenType.HyphenMinus: case TokenType.FullStop: case TokenType.Solidus: case TokenType.Colon: case TokenType.Semicolon: case TokenType.LessThanSign: case TokenType.EqualsSign: case TokenType.GreaterThanSign: case TokenType.QuotationMark: case TokenType.CommercialAt: case TokenType.LeftSquareBracket: case TokenType.RightSquareBracket: case TokenType.CircumflexAccent: case TokenType.LowLine: case TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket: case TokenType.VerticalLine: case TokenType.RightCurlyBracket: case TokenType.Tilde: i += 1; break; default: return 0; } } return i - start; } /** * Check if content of URI can be contained within a raw node * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of raw node */ function checkUriRaw(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (checkInterpolation(i) || checkVariable(i)) break;else if (l = checkUriRawCharacters(i)) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].uri_raw_end = i; return i - start; } /** * Get a raw node * @return {Node} */ function getUriRaw() { var startPos = pos; var type = NodeType.RawType; var token = tokens[startPos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var l = void 0; while (pos < tokens[startPos].uri_raw_end) { if (checkInterpolation(pos) || checkVariable(pos)) break;else if (l = checkUriRawCharacters(pos)) pos += l;else break; } content = joinValues(startPos, pos - 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check for a raw (without quotes) URI * (1) http://foo.com/bar.png * (2) http://foo.com/#{$bar}.png * (3) #{$foo}/bar.png * (4) #{$foo} * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of URI node */ function checkUri1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkInterpolation(i) || checkUriRaw(i)) i += l;else break; } if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; // Check that we are at the end of the uri if (i < tokens[start - 1].right) return 0; tokens[start].uri_end = i; return i - start; } /** * Get a raw (without quotes) URI node * @return {Array} */ function getUri1() { var startPos = pos; var content = []; if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC()); while (pos < tokens[startPos].uri_end) { if (checkInterpolation(pos)) content.push(getInterpolation());else if (checkUriRaw(pos)) content.push(getUriRaw());else break; } if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC()); return content; } /** * Check for a non-raw (with quotes) URI * (1) 'http://foo.com/bar.png' * (2) 'http://foo.com/'#{$bar}.png * (3) #{$foo}'/bar.png' * @param {number} i Token's index number * @return {number} Length of URI node */ function checkUri2(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkString(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkFunction(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkUnary(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) i += l;else break; } // Check that we are at the end of the uri if (i < tokens[start - 1].right) return 0; tokens[start].uri_end = i; return i - start; } /** * Get a non-raw (with quotes) URI node * @return {Array} */ function getUri2() { var startPos = pos; var content = []; while (pos < tokens[startPos].uri_end) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkUnary(pos)) content.push(getUnary());else if (_checkValue(pos)) content.push(_getValue());else break; } return content; } /** * Check if token is part of a value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the value */ function checkValue(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var s = void 0; var _i = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (checkDeclDelim(i)) break; s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkValue(_i)) i += l + s; if (!l || checkBlock(i - l)) break; } tokens[start].value_end = i; return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getValue() { var type = NodeType.ValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var end = tokens[pos].value_end; var content = []; var _pos = void 0; var s = void 0; while (pos < end) { s = checkSC(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (checkDeclDelim(_pos)) break; if (!_checkValue(_pos)) break; if (s) content = content.concat(getSC()); content.push(_getValue()); if (checkBlock(_pos)) break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function _checkValue(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkInterpolation(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 1;else if (l = checkVariable(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 2;else if (l = checkVhash(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 3;else if (l = checkBlock(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 4;else if (l = checkAtkeyword(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 5;else if (l = checkOperator(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 6;else if (l = checkImportant(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 7;else if (l = checkGlobal(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 8;else if (l = checkDefault(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 9;else