var Module = require('module').Module; var nodePath = require('path'); var appModulePaths = []; var old_nodeModulePaths = Module._nodeModulePaths; var allowedDirs = {}; function checkIfDirAllowed(from) { var currentDir = from; while (currentDir) { if (allowedDirs[currentDir]) { return true; } var basename = nodePath.basename(currentDir); if (basename === 'node_modules') { return false; } var parentDir = nodePath.dirname(currentDir); if (parentDir === currentDir) { break; } currentDir = parentDir; } return true; } Module._nodeModulePaths = function(from) { var paths =, from); // Only include the app module path for top-level modules // that were not installed or that were explicitly allowed if (checkIfDirAllowed(from)) { paths = paths.concat(appModulePaths); } return paths; }; function enableForDir(dir) { allowedDirs[dir] = true; } function addPath(path, parent) { // Anable app-module-path to work under any directories that are explicitly added enableForDir(path); function addPathHelper(targetArray) { path = nodePath.normalize(path); if (targetArray && targetArray.indexOf(path) === -1) { targetArray.push(path); } } path = nodePath.normalize(path); if (appModulePaths.indexOf(path) === -1) { appModulePaths.push(path); // Enable the search path for the current top-level module if (require.main) { addPathHelper(require.main.paths); } parent = parent || module.parent; // Also modify the paths of the module that was used to load the app-module-paths module // and all of it's parents while(parent && parent !== require.main) { addPathHelper(parent.paths); parent = parent.parent; } } } function removePath(path) { function removePathHelper(targetArray) { path = nodePath.normalize(path); if (!targetArray) return; var index = targetArray.indexOf(path); if (index === -1) return; targetArray.splice(index, 1); } var parent; path = nodePath.normalize(path); var index = appModulePaths.indexOf(path); if (index > -1) { appModulePaths.splice(index, 1); // Enable the search path for the current top-level module if (require.main) removePathHelper(require.main.paths); parent = module.parent; // Also modify the paths of the module that was used to load the app-module-paths module // and all of it's parents while(parent && parent !== require.main) { removePathHelper(parent.paths); parent = parent.parent; } } } exports.addPath = addPath; exports.removePath = removePath; exports.enableForDir = enableForDir;