var fs = require('fs'); var assert = require('assert'); var path = require('path'); var tmp = require('tmp'); var find = require('..'); tmp.setGracefulCleanup(); function createBy(type) { return function(dir, num, ext) { var targets = []; num = num || 1; if (Array.isArray(dir)) dir = dir[0]; var opts = { template: path.join(dir, '/tmp-XXXXXX' + (ext || '')) }; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { targets.push(tmp[type + 'Sync'](opts).name); } return targets; } } function assertEqual(a, b) { assert.deepEqual(a.sort(), b.sort()); } var createFilesUnder = createBy('file'); var createDirUnder = createBy('dir'); function createNestedDirs(testdir) { var level1 = createDirUnder(testdir)[0]; var level2 = createDirUnder(level1)[0]; var level22 = createDirUnder(level1)[0]; var level3 = createDirUnder(level2)[0]; return [level1, level2, level22, level3]; } describe('API test', function() { var testdir; beforeEach(function(done) { tmp.dir({unsafeCleanup: true}, function(err, dir) { if (err) return done(err); testdir = dir; done(); }); }); it('`find.file()` should find all files and returns as an array in callback', function(done) { var expect = createFilesUnder(testdir, 3); find.file(testdir, function(found) { assertEqual(expect, found); done(); }); }); it('`find.file()` should find recursively', function(done) { var expect = createFilesUnder(testdir, 3); var level1 = createDirUnder(testdir); expect = expect.concat(createFilesUnder(testdir, 2)); find.file(testdir, function(found) { assertEqual(expect, found); done(); }); }); it('`find.dir()` should find all dirs just like find.file()', function(done) { var expect = createNestedDirs(testdir); find.dir(testdir, function(found) { assertEqual(expect, found); done(); }); }); it('`find.eachfile()` should find all files and process one by one', function(done) { var expect = createFilesUnder(testdir, 3); count = 0; find.eachfile(testdir, function(thisfile) { assert(expect.indexOf(thisfile) > -1); count++; }).end(function() { assert(count == expect.length); done(); }); }); it('`find.eachdir()` should find all dirs just like find.eachfile()', function(done) { var expect = createNestedDirs(testdir); var count = 0; find.eachdir(testdir, function(thisdir) { assert(expect.indexOf(thisdir) > -1); count++; }).end(function() { assert(count == expect.length); done(); }); }); it('`find.fileSync()` should find all files synchronously', function() { var expect = createFilesUnder(testdir, 3); var found = find.fileSync(testdir); assertEqual(expect, found); }); it('`find.dirSync()` should find all dirs synchronously', function() { var expect = createNestedDirs(testdir, 3); var found = find.dirSync(testdir); assertEqual(expect, found); }); it('`find.*` should find by name', function(done) { var expect = createFilesUnder(testdir, 3); var first = expect[0]; find.file(path.basename(first), testdir, function(found) { assert.equal(first, found[0]); done(); }); }); it('`find.*` should find by regular expression', function() { var html = createFilesUnder(testdir, 1, '.html'); var js = createFilesUnder(testdir, 2, '.js'); htmlAll = find.fileSync(/\.html$/, testdir); assert.equal( html.join(''), htmlAll.join('')); jsAll = find.fileSync(/\.js$/, testdir); assertEqual(js, jsAll); }); it('`find.*` should follow file symbolic links', function(done) { var files = createFilesUnder(testdir, 2); var srcfile = files[0]; var linkfile = srcfile + '-link'; files.push(linkfile); fs.symlinkSync(srcfile, linkfile, 'file'); var allfile = find.fileSync(testdir); assertEqual(files, allfile); find.file(testdir, function(found) { assertEqual(files, found); done(); }); }); it('`find.find(Sync)` should return the symbolic links directly which does not exist', function(done) { var files = createFilesUnder(testdir, 2); var srcfile = files[0]; var linkfile = srcfile + '-link'; fs.symlinkSync(srcfile, linkfile, 'file'); fs.unlinkSync(srcfile); var expected = [files[1], linkfile]; var found = find.fileSync(testdir); assertEqual(found, expected); find.file(testdir, function(found) { assertEqual(expected, found); done(); }); }); it('`find.*` should follow direcotry symbolic links', function(done) { createFilesUnder(testdir, 2); var dir = createDirUnder(testdir)[0]; var srcdir = createDirUnder(testdir)[0]; var linkdir = srcdir + '-link'; var dirs = [dir, srcdir, linkdir]; fs.symlinkSync(srcdir, linkdir, 'dir'); var alldir = find.dirSync(testdir); assertEqual(dirs, alldir); find.dir(testdir, function(found) { assertEqual(dirs, found); done(); }); }); it('`find.dir(Sync)` should ignore circular symbolic links', function(done) { var dirs = createDirUnder(testdir, 2); var src = dirs[0]; var remaining = dirs.slice(1); var a = src + '-link-a'; var b = src + '-link-b'; var c = src + '-link-c'; fs.symlinkSync(src, a, 'dir'); fs.symlinkSync(a, b, 'dir'); fs.symlinkSync(b, c, 'dir'); fs.rmdirSync(src); fs.symlinkSync(c, src, 'dir'); var found = find.dirSync(testdir); assertEqual(remaining, found); find.dir(testdir, function(found) { assertEqual(remaining, found); done(); }) }); it('`find.*` should find for a symbolic directory', function(done) { var expect = createFilesUnder(testdir, 2); var linkdir = testdir + '-link'; fs.symlinkSync(testdir, linkdir, 'dir'); var allfiles = find.fileSync(linkdir); assertEqual( { return fs.realpathSync(n) }), { return fs.realpathSync(n) }) ); find.file(linkdir, function(found) { assertEqual( { return fs.realpathSync(n) }), { return fs.realpathSync(n) }) ); done(); }); }); it('`find.*` should follow relative symbolic links', function(done) { var count = 2; var dir = createNestedDirs(testdir)[0]; createFilesUnder(dir, count); var linkdir = dir + '-link'; // create relative symbolic link process.chdir(path.dirname(dir)); fs.symlinkSync(path.basename(dir), linkdir, 'dir'); // move to somewhere else process.chdir(__dirname); var found = find.fileSync(linkdir); assert.equal(found.length, count); find.file(testdir, function(found) { assert.equal(found.length, count); done(); }); }); it('`.error()`should catch exceptions', function(done) { var catched; try { find .file('__not_exist', function(f) { }) .error(function(err) { catched = true; }); } catch(e) { catched = false; } setTimeout(function() { assert(catched); done(); }); }); it('should throw exception at root which does not exist', function(done) { var catched = false; try { find.fileSync('__not_exist'); } catch(e) { catched = true; } setTimeout(function() { assert(catched); done(); }); }); });