348 lines
10 KiB

'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const debug = require('debug')('cabinet');
* most js resolver are lazy-loaded (only required when needed)
* e.g. dont load requirejs when we only have commonjs modules to resolve
* this makes testing your code using this lib much easier
let getModuleType;
let resolve;
let amdLookup;
const stylusLookup = require('stylus-lookup');
const sassLookup = require('sass-lookup');
let ts;
let resolveDependencyPath;
const appModulePath = require('app-module-path');
let webpackResolve;
const isRelative = require('is-relative-path');
const defaultLookups = {
'.js': jsLookup,
'.jsx': jsLookup,
'.ts': tsLookup,
'.tsx': tsLookup,
'.scss': sassLookup,
'.sass': sassLookup,
'.styl': stylusLookup,
// Less and Sass imports are very similar
'.less': sassLookup
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.partial The dependency being looked up
* @param {String} options.filename The file that contains the dependency being looked up
* @param {String|Object} [options.config] Path to a requirejs config
* @param {String} [options.configPath] For AMD resolution, if the config is an object, this represents the location of the config file.
* @param {Object} [options.nodeModulesConfig] Config for overriding the entry point defined in a package json file
* @param {String} [options.nodeModulesConfig.entry] The new value for "main" in package json
* @param {String} [options.webpackConfig] Path to the webpack config
* @param {Object} [options.ast] A preparsed AST for the file identified by filename.
* @param {Object} [options.tsConfig] Path to a typescript config file
* @param {boolean} [options.noTypeDefinitions] Whether to return '.d.ts' files or '.js' files for a dependency
module.exports = function cabinet(options) {
const {
} = options;
debug('Given filename: ' + filename);
const ext = path.extname(filename);
debug('which has the extension: ' + ext);
let resolver = defaultLookups[ext];
if (!resolver) {
debug('using generic resolver');
if (!resolveDependencyPath) {
resolveDependencyPath = require('resolve-dependency-path');
resolver = resolveDependencyPath;
debug(`found a resolver for ${ext}`);
options.dependency = partial;
const result = resolver(options);
debug(`resolved path for ${partial}: ${result}`);
return result;
module.exports.supportedFileExtensions = Object.keys(defaultLookups);
* Register a custom lookup resolver for a file extension
* @param {String} extension - The file extension that should use the resolver
* @param {Function} lookupStrategy - A resolver of partial paths
module.exports.register = function(extension, lookupStrategy) {
defaultLookups[extension] = lookupStrategy;
if (!this.supportedFileExtensions.includes(extension)) {
* Exposed for testing
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.config
* @param {String} options.webpackConfig
* @param {String} options.filename
* @param {Object} options.ast
* @return {String}
module.exports._getJSType = function(options = {}) {
if (!getModuleType) {
getModuleType = require('module-definition');
if (options.config) {
return 'amd';
if (options.webpackConfig) {
return 'webpack';
if (options.ast) {
debug('reusing the given ast');
return getModuleType.fromSource(options.ast);
debug('using the filename to find the module type');
return getModuleType.sync(options.filename);
* @private
* @param {Object} options
* @param {String} options.dependency
* @param {String} options.filename
* @param {String}
* @param {String} [options.config]
* @param {String} [options.webpackConfig]
* @param {String} [options.configPath]
* @param {Object} [options.nodeModulesConfig]
* @param {Object} [options.ast]
* @return {String}
function jsLookup({dependency, filename, directory, config, webpackConfig, configPath, nodeModulesConfig, ast}) {
const type = module.exports._getJSType({
config: config,
webpackConfig: webpackConfig,
filename: filename,
ast: ast
switch (type) {
case 'amd':
debug('using amd resolver');
if (!amdLookup) {
amdLookup = require('module-lookup-amd');
return amdLookup({
config: config,
// Optional in case a pre-parsed config is being passed in
configPath: configPath,
partial: dependency,
directory: directory,
filename: filename
case 'commonjs':
debug('using commonjs resolver');
return commonJSLookup({dependency, filename, directory, nodeModulesConfig});
case 'webpack':
debug('using webpack resolver for es6');
return resolveWebpackPath({dependency, filename, directory, webpackConfig});
case 'es6':
debug('using commonjs resolver for es6');
return commonJSLookup({dependency, filename, directory, nodeModulesConfig});
function tsLookup({dependency, filename, tsConfig, noTypeDefinitions}) {
debug('performing a typescript lookup');
let compilerOptions = {};
if (!ts) {
ts = require('typescript');
debug('given typescript config: ', tsConfig);
if (!tsConfig) {
debug('no tsconfig given, defaulting');
} else if (typeof tsConfig === 'string') {
debug('string tsconfig given, parsing');
try {
const tsParsedConfig = ts.readJsonConfigFile(tsConfig, ts.sys.readFile);
compilerOptions = ts.parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(tsParsedConfig, ts.sys, path.dirname(tsConfig)).options;
debug('successfully parsed tsconfig');
} catch (e) {
debug('could not parse tsconfig');
throw new Error('could not read tsconfig');
} else {
compilerOptions = ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(tsConfig.compilerOptions).options;
debug('processed typescript config: ', tsConfig);
debug('processed typescript config type: ', typeof tsConfig);
// Preserve for backcompat. Consider removing this as a breaking change.
