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      <h1>max franklin</h1>

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      <p>Adelaïde is a reactive music video developed in Processing in 24hrs. It was part of a 24 hour music video challenge in collaboration with Le Gaité Lyrique, and french band Requin Chagrin.</p>

      <p>The work was done in collaboration with Sanet Stegmann. The visual style was inspired by the Memphis group of artists and designers from the 1960s. All the forms and patterns were generated in processing and were designed to be animated for the video as well as printed.</p>

      <img src="../assets/other/memphis/memphis1.png" style="width: 30%; height: auto; display: inline;">
      <img src="../assets/other/memphis/memphis2.png" style="width: 30%; height: auto; display: inline;">
      <img src="../assets/other/memphis/memphis3.png" style="width: 30%; height: auto; display: inline;">


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      <img src="../assets/other/chagrin/chagrin1.png">

      <img src="../assets/other/chagrin/chagrin2.png">

      <img src="../assets/other/chagrin/chagrin3.png">
