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Meredith Monk : Room for Watching and Listening

Interface for Meredith Monk show at Oude Kerk in Amsterdam. Built on with Lit webcomponents, running/built with Vite.


To run locally you first need to install all dependencies :

$ npm i

You will need to place the video, audio and image files organised in ./public/media/ and some background images in ./public/images/. See below for break down of hierarchy, and steps to rebuild the structure.

Then you should be able to run :

$ npm run dev


To run this on a simple web server you need to build the site first.

$ npm run build

All static files will be available in the ./dist folder.

Media files

All media files need to be added into the ./media folder in the heirarchy that is found on the NAS that is installed in the exhibition. The current organisation can be found in the Media Organisation file.

CLI Tool

If for whatever reason the files get out of order, things don't work in the interface, or new material needs to be added, there is a command line tool in the ./scripts folder that can parse the media, and generate .json files that should be stored in the ./public/data/ folder. There is a basic help, if your run from the project directory :

$ node ./scripts/files2json.js -h

Which will print out the following :

Files to Json converter

Commands :
  -h   : This message
  -dir : The input directory to scan
  -o   : The output directory of the json file. If not set will default to current working directory
  -u   : [NOT IMPLEMENTED]  List of comma separated feilds to update. Will only overwrite that which is set
  -r   : Recurse the directory (once) for sub-fields. Albums and image categories for example.

Other flags
  --images-only  : For a folder with only images, rather than media files with associated thumbs.
  --dry-run      : Output to the console
  --formatted    : Directory or file name, will format on the the undersore : "title_details".
                   This takes the arguments, parent, recurse or both. Defaults to both.
  --gen-waveform : [may break if recursing] If going through audio files can generate waveform images for the file.
  --order        : Take number & number + "." as order of array

NOTE : This tool was never designed to be used by anyone else so it is a very shaky system, prone to errors. Hopefully you'll never have to use it, but it is there if you do.