if (l = checkProgid(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 10;else if (l = checkAny(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 11;else if (l = checkParentSelector(i)) tokens[i].value_child = 12; return l; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function _getValue() { var childType = tokens[pos].value_child; if (childType === 1) return getInterpolation(); if (childType === 2) return getVariable(); if (childType === 3) return getVhash(); if (childType === 4) return getBlock(); if (childType === 5) return getAtkeyword(); if (childType === 6) return getOperator(); if (childType === 7) return getImportant(); if (childType === 8) return getGlobal(); if (childType === 9) return getDefault(); if (childType === 10) return getProgid(); if (childType === 11) return getAny(); if (childType === 12) return getParentSelector(); } /** * @param {number} i Token's index number * @returns {number} Length of the value */ function checkSingleValue(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; var s = void 0; var _i = void 0; while (i < tokensLength) { if (checkDeclDelim(i) || checkDelim(i)) break; s = checkSC(i); _i = i + s; if (l = _checkValue(_i)) i += l + s; if (!l || checkBlock(i - l)) break; } return i - start; } /** * @returns {Array} */ function getSingleValue() { var type = NodeType.ValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var _pos = void 0; var s = void 0; while (pos < tokensLength) { s = checkSC(pos); _pos = pos + s; if (checkDeclDelim(_pos) || checkDelim(_pos)) break; if (!_checkValue(_pos)) break; if (s) content = content.concat(getSC()); content.push(_getValue()); if (checkBlock(_pos)) break; } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a variable * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} Length of the variable */ function checkVariable(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `$`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.DollarSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkIdent(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a variable * @returns {Array} `['variable', ['ident', x]]` where `x` is * a variable name. */ function getVariable() { var type = NodeType.VariableType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `$`. pos++; var content = [getIdent()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Check if token is part of a variables list (e.g. `$values...`). * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkVariablesList(i) { var d = 0; // Number of dots var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (l = checkVariable(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength && tokens[i].type === TokenType.FullStop) { d++; i++; } return d === 3 ? l + d : 0; } /** * Get node with a variables list * @returns {Array} `['variableslist', ['variable', ['ident', x]]]` where * `x` is a variable name. */ function getVariablesList() { var type = NodeType.VariablesListType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getVariable()]; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 3); // Skip `...`. pos += 3; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside * some value * @param {Number} i Token's index number * @returns {Number} */ function checkVhash(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; // Skip `#`. if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.NumberSign) i++;else return 0; if (l = checkNmName2(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get node with a hexadecimal number (e.g. `#fff`) inside some value * @returns {Array} `['vhash', x]` where `x` is a hexadecimal number * converted to string (without `#`, e.g. `'fff'`). */ function getVhash() { var type = NodeType.VhashType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; // Skip `#`. pos++; var content = getNmName2(); var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column + 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkSelectorsGroup(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; var selectorCounter = 0; var delimCounter = 0; if (l = checkSelector(i)) { i += l; selectorCounter++; } else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var tempStart = i; var tempIndex = i; var tempLength = void 0; var spaceBefore = checkSC(tempIndex); if (tempLength = checkDelim(tempIndex + spaceBefore)) { tempIndex += spaceBefore + tempLength; delimCounter++; if (tempLength = checkSC(tempIndex)) tempIndex += tempLength; if (tempLength = checkSelector(tempIndex)) { tempIndex += tempLength; selectorCounter++; } } else break; i += tempIndex - tempStart; } tokens[start].selectorsGroupEnd = i; tokens[start].selectorsGroupSelectorCount = selectorCounter; tokens[start].selectorsGroupDelimCount = delimCounter; return i - start; } function getSelectorsGroup() { var selectorsGroup = []; var selectorCounter = 0; var delimCounter = 0; var selectorsGroupEnd = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupEnd; var selectorCount = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupSelectorCount; var delimCount = tokens[pos].selectorsGroupDelimCount; selectorsGroup.push(getSelector()); selectorCounter++; while (pos < selectorsGroupEnd) { if (delimCounter < delimCount) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC()); selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getDelim()); delimCounter++; selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSC()); if (selectorCounter < selectorCount) { selectorsGroup = selectorsGroup.concat(getSelector()); selectorCounter++; } } } return selectorsGroup; } function checkSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkSelector1(i)) tokens[i].selectorType = 1;else if (l = checkSelector2(i)) tokens[i].selectorType = 2; return l; } function getSelector() { var selectorType = tokens[pos].selectorType; if (selectorType === 1) return getSelector1();else return getSelector2(); } /** * Checks for selector which starts with a compound selector. */ function checkSelector1(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var space = checkSC(i); var comma = checkCombinator(i + space); if (!space && !comma) break; if (comma) { i += space + comma; space = checkSC(i); } if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i + space)) i += space + l;else break; } tokens[start].selectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelector1() { var type = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var selectorEnd = token.selectorEnd; var content = getCompoundSelector(); while (pos < selectorEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkCompoundSelector(pos)) content = content.concat(getCompoundSelector()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * Checks for a selector that starts with a combinator. */ function checkSelector2(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkCombinator(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var spaceBefore = checkSC(i); if (l = checkCompoundSelector(i + spaceBefore)) i += spaceBefore + l;else break; var spaceAfter = checkSC(i); var comma = checkCombinator(i + spaceAfter); if (!spaceAfter && !comma) break; if (comma) { i += spaceAfter + comma; } } tokens[start].selectorEnd = i; return i - start; } function getSelector2() { var type = NodeType.SelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var selectorEnd = token.selectorEnd; var content = [getCombinator()]; while (pos < selectorEnd) { if (checkSC(pos)) content = content.concat(getSC());else if (checkCombinator(pos)) content.push(getCombinator());else if (checkCompoundSelector(pos)) content = content.concat(getCompoundSelector()); } return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkCompoundSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkCompoundSelector1(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 1; } else if (l = checkCompoundSelector2(i)) { tokens[i].compoundSelectorType = 2; } return l; } function getCompoundSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getCompoundSelector1(); if (type === 2) return getCompoundSelector2(); } /** * Check for compound selectors that start with either a type selector, * placeholder or parent selector with extension * (1) `foo.bar` * (2) `foo[attr=val]` * (3) `foo:first-of-type` * (4) `foo%bar` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Compound selector's length */ function checkCompoundSelector1(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkUniversalSelector(i) || checkTypeSelector(i) || checkPlaceholder(i) || checkParentSelectorWithExtension(i)) i += l;else return 0; while (i < tokensLength) { var _l2 = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i) || checkPlaceholder(i) || checkInterpolation(i); if (_l2) i += _l2;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} An array of nodes that make up the compound selector */ function getCompoundSelector1() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; if (checkUniversalSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getUniversalSelector());else if (checkTypeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getTypeSelector());else if (checkPlaceholder(pos)) sequence.push(getPlaceholder());else if (checkParentSelectorWithExtension(pos)) sequence = sequence.concat(getParentSelectorWithExtension()); while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo());else if (checkPlaceholder(pos)) sequence.push(getPlaceholder());else if (checkInterpolation(pos)) sequence.push(getInterpolation());else break; } return sequence; } /** * Check for all other compound selectors * (1) `.foo.bar` * (2) `.foo[attr=val]` * (3) `.foo:first-of-type` * (4) `.foo%bar` * (5) `.foo#{$bar}` * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Compound selector's length */ function checkCompoundSelector2(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; while (i < tokensLength) { var l = checkShash(i) || checkClass(i) || checkAttributeSelector(i) || checkPseudo(i) || checkPlaceholder(i) || checkInterpolation(i); if (l) i += l;else break; } tokens[start].compoundSelectorEnd = i; return i - start; } /** * @return {Array} An array of nodes that make up the compound selector */ function getCompoundSelector2() { var sequence = []; var compoundSelectorEnd = tokens[pos].compoundSelectorEnd; while (pos < compoundSelectorEnd) { if (checkShash(pos)) sequence.push(getShash());else if (checkClass(pos)) sequence.push(getClass());else if (checkAttributeSelector(pos)) sequence.push(getAttributeSelector());else if (checkPseudo(pos)) sequence.push(getPseudo());else if (checkPlaceholder(pos)) sequence.push(getPlaceholder());else if (checkInterpolation(pos)) sequence.push(getInterpolation());else break; } return sequence; } function checkUniversalSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getUniversalSelector() { var type = NodeType.UniversalSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; var end = void 0; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) { content.push(getNamePrefix()); end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); } pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * Check if token is part of a type selector * @param {number} i Token's index * @return {number} Type selector's length */ function checkTypeSelector(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } /** * Get type selector node * @return {Node} */ function getTypeSelector() { var type = NodeType.TypeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeSelector(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeSelector1(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeSelector2(i)) tokens[i].attributeSelectorType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeSelector() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeSelectorType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeSelector1();else return getAttributeSelector2(); } /** * (1) `[panda=nani]` * (2) `[panda='nani']` * (3) `[panda='nani' i]` * */ function checkAttributeSelector1(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeMatch(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeValue(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeFlags(i)) { i += l; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; } if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC(), getAttributeMatch(), getSC(), getAttributeValue(), getSC()); if (checkAttributeFlags(pos)) { content.push(getAttributeFlags()); content = content.concat(getSC()); } // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } /** * (1) `[panda]` */ function checkAttributeSelector2(i) { var start = i; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.LeftSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (l = checkAttributeName(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkSC(i)) i += l; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.RightSquareBracket) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeSelector2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeSelectorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; // Skip `[`. pos++; content = content.concat(getSC(), getAttributeName(), getSC()); // Skip `]`. pos++; var end = getLastPosition(content, line, column, 1); return newNode(type, content, line, column, end); } function checkAttributeName(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix(i)) i += l; if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeName() { var type = NodeType.AttributeNameType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkNamePrefix(pos)) content.push(getNamePrefix()); content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch(i) { var l = void 0; if (l = checkAttributeMatch1(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 1;else if (l = checkAttributeMatch2(i)) tokens[i].attributeMatchType = 2; return l; } function getAttributeMatch() { var type = tokens[pos].attributeMatchType; if (type === 1) return getAttributeMatch1();else return getAttributeMatch2(); } function checkAttributeMatch1(i) { var start = i; var type = tokens[i].type; if (type === TokenType.Tilde || type === TokenType.VerticalLine || type === TokenType.CircumflexAccent || type === TokenType.DollarSign || type === TokenType.Asterisk) i++;else return 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) i++;else return 0; return i - start; } function getAttributeMatch1() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = tokens[pos].value + tokens[pos + 1].value; pos += 2; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeMatch2(i) { if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 1;else return 0; } function getAttributeMatch2() { var type = NodeType.AttributeMatchType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '='; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeValue(i) { return checkString(i) || checkIdentOrInterpolation(i); } function getAttributeValue() { var type = NodeType.AttributeValueType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (checkString(pos)) content.push(getString());else content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkAttributeFlags(i) { return checkIdentOrInterpolation(i); } function getAttributeFlags() { var type = NodeType.AttributeFlagsType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = getIdentOrInterpolation(); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } function checkNamePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamePrefix1(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 1;else if (l = checkNamePrefix2(i)) tokens[i].namePrefixType = 2; return l; } function getNamePrefix() { var type = tokens[pos].namePrefixType; if (type === 1) return getNamePrefix1();else return getNamePrefix2(); } /** * (1) `panda|` * (2) `panda|` */ function checkNamePrefix1(i) { var start = i; var l = void 0; if (l = checkNamespacePrefix(i)) i += l;else return 0; if (l = checkCommentML(i)) i += l; if (l = checkNamespaceSeparator(i)) i += l;else return 0; return i - start; } function getNamePrefix1() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; content.push(getNamespacePrefix()); if (checkCommentML(pos)) content.push(getCommentML()); content.push(getNamespaceSeparator()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamePrefix2(i) { return checkNamespaceSeparator(i); } function getNamePrefix2() { var type = NodeType.NamePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = [getNamespaceSeparator()]; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `*` * (2) `panda` */ function checkNamespacePrefix(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; var l = void 0; if (tokens[i].type === TokenType.Asterisk) return 1;else if (l = checkIdentOrInterpolation(i)) return l;else return 0; } function getNamespacePrefix() { var type = NodeType.NamespacePrefixType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = []; if (token.type === TokenType.Asterisk) { var asteriskNode = newNode(NodeType.IdentType, '*', line, column); content.push(asteriskNode); pos++; } else if (checkIdentOrInterpolation(pos)) content = content.concat(getIdentOrInterpolation()); return newNode(type, content, line, column); } /** * (1) `|` */ function checkNamespaceSeparator(i) { if (i >= tokensLength) return 0; if (tokens[i].type !== TokenType.VerticalLine) return 0; // Return false if `|=` - [attr|=value] if (tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i + 1].type === TokenType.EqualsSign) return 0; return 1; } function getNamespaceSeparator() { var type = NodeType.NamespaceSeparatorType; var token = tokens[pos]; var line = token.ln; var column = token.col; var content = '|'; pos++; return newNode(type, content, line, column); } module.exports = function (_tokens, context) { tokens = _tokens; tokensLength = tokens.length; pos = 0; return contexts[context](); }; /***/ }), /* 28 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; module.exports = function (css, tabSize) { var TokenType = __webpack_require__(13); var tokens = []; var urlMode = false; var c = void 0; // Current character var cn = void 0; // Next character var pos = 0; var tn = 0; var ln = 1; var col = 1; var Punctuation = { ' ': TokenType.Space, '\n': TokenType.Newline, '\r': TokenType.Newline, '\t': TokenType.Tab, '!': TokenType.ExclamationMark, '"': TokenType.QuotationMark, '#': TokenType.NumberSign, '$': TokenType.DollarSign, '%': TokenType.PercentSign, '&': TokenType.Ampersand, '\'': TokenType.Apostrophe, '(': TokenType.LeftParenthesis, ')': TokenType.RightParenthesis, '*': TokenType.Asterisk, '+': TokenType.PlusSign, ',': TokenType.Comma, '-': TokenType.HyphenMinus, '.': TokenType.FullStop, '/': TokenType.Solidus, ':': TokenType.Colon, ';': TokenType.Semicolon, '<': TokenType.LessThanSign, '=': TokenType.EqualsSign, '==': TokenType.EqualitySign, '!=': TokenType.InequalitySign, '>': TokenType.GreaterThanSign, '?': TokenType.QuestionMark, '@': TokenType.CommercialAt, '[': TokenType.LeftSquareBracket, ']': TokenType.RightSquareBracket, '^': TokenType.CircumflexAccent, '_': TokenType.LowLine, '{': TokenType.LeftCurlyBracket, '|': TokenType.VerticalLine, '}': TokenType.RightCurlyBracket, '~': TokenType.Tilde, '`': TokenType.Backtick }; /** * Add a token to the token list * @param {string} type * @param {string} value */ function pushToken(type, value, column) { tokens.push({ tn: tn++, ln: ln, col: column, type: type, value: value }); } /** * Check if a character is a decimal digit * @param {string} c Character * @returns {boolean} */ function isDecimalDigit(c) { return '0123456789'.indexOf(c) >= 0; } /** * Parse spaces * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseSpaces(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a non-space character: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) !== ' ') break; } // Add a substring containing only spaces to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Space, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse a string within quotes * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string * @param {string} q Quote (either `'` or `"`) */ function parseString(css, q) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a matching quote: for (pos++; pos < css.length; pos++) { // Skip escaped quotes: if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (css.charAt(pos) === q) break; } // Add the string (including quotes) to tokens: var type = q === '"' ? TokenType.StringDQ : TokenType.StringSQ; pushToken(type, css.substring(start, pos + 1), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse numbers * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseDecimalNumber(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet a character that's not a digit: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (!isDecimalDigit(css.charAt(pos))) break; } // Add the number to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.DecimalNumber, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse identifier * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseIdentifier(css) { var start = pos; // Skip all opening slashes: while (css.charAt(pos) === '/') { pos++; } // Read the string until we meet a punctuation mark: for (; pos < css.length; pos++) { // Skip all '\': if (css.charAt(pos) === '\\') pos++;else if (css.charAt(pos) in Punctuation) break; } var ident = css.substring(start, pos--); // Enter url mode if parsed substring is `url`: if (!urlMode && ident === 'url' && css.charAt(pos + 1) === '(') { urlMode = true; } // Add identifier to tokens: pushToken(TokenType.Identifier, ident, col); col += pos - start; } /** * Parse equality sign */ function parseEquality() { pushToken(TokenType.EqualitySign, '==', col); pos++; col++; } /** * Parse inequality sign */ function parseInequality() { pushToken(TokenType.InequalitySign, '!=', col); pos++; col++; } /** * Parse a multiline comment * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseMLComment(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet `*/`. // Since we already know first 2 characters (`/*`), start reading // from `pos + 2`: for (pos += 2; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) === '*' && css.charAt(pos + 1) === '/') { pos++; break; } } // Add full comment (including `/*` and `*/`) to the list of tokens: var comment = css.substring(start, pos + 1); pushToken(TokenType.CommentML, comment, col); var newlines = comment.split('\n'); if (newlines.length > 1) { ln += newlines.length - 1; col = newlines[newlines.length - 1].length; } else { col += pos - start; } } /** * Parse a single line comment * @param {string} css Unparsed part of CSS string */ function parseSLComment(css) { var start = pos; // Read the string until we meet line break. // Since we already know first 2 characters (`//`), start reading // from `pos + 2`: for (pos += 2; pos < css.length; pos++) { if (css.charAt(pos) === '\n' || css.charAt(pos) === '\r') { break; } } // Add comment (including `//` and line break) to the list of tokens: pushToken(TokenType.CommentSL, css.substring(start, pos--), col); col += pos - start; } /** * Convert a CSS string to a list of tokens * @param {string} css CSS string * @returns {Array} List of tokens * @private */ function getTokens(css) { // Parse string, character by character: for (pos = 0; pos < css.length; col++, pos++) { c = css.charAt(pos); cn = css.charAt(pos + 1); // If we meet `/*`, it's a start of a multiline comment. // Parse following characters as a multiline comment: if (c === '/' && cn === '*') { parseMLComment(css); } // If we meet `//` and it is not a part of url: else if (!urlMode && c === '/' && cn === '/') { // If we're currently inside a block, treat `//` as a start // of identifier. Else treat `//` as a start of a single-line // comment: parseSLComment(css); } // If current character is a double or single quote, it's a start // of a string: else if (c === '"' || c === "'") { parseString(css, c); } // If current character is a space: else if (c === ' ') { parseSpaces(css); } // If current character is `=`, it must be combined with next `=` else if (c === '=' && cn === '=') { parseEquality(css); } // If we meet `!=`, this must be inequality else if (c === '!' && cn === '=') { parseInequality(css); } // If current character is a punctuation mark: else if (c in Punctuation) { // Check for CRLF here or just LF if (c === '\r' && cn === '\n' || c === '\n') { // If \r we know the next character is \n due to statement above // so we push a CRLF token type to the token list and importantly // skip the next character so as not to double count newlines or // columns etc if (c === '\r') { pushToken(TokenType.Newline, '\r\n', col); pos++; // If CRLF skip the next character and push crlf token } else if (c === '\n') { // If just a LF newline and not part of CRLF newline we can just // push punctuation as usual pushToken(Punctuation[c], c, col); } ln++; // Go to next line col = 0; // Reset the column count } else if (c !== '\r' && c !== '\n') { // Handle all other punctuation and add to list of tokens pushToken(Punctuation[c], c, col); } // Go to next line if (c === ')') urlMode = false; // Exit url mode else if (c === '\t' && tabSize > 1) col += tabSize - 1; } // If current character is a decimal digit: else if (isDecimalDigit(c)) { parseDecimalNumber(css); } // If current character is anything else: else { parseIdentifier(css); } } return tokens; } return getTokens(css); }; /***/ }), /* 29 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var Node = __webpack_require__(1); var NodeTypes = __webpack_require__(15); module.exports = function () { return new Node({ type: NodeTypes.StylesheetType, content: [], start: [0, 0], end: [0, 0] }); }; /***/ }) /******/ ]) }); ;