import test from "ava"; import TemplateRender from "../src/TemplateRender"; // Liquid test("Liquid", t => { TemplateRender("liquid").getEngineName(), "liquid"); }); test("Liquid Render (with Helper)", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender("liquid").getCompiledTemplate( "
{{name | capitalize}}
" ); fn({ name: "tim" }), "Tim
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include", async t => { TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/").getEngineName(), "liquid"); let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate("{% include included %}
"); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Relative Include", async t => { TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/").getEngineName(), "liquid"); let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate("{% include ./included %}
"); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Relative (current dir) Include", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "./test/stubs/relative-liquid/does_not_exist_and_thats_ok.liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate("{% include ./dir/included %}
"); fn(), "TIME IS RELATIVE.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Relative (parent dir) Include", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "./test/stubs/relative-liquid/dir/does_not_exist_and_thats_ok.liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate("{% include ../dir/included %}
"); fn(), "TIME IS RELATIVE.
"); }); test.skip("Liquid Render Relative (relative include should ignore _includes dir) Include", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender( "./test/stubs/does_not_exist_and_thats_ok.liquid", "./test/stubs/" ); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate(`{% include ./included %}
`); // This is currently wrong, it uses _includes/included.liquid instead of ./included.liquid // Not changing the above to ../stubs/included works fine because that’s not an ambiguous reference. fn(), "This is not in the includes dir.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include with Liquid Suffix", async t => { TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/").getEngineName(), "liquid"); let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate("{% include included.liquid %}
"); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include with HTML Suffix", async t => { TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/").getEngineName(), "liquid"); let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate("{% include included.html %}
"); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include with HTML Suffix and Data Pass in", async t => { TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/").getEngineName(), "liquid"); let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate( "{% include included-data.html, myVariable: 'myValue' %}" ); fn()).trim(), "This is an include. myValue"); }); test("Liquid Custom Filter", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addFilter("prefixWithZach", function(val) { return "Zach" + val; }); tr.render("{{ 'test' | prefixWithZach }}", {}), "Zachtest"); }); test("Liquid Custom Tag prefixWithZach", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addTag("prefixWithZach", function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) { this.str = tagToken.args; // name }, render: function(scope, hash) { var str = liquidEngine.evalValue(this.str, scope); // 'alice' return Promise.resolve("Zach" + str); // 'Alice' } }; }); await tr.render("{% prefixWithZach name %}", { name: "test" }), "Zachtest" ); }); test("Liquid Custom Tag postfixWithZach", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addTag("postfixWithZach", function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) { this.str = tagToken.args; }, render: function(scope, hash) { var str = liquidEngine.evalValue(this.str, scope); return Promise.resolve(str + "Zach"); } }; }); await tr.render("{% postfixWithZach name %}", { name: "test" }), "testZach" ); }); test("Liquid Custom Tag Unquoted String", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addTag("testUnquotedStringTag", function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) { this.str = tagToken.args; }, render: function(scope, hash) { return Promise.resolve(this.str + "Zach"); } }; }); await tr.render( "{% testUnquotedStringTag _posts/ %}", { name: "test" } ), "_posts/2016-07-26-name-of-post.mdZach" ); }); test("Liquid addTag errors", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); t.throws(() => { tr.engine.addTag("badSecondArgument", {}); }); }); test("Liquid addTags", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addCustomTags({ postfixWithZach: function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) { this.str = tagToken.args; }, render: function(scope, hash) { var str = liquidEngine.evalValue(this.str, scope); return Promise.resolve(str + "Zach"); } }; } }); await tr.render("{% postfixWithZach name %}", { name: "test" }), "testZach" ); }); test("Liquid Shortcode", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("postfixWithZach", function(str) { return str + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% postfixWithZach name %}", { name: "test" }), "testZach" ); }); test("Liquid Shortcode Safe Output", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("postfixWithZach", function(str) { return `${str}`; }); await tr.render("{% postfixWithZach name %}", { name: "test" }), "test" ); }); test("Liquid Paired Shortcode", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addPairedShortcode("postfixWithZach", function(content, str) { return str + content + "Zach"; }); await tr.render( "{% postfixWithZach name %}Content{% endpostfixWithZach %}", { name: "test" } ), "testContentZach" ); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include