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# Pushing a New Version
Nunjucks attempts to adhere to semantic versioning. The API is very stable, so
from here on out it will most likely be point releases.
1. Do a `pull` from github to make sure you have all the latest updates.
2. View all the changes since the last version:
$ git log --oneline v1.2.3..master
Replace `v1.2.3` with whatever the last version was, and you'll see all the
changes going out in this version. Ensure that all significant user-facing
changes (new features and bugfixes) are mentioned in ``. Change the
"master (unreleased)" heading in `` to the new version number and
3. Update the version in `package.json`.
3. Run the command to update the ready-made files for the browser.
$ npm run browserfiles
5. Commit above changes and push to `master` (or a release branch, if using one).
6. Draft a new release on GitHub and copy the changelog to the description. The
tag and title should both be the version, in the form `v2.3.0`. Publish the
7. Publish to npm:
npm publish
8. Make sure docs are up-to-date. You need to copy all the `nunjucks*.js` files
in `browser/` to the docs. This is where the "download" link points to in
the docs. You also need to copy the tests into the docs, for the online
browser tests. ``make prod`` in the ``docs/`` dir will handle these tasks
for you. Push (force push if necessary) the build out _site folder onto the
`gh-pages` branch of the `nunjucks` repo to get it live. One way to do that
is the following commands. These commands presume that you have another
nunjucks git clone inside the (git-ignored) `docs/_site` directory, checked
out to the `gh-pages` branch (and tracking `origin/gh-pages`). (To set that
up the first time, `cd docs/_site`, `rm -rf *`, `git clone .`, and `git checkout gh-pages`).
cd docs && make prod
cd files
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
# load http://localhost:8000/tests/browser/ and verify tests pass in browser
cd ../_site && git add -A && git commit && git push
9. Add a new "master (unreleased)" section at the top of ``.
10. Bump the version number in `package.json` to a development pre-release of
the next anticipated release number (e.g. "2.2.0-dev.1").