if (!compilerOptions.module) {
compilerOptions.module = ts.ModuleKind.AMD;
const host = ts.createCompilerHost({});
debug('with options: ', compilerOptions);
const namedModule = ts.resolveModuleName(dependency, filename, compilerOptions, host);
let result = '';
if (namedModule.resolvedModule) {
result = namedModule.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName;
if (namedModule.resolvedModule.extension === '.d.ts' && noTypeDefinitions) {
result = ts.resolveJSModule(dependency, path.dirname(filename), host) || result;
} else {
const suffix = '.d.ts';
const lookUpLocations = namedModule.failedLookupLocations
.filter((string) => string.endsWith(suffix))
.map((string) => string.substr(0, string.length - suffix.length));
result = lookUpLocations.find(ts.sys.fileExists) || '';
debug('result: ' + result);
return result ? path.resolve(result) : '';
function commonJSLookup({dependency, filename, directory, nodeModulesConfig}) {
if (!resolve) {
resolve = require('resolve');
if (!dependency) {
debug('blank dependency given. Returning early.');
return '';
// Need to resolve partials within the directory of the module, not filing-cabinet
const moduleLookupDir = path.join(directory, 'node_modules');
debug('adding ' + moduleLookupDir + ' to the require resolution paths');
// Make sure the partial is being resolved to the filename's context
// 3rd party modules will not be relative
if (dependency[0] === '.') {
dependency = path.resolve(path.dirname(filename), dependency);
let result = '';
// Allows us to configure what is used as the "main" entry point
function packageFilter(packageJson) {
packageJson.main = packageJson[nodeModulesConfig.entry] ? packageJson[nodeModulesConfig.entry] : packageJson.main;
return packageJson;
try {
result = resolve.sync(dependency, {
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx'],
basedir: directory,
packageFilter: nodeModulesConfig && nodeModulesConfig.entry ? packageFilter : undefined,
// Add fileDir to resolve index.js files in that dir
moduleDirectory: ['node_modules', directory]
debug('resolved path: ' + result);
} catch (e) {
debug('could not resolve ' + dependency);
return result;
function resolveWebpackPath({dependency, filename, directory, webpackConfig}) {
if (!webpackResolve) {
webpackResolve = require('enhanced-resolve');
webpackConfig = path.resolve(webpackConfig);
let loadedConfig;
try {
loadedConfig = require(webpackConfig);
if (typeof loadedConfig === 'function') {
loadedConfig = loadedConfig();
} catch (e) {
debug('error loading the webpack config at ' + webpackConfig);
return '';
const resolveConfig = Object.assign({}, loadedConfig.resolve);
if (!resolveConfig.modules && (resolveConfig.root || resolveConfig.modulesDirectories)) {
resolveConfig.modules = [];
if (resolveConfig.root) {
resolveConfig.modules = resolveConfig.modules.concat(resolveConfig.root);
if (resolveConfig.modulesDirectories) {
resolveConfig.modules = resolveConfig.modules.concat(resolveConfig.modulesDirectories);
try {
const resolver = webpackResolve.create.sync(resolveConfig);
// We don't care about what the loader resolves the dependency to
// we only wnat the path of the resolved file
dependency = stripLoader(dependency);
const lookupPath = isRelative(dependency) ? path.dirname(filename) : directory;
return resolver(lookupPath, dependency);
} catch (e) {
debug('error when resolving ' + dependency);
return '';
function stripLoader(dependency) {
const exclamationLocation = dependency.indexOf('!');
if (exclamationLocation === -1) { return dependency; }
return dependency.slice(exclamationLocation + 1);