subfolder/included.liquid %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder HTML", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include subfolder/included.html %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder No file extension", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include subfolder/included %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); // Skipped tests pending // Resolution: we’re going to leave this skipped as LiquidJS will require dynamicPartials // to be on for quoted includes! test.skip("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include 'subfolder/included.liquid' %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test.skip("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Double quotes", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include "subfolder/included.liquid" %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test.skip("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes HTML", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include 'subfolder/included.html' %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test.skip("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Double quotes HTML", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include "subfolder/included.html" %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test.skip("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes No file extension", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include 'subfolder/included' %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test.skip("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Double quotes No file extension", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate(`{% include "subfolder/included" %}
`); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); /* End skipped tests */ test("Liquid Options Overrides", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let options = tr.engine.getLiquidOptions();, true); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes no extension dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include 'subfolder/included' %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes (relative include current dir) dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender( "./test/stubs/does_not_exist_and_thats_ok.liquid", "./test/stubs/" ); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include './relative-liquid/dir/included' %}
` ); fn(), "TIME IS RELATIVE.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes (relative include parent dir) dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender( "./test/stubs/subfolder/does_not_exist_and_thats_ok.liquid", "./test/stubs/" ); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include '../relative-liquid/dir/included' %}
` ); fn(), "TIME IS RELATIVE.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Double quotes no extension dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include "subfolder/included" %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include 'subfolder/included.liquid' %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Double quotes dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include "subfolder/included.liquid" %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes HTML dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include 'subfolder/included.html' %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Double quotes HTML dynamicPartials true", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include "subfolder/included.html" %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Single quotes HTML dynamicPartials true, data passed in", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include 'subfolder/included.html', myVariable: 'myValue' %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render Include Subfolder Double quotes HTML dynamicPartials true, data passed in", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ dynamicPartials: true }); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate( `{% include "subfolder/included.html", myVariable: "myValue" %}
` ); fn(), "This is an include.
"); }); test("Liquid Render: with Library Override", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid"); let lib = require("liquidjs")(); tr.engine.setLibrary(lib); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate("{{name | capitalize}}
"); fn({ name: "tim" }), "Tim
"); }); test("Liquid Paired Shortcode with Tag Inside", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addPairedShortcode("postfixWithZach", function(content, str) { return str + content + "Zach"; }); await tr.render( "{% postfixWithZach name %}Content{% if tester %}If{% endif %}{% endpostfixWithZach %}", { name: "test", tester: true } ), "testContentIfZach" ); }); test("Liquid Nested Paired Shortcode", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addPairedShortcode("postfixWithZach", function(content, str) { return str + content + "Zach"; }); await tr.render( "{% postfixWithZach name %}Content{% postfixWithZach name2 %}Content{% endpostfixWithZach %}{% endpostfixWithZach %}", { name: "test", name2: "test2" } ), "testContenttest2ContentZachZach" ); }); test("Liquid Shortcode Multiple Args", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("postfixWithZach", function(str, str2) { return str + str2 + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% postfixWithZach name other %}", { name: "test", other: "howdy" }), "testhowdyZach" ); }); test.skip("Liquid Include Scope Leak", async t => { TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/").getEngineName(), "liquid"); let fn = await new TemplateRender( "liquid", "./test/stubs/" ).getCompiledTemplate("{% include scopeleak %}{{ test }}
"); fn({ test: 1 }), "21
