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2023-10-06 12:05:58 +00:00
# Meredith Monk : Room for Watching and Listening
2024-03-25 20:12:16 +00:00
Interface for Meredith Monk show at Oude Kerk in Amsterdam. Built on with [Lit]( webcomponents, running/built with [Vite](
## Running
To run locally you first need to install all dependencies :
$ npm i
You will need to place the video, audio and image files organised in `./public/media/` and some background images in `./public/images/`. See below for break down of hierarchy, and steps to rebuild the structure.
Then you should be able to run :
$ npm run dev
## Building
To run this on a simple web server you need to build the site first.
$ npm run build
All static files will be available in the `./dist` folder.
## Media files
All media files need to be added into the `./media` folder in the heirarchy that is found on the NAS that is installed in the exhibition. The current organisation can be found in the [Media Organisation](./ file.
### CLI Tool
If for whatever reason the files get out of order, things don't work in the interface, or new material needs to be added, there is a command line tool in the `./scripts` folder that can parse the media, and generate `.json` files that should be stored in the `./public/data/` folder. There is a basic help, if your run from the project directory :
$ node ./scripts/files2json.js -h
Which will print out the following :
Files to Json converter
Commands :
-h : This message
-dir : The input directory to scan
-o : The output directory of the json file. If not set will default to current working directory
-u : [NOT IMPLEMENTED] List of comma separated feilds to update. Will only overwrite that which is set
-r : Recurse the directory (once) for sub-fields. Albums and image categories for example.
Other flags
--images-only : For a folder with only images, rather than media files with associated thumbs.
--dry-run : Output to the console
--formatted : Directory or file name, will format on the the undersore : "title_details".
This takes the arguments, parent, recurse or both. Defaults to both.
--gen-waveform : [may break if recursing] If going through audio files can generate waveform images for the file.
--order : Take number & number + "." as order of array
> **NOTE :** This tool was never designed to be used by anyone else so it is a very shaky system, prone to errors. Hopefully you'll never have to use it, but it is there if you do.