139 lines
6.2 KiB

'use strict';
// Tests for HTML comments;
const decomment = require('../lib');
const os = require('os');
const LB = os.EOL;
describe('HTML:', function () {
describe('empty html', function () {
it('must be intact', function () {
describe('single-line comment', function () {
it('must be gone', function () {
expect(decomment('<!--text-->' + LB)).toBe('');
// note: spaces and tabs are removed from empty lines;
expect(decomment('\t \t <!--text-->' + LB)).toBe('');
describe('multi-line comment', function () {
it('must be gone', function () {
expect(decomment('<!-- some" + LB + "text" + LB + "-->')).toBe('');
describe('unclosed comment', function () {
it('must be gone', function () {
expect(decomment('<!-- text')).toBe('');
expect(decomment('<!-- text' + LB)).toBe('');
describe('with text that follows', function () {
it('only the text must be left', function () {
expect(decomment('<!-- comment -->text')).toBe('text');
expect(decomment('<!-- comment -->\ttext')).toBe('\ttext');
describe('with prefix text', function () {
it('only the text must be left', function () {
expect(decomment('<html>prefix<!-- comment -->')).toBe('<html>prefix');
expect(decomment('<html>prefix<!-- comment -->' + LB)).toBe('<html>prefix' + LB);
describe('with space=true', function () {
it('must return the preceding text', function () {
expect(decomment.html('Text<!---->', {space: true})).toBe('Text');
expect(decomment.html(LB + 'Text<!---->', {space: true})).toBe(LB + 'Text');
expect(decomment.html('Text' + LB + '<!---->', {space: true})).toBe('Text' + LB);
expect(decomment.html('Text<!---->' + LB + 'Here', {space: true})).toBe('Text' + LB + 'Here');
describe('with preceding text', function () {
it('must return the preceding text', function () {
expect(decomment.html(LB + 'Text<!---->')).toBe(LB + 'Text');
expect(decomment.html('Text' + LB + '<!---->')).toBe('Text' + LB);
expect(decomment.html('Text<!---->' + LB + 'Here')).toBe('Text' + LB + 'Here');
describe('Explicit HTML call', function () {
it('must process it as HTML always', function () {
expect(decomment.html('text<!-- comment -->')).toBe('text');
describe('starting comments suffixed by spaces', function () {
it('must remove comment and spaces', function () {
expect(decomment('<!--hello--> ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
expect(decomment(' <!--hello--> ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
expect(decomment('<!--hello--> \t ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
expect(decomment(' \t <!--hello--> \t ' + LB + 'next')).toBe('next');
describe('starting comments suffixed by text, space=false', function () {
it('must remove comment and preserve the suffix', function () {
expect(decomment('<!--hello-->text' + LB + 'next')).toBe('text' + LB + 'next');
describe('starting comments suffixed by text, space=true', function () {
it('must replace comment with white spaces and preserve the suffix', function () {
expect(decomment('<!--hello-->text' + LB + 'next', {space: true})).toBe(' text' + LB + 'next');
describe('across lines, with space=false', function () {
it('must delete all lines', function () {
expect(decomment('<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->')).toBe('');
expect(decomment('<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->text')).toBe('text');
expect(decomment.html('prefix-<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->suffix')).toBe('prefix-suffix');
describe('across lines, with space=true', function () {
it('must replace deleted lines with line break', function () {
expect(decomment.html('prefix<!--comment-->suffix', {space: true})).toBe('prefix suffix');
expect(decomment('<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->text' + LB, {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB + ' text' + LB);
expect(decomment('<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->\ttext', {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB + ' \ttext');
expect(decomment('<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->', {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB);
expect(decomment('<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->text', {space: true})).toBe(LB + LB + ' text');
expect(decomment.html('prefix<!--start' + LB + 'middle' + LB + 'end-->suffix', {space: true})).toBe('prefix' + LB + LB + ' suffix');
describe('HTML-IE', function () {
describe('Safe', function () {
it('must keep all IE comments', function () {
expect(decomment('<!--[iftext<![endif]-->', {safe: true})).toBe('<!--[iftext<![endif]-->');
expect(decomment('<!--[iftext', {safe: true})).toBe('<!--[iftext');
expect(decomment('<!--[if' + LB + 'text' + LB + '<![endif]-->', {safe: true})).toBe('<!--[if' + LB + 'text' + LB + '<![endif]-->');
describe('Not Safe', function () {
it('must delete all IE comments', function () {
expect(decomment('<!--[if IE]>text<![endif]-->')).toBe('');
expect(decomment('<!--[if IE]>text')).toBe('');
expect(decomment('<!--[if IE]>' + LB + 'text' + LB + '<![endif]-->')).toBe('');
expect(decomment.html(' prefix ' + LB + '<!--[if IE]>' + LB + 'text' + LB + '<![endif]-->' + ' suffix ')).toBe(' prefix ' + LB + ' suffix ');