### node-source-walk [![npm](http://img.shields.io/npm/v/node-source-walk.svg)](https://npmjs.org/package/node-source-walk) [![npm](http://img.shields.io/npm/dm/node-source-walk.svg)](https://npmjs.org/package/node-source-walk) > Synchronously execute a callback on every node of a file's AST and stop walking whenever you see fit. `npm install --save node-source-walk` ### Usage ```javascript var Walker = require('node-source-walk'); var walker = new Walker(); // Assume src is the string contents of myfile.js // or the AST of an outside parse of myfile.js walker.walk(src, function(node) { if (node.type === whateverImLookingFor) { // No need to keep traversing since we found what we wanted walker.stopWalking(); } }); ``` By default, Walker will use `babylon` (supporting ES6, JSX, Flow, and all other available babylon plugins) and the `sourceType: module`, but you can change any of the defaults as follows: ```js var walker = new Walker({ sourceType: 'script', // If you don't like experimental plugins plugins: [ 'jsx', 'flow' ] }); ``` * The supplied options are passed through to the parser, so you can configure it according to babylon's documentation: https://github.com/babel/babylon ### Swap out the parser If you want to supply your own parser, you can do: ```js var walker = new Walker({ parser: mySweetParser }); ``` * The custom parser must have a `.parse` method that takes in a string and returns an object/AST. * All of the other options supplied to the Walker constructor will be passed along as parser options to your chosen parser. ### Public Members `walk(src, cb)` * Recursively walks the given `src` from top to bottom * `src`: the contents of a file **OR** its (already parsed) AST * `cb`: a function that is called for every visited node. * The argument passed to `cb` will be the currently visited node. `moonwalk(node, cb)` * Recursively walks up an AST starting from the given node. This is a traversal that's in the opposite direction of `walk` and `traverse`. * `node`: a valid AST node * `cb`: a function that is called for every node (specifically via visiting the parent(s) of every node recursively). * The argument passed to `cb` will be the currently visited node. `stopWalking()` * Halts further walking of the AST until another manual call of `walk` or `moonwalk`. * This is super-beneficial when dealing with large source files (or ASTs) `traverse(node, cb)` * Allows you to traverse an AST node and execute a callback on it * Callback should expect the first argument to be an AST node, similar to `walk`'s callback. `parse(src)` * Uses the options supplied to Walker to parse the given source code string and return its AST using the configured parser (or babylon by default). ## License MIT