"); }); // TODO this will change in 1.0 test("Liquid Missing Filter Issue #183 (no strict_filters)", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); try { await tr.render("{{ 'test' | prefixWithZach }}", {}); t.pass("Did not error."); } catch (e) {"Threw an error."); } }); test("Liquid Missing Filter Issue #183", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.setLiquidOptions({ strict_filters: true }); try { await tr.render("{{ 'test' | prefixWithZach }}", {});"Did not error."); } catch (e) { t.pass("Threw an error."); } }); test("Issue 258: Liquid Render Date", async t => { let fn = await new TemplateRender("liquid").getCompiledTemplate( "{{ myDate }}
" ); let dateStr = await fn({ myDate: new Date(Date.UTC(2016, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) });, 3), "");, "
"); t.not(dateStr.substr(2, 1), '"'); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid addTags with space in argument", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addCustomTags({ issue347CustomTag: function(liquidEngine) { return { parse: function(tagToken, remainTokens) { this.str = tagToken.args; }, render: function(scope, hash) { var str = liquidEngine.evalValue(this.str, scope); return Promise.resolve(str + "Zach"); } }; } }); await tr.render("{% issue347CustomTag 'te st' %}", { name: "slkdjflksdjf" }), "te stZach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode, string argument", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347", function(str) { return str + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue347 'test' %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "testZach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode string argument with space, double quotes", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347b", function(str) { return str + "Zach"; }); await tr.render('{% issue347b "test 2" "test 3" %}', { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "test 2Zach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode string argument with space, single quotes", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347", function(str) { return str + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue347 'test 2' %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "test 2Zach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode string argument with space, combination of quotes", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347", function(str, str2) { return str + str2 + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue347 'test 2' \"test 3\" %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "test 2test 3Zach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode multiple arguments, comma separated", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347", function(str, str2) { return str + str2 + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue347 'test 2', \"test 3\" %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "test 2test 3Zach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode multiple arguments, comma separated, one is an integer", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347", function(str, str2) { return str + str2 + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue347 'test 2', 3 %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "test 23Zach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode multiple arguments, comma separated, one is a float", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347", function(str, str2) { return str + str2 + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue347 'test 2', 3.23 %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "test 23.23Zach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Shortcode boolean argument", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue347", function(bool) { return bool ? "Zach" : "Not Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue347 true %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "Zach" ); await tr.render("{% issue347 false %}", { name: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "Not Zach" ); }); test("Issue 347: Liquid Paired Shortcode with Spaces", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addPairedShortcode("postfixWithZach", function( content, str1, num, str2 ) { return str1 + num + str2 + content + "Zach"; }); await tr.render( "{% postfixWithZach 'My Name', 1234, \"Other\" %}Content{% endpostfixWithZach %}", { name: "test" } ), "My Name1234OtherContentZach" ); }); test("Liquid Render with dash variable Issue #567", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid"); let fn = await tr.getCompiledTemplate("{{ my-global-name }}
"); fn({ "my-global-name": "Zach" }), "Zach
"); }); test("Issue 600: Liquid Shortcode argument page.url", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue600", function(str) { return str + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue600 page.url %}", { page: { url: "alkdsjfkslja" } }), "alkdsjfksljaZach" ); }); test("Issue 600: Liquid Shortcode argument with dashes", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue600b", function(str) { return str + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue600b page-url %}", { "page-url": "alkdsjfkslja" }), "alkdsjfksljaZach" ); }); test("Issue 600: Liquid Shortcode argument with underscores", async t => { let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); tr.engine.addShortcode("issue600c", function(str) { return str + "Zach"; }); await tr.render("{% issue600c page_url %}", { page_url: "alkdsjfkslja" }), "alkdsjfksljaZach" ); }); test.skip("Issue 611: Run a function", async t => { // This works in Nunjucks let tr = new TemplateRender("liquid", "./test/stubs/"); await tr.render("{{ test() }}", { test: function() { return "alkdsjfksljaZach"; } }), "alkdsjfksljaZach" ); });