224 lines
9.1 KiB

'use strict';
// Tests for multi-line comments;
const decomment = require('../lib');
const os = require('os');
const LB = os.EOL;
describe('Multi:', function () {
describe('empty comment, space=false', function () {
it('must return an empty string', function () {
describe('empty comment, space=true', function () {
it('must return spaces where needed', function () {
expect(decomment('/**/', {space: true})).toBe('');
describe('multiple empty comments, space=false', function () {
it('must return an empty string', function () {
expect(decomment('/**/' + LB + '/**/')).toBe('');
expect(decomment('/**/' + LB + '/**/' + LB)).toBe('');
describe('multiple empty comments, space=true', function () {
it('must return only line breaks', function () {
expect(decomment('/**/' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(LB);
expect(decomment('/**/' + LB + '/**/', {space: true})).toBe(LB);
expect(decomment('/**/' + LB + '/**/' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB);
describe('multiple comments, space=true', function () {
it('must return correct spaces', function () {
expect(decomment('/**/ ' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(LB);
expect(decomment('/**/ ' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(LB);
expect(decomment('/**/ /**/' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(' ' + LB);
expect(decomment('/**/a/**/b/**/c' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(' a b c' + LB);
expect(decomment('/**/ a/**/ b/**/ c ' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(' a b c ' + LB);
describe('non-empty comment', function () {
it('must return an empty string', function () {
describe('non-empty multiple comments', function () {
it('must return an empty string', function () {
expect(decomment('/* text1 */' + LB + '/*text2*/')).toBe('');
expect(decomment('/* text1 */' + LB + '/*text2*/' + LB)).toBe('');
describe('with line-break prefix', function () {
it('must return the break', function () {
expect(decomment(LB + '/**/')).toBe(LB);
describe('with line-break suffix', function () {
it('must return an empty string', function () {
expect(decomment('/**/' + LB)).toBe('');
describe('with multiple line-break suffixes', function () {
it('must return a single line break', function () {
expect(decomment('/**/' + LB + LB)).toBe(LB);
describe('with preceding text, space=false', function () {
it('must return the preceding text', function () {
expect(decomment(LB + 'Text/**/')).toBe(LB + 'Text');
expect(decomment('Text' + LB + '/**/')).toBe('Text' + LB);
expect(decomment('Text/**/' + LB + 'Here')).toBe('Text' + LB + 'Here');
describe('with preceding text, space=true', function () {
it('must return the preceding text', function () {
expect(decomment('Text/**/', {space: true})).toBe('Text');
expect(decomment(LB + 'Text/**/', {space: true})).toBe(LB + 'Text');
expect(decomment('Text' + LB + '/**/', {space: true})).toBe('Text' + LB);
expect(decomment('Text/**/' + LB + 'Here', {space: true})).toBe('Text' + LB + 'Here');
describe('with empty text prefix', function () {
var out1 = decomment('\'\'/**/');
var out2 = decomment('""/**/');
var out3 = decomment('``/**/');
it('must leave only the comment', function () {
describe('with empty text suffix', function () {
var out1 = decomment('/**/' + LB + '\'\'');
var out2 = decomment('/**/' + LB + '""');
var out3 = decomment('/**/' + LB + '``');
it('must leave only the comment', function () {
describe('comments inside text', function () {
it('must leave only the comment', function () {
describe('starting comments suffixed by text, space=false', function () {
it('must remove comment and preserve the suffix', function () {
expect(decomment('/*hello*/text' + LB + 'next')).toBe('text' + LB + 'next');
describe('starting comments suffixed by text, space=true', function () {
it('must replace comment with white spaces and preserve the suffix', function () {
expect(decomment('/*hello*/text' + LB + 'next', {space: true})).toBe(' text' + LB + 'next');
describe('starting comments suffixed by spaces', function () {
it('must remove comment and spaces', function () {
expect(decomment('/*hello*/ ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
expect(decomment(' /*hello*/ ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
expect(decomment('/*hello*/ \t ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
expect(decomment(' \t /*hello*/ \t ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
describe('spaces', function () {
describe('complex case', function () {
var out = decomment('a /* comment*/' + LB + '\tb /* comment*/' + LB + 'c/*end*/');
it('must keep spaces correctly', function () {
expect(out).toBe('a ' + LB + '\tb ' + LB + 'c');
describe('multiple line breaks that follow', function () {
it('must be removed', function () {
expect(decomment('/*text*/' + LB + LB + 'end', {trim: true})).toBe('end');
describe('with safe options', function () {
it('must become empty when safe=false', function () {
it('must keep comments when safe=true', function () {
expect(decomment('/*!*/', {safe: true})).toBe('/*!*/');
describe('combination of options', function () {
it('must process correctly', function () {
expect(decomment('/*!special*/' + LB + LB + 'code' + LB + '/*normal*/' + LB + LB + 'hello' + LB, {
trim: true,
safe: true
})).toBe('/*!special*/' + LB + LB + 'code' + LB + 'hello' + LB);
describe('inside regEx', function () {
it('must be ignored', function () {
describe('across lines, with space=false', function () {
it('must delete all lines', function () {
expect(decomment('/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/')).toBe('');
expect(decomment('/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/text')).toBe('text');
// TODO: This one seems invalid, should expect 'prefix- suffix', to avoid code fusion
expect(decomment('prefix-/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/suffix')).toBe('prefix-suffix');
describe('across lines, with space=true', function () {
it('must replace deleted lines with line break', function () {
expect(decomment('prefix/*comment*/suffix', {space: true})).toBe('prefix suffix');
expect(decomment('/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/text' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB + ' text' + LB);
expect(decomment('/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/\ttext', {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB + ' \ttext');
expect(decomment('/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/', {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB);
expect(decomment('/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/text', {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB + ' text');
expect(decomment('prefix/*start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end*/suffix', {space: true})).toBe('prefix' + LB + LB + ' suffix');
// TODO: Code needs to be amended for these tests to pass:
describe('when code is joined by comment on the same line', () => {
it('must not fuse the code', () => {
expect(decomment('var/*comment*\/name;')).toBe('var name;');
describe('when code is joined by comment across lines', () => {
it('must not fuse the code', () => {
expect(decomment('var/*multi' + LB + 'line*\/name;')).toBe('